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Kalinga University

B. Des UX 3rd Sem (22-26)

Assignments for Class Test 2 and End Term Jury


To design a service blueprint for any of the following-

1. XYZ company provides adventure & wildlife travel services with the help of
influencers/experts. The brand represents everything social and outdoor and helps
build an amateur traveller community who would like to travel around with experts.
2. ABC is a residenTal area comprising of 30% senior ciTzen populaTon. During Covid
situaTon, they are facing issues of purchasing necessiTes from the marketplace since
there is a fear of being affected. Also, they are not well equipped and experienced
about using smartphones.
3. Local taxi & auto drivers in DEF railway staTon are not ge\ng enough passengers due
to other mobility service companies (e.g. Uber). Passengers are pre-booking cabs
from the railway staTon and thus the local community is being affected.
4. JKL is an old-age community residing near an educaTonal hub. The community has
very poor living condiTons, no beds or blankets and are not able to collect funds as
well. A few college students decided to help the old-age community to improve their
5. An area (service) where you have found gaps in the system or you want to improve
their service delivery can also be considered.

Process to be followed-
1. Understand the hypotheTcal scenario and components in it.
2. Point out the stakeholders (people and partners) and define their roles.
3. Ideate how the problem can be solved by the use of different user research tools of
service design.
4. Map it down in form of a user flow chart.
5. Develop a service blueprint.


Select a problem area and collect insights from your primary and secondary research.
Steps to be followed:

• Problem statement
• Define stakeholders
• Prepare QuesTonnaires
• Do the Interview/Survey
• Show Research Insights (Data Study)
• Categorize the data (SegmentaTon)
• Create Profiles, Empathy Maps, Persona

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