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AUS Navigation Pro - Mobile Application

American University of Sharjah

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mindset - IEN 301

Prof. Adil Tamimi

Project #2

Submission: April 17, 2022

Concept and Vision
Vision: “Help students find and reach their destination more efficiently”

There are many instances where students find it difficult in certain rooms or buildings in
which a service is being offered or work needs to be done. The objective behind designing a
navigation application for AUS is to make it easier to reach any destination in AUS. The app
would be the first of its kind here on AUS. Although the methods provided by the university, like
a map showing buildings labels and orientations may not be optimally useful for students to
navigate around campus. AUS Navigation Pro is intended to provide much more information on
different rooms inside the campus. AUS Navigation Pro provides features for online forums in
which students can discuss certain events and maybe decide on locations for new coming events
based on what is available, a health tracking service which encourages students to live a healthier
lifestyle. Office hours scheduled for professors. These services would make it easier for students
to note down events, track their health, and set up a meeting with professors.

Team ACES has knowledge of the market since its members are students of AUS. This
will allow the team to empathize more with the other students and understand what features will
be of more benefit to them. Moreover, the team has experience with navigation programs and Z
logarithms by constantly using them and studying the concepts of designing such applications as
part of the study program for team members that are pursuing a degree in computer science.

Market Analysis
The industry targeted is navigation mobile applications. Sector: Mobile applications. The
market is attractive because it has growing potential and hot trends all around the world since
satellite navigation has revolutionized. The segment pursued is specifically targeted for students
at the American University of Sharjah. However, if the application is well accepted and shows
potential for launch in other educational institutions as well. The entrepreneurial team shall
review finances and other special factors to offer the product to other educational institutions as
well. On a broad scale, this application has designed for students who study in educational
institutions and have access to a mobile device. According to Business Fortune Insights, the
Global Navigation Satellite System is expected to grow from $160 billion to $ 320 billion USD
between 2020-28. This means that there is high scope for growth, indicating high technological
growth prospects in the near years for the concerned satellite systems which will require
intermediaries who are able to help the industry succeed in terms of finances to the final
consumer as well. Our navigation application aims to do so.

- Total Available Market (TAM): The mobile navigation industry would involve people
of all countries. This is a market which has already been penetrated by Google Maps.
However, it is important to note that even after advanced satellite technology the
application does not help users to navigate their path indoors.
- Service Available Market (SAM): This application, if perfectly optimized in terms of
technology and all bugs fixed, can function in malls, offices, universities and any other
indoor areas which may be complex enough and visitors may need navigation assistance.

- Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM): Obviously, the targeted market presently is
AUS. The objective is to cater to all students of AUS currently, however with further
development even professors and other personnel can use the application.
- Penetrated market (PM): Since the application has not been launched yet and is not
live, there is no penetrated market for the product offering at the moment.

Marketing Mix: See Appendix

Customer and Customer Development

Q1) What does the customer need?
Primary: AUS students need an application or system that provides information and features that
help to eliminate campus navigation problems.
Secondary: University students need a navigation system for traveling around campus.

Q2) Why does the customer need it?

Primary: They need it to better find facilities on campus. Moreover, this application can help
students properly allocate their time when moving around campus.
Secondary: A navigation system allows students and staff to explore unfamiliar areas on campus
while providing additional knowledge of already known locations.

Q3) What is the customer using today?

Primary: Instructions from friends and security staff. Secondary: Google maps or word of mouth.

Q4) What is the customer willing to pay for your solution? Why?

Primary: 50 AED added to the activity fee.

Q5) How will you reach this customer?

Primarily through social media because it is most used by our targeted demographic.
Additionally, we will implement a website to manage all inquiries, feedback, and reviews.

Customer Persona (Complied) : See Appendix

Competition and Positioning

- Currently no existing app serves the specific need of students to navigate AUS campus
accurately with room location precision and visuals. In the future there is a possibility of “google
maps” to implement an in-door view of the various AUS buildings but the chance of this
happening is very slim since in-door implementation of maps is most certainly always done in a
separate app or by a separate service provider that specializes in integrating in-door view of
specific locations depending on the client’s order.

- Disadvantage wise, If a third party company or an external business tries to mimic the
navigation app they will struggle with gaining the necessary data they need and the approvals of

the administration of AUS unlike us students gaining this type of access and data can be
considered miles easier and the legal obstacles that we have to go through can be mitigated by
having inside connections within the university.

- The advantage for the competitors would be the experience in making real world functional
apps and the dedicated experts and staff that will be able to do a far more professional job
compared to students, in other terms their extensive resources and skill set will give them an
undeniable edge in the application of the idea.

- Barriers of entry for us would be the technical experience of making apps and the limited
resources allocated for marketing and advertising the app. For the competitors the entry barrier
would be mostly information and data gathering in addition to the legal bumps they would have
to get through since they do not possess the same level of university support as us. Since it’s a
local idea and one that is made for the students by the students, the support of local allies and the
community in general would be the biggest strength if other competitors try to compete and
make a different version of the app. The AUS community can provide help in aspects of
marketing and advertising, and customer loyalty will play a huge role as well.

● Ease in accessing information and the support from the AUS community in contrast to
the competitors.
● Lack of resources and the technical experience in making real-life applications can give
the competitors an edge.
● The elevated risk of investment on the competitors' side.
● A local idea for the students by the students.

Business Model and Lean Startup Philosophy

➢ Now that you have discovered an opportunity and talked to potential customers,
how will you turn it into a business?

○ The primary motive to turn it into a business venture is to build an ecosystem
where community members who are our direct consumers can be provided with a
much more reliable method of navigating at AUS.
○ Our opportunity lies within the reach that we can get in the expanding and diverse
community that joins the university at the start of every academic year.
○ We aim to target and pinpoint potential customers that are new to the campus and
stick to ensuring that they are easily able to locate classrooms and locations of
high importance to them.
○ We will be utilizing our product which is a high-level designed application that is
suitable for newcomers on campus to easily access different locations, with
detailed navigation service brought directly to your smartphone allowing an
enhanced and smooth user experience.

➢ How will you make money and when do you expect your venture to be profitable?
○ The primary way that we plan to make money is by using our standardized pricing
models for a sustainable revenue creation for our venture:
■ Standardized Subscription Model Service:
● Includes a free trial for the FIRST 3 DAYS
● Once free trial is over, automatic transaction is charged on AUS
Banner which is reflected on the statement of Fees.
● Will be shown as a standard Activity/Utility Fee of 50AED per
each student each semester.
○ Suppose there are 1.500 students currently enrolled at AUS. As per calculations
the net revenue generated would be 75,000 AED for the current semester.
■ Calculated on a yearly basis we would generate 150,000 AED in revenue
before any expenses and tax deductions.
■ Would be utilized in conducting day-to-day business operations and
investment into new opportunities for our venture to grow and expand
○ We expect to be profitable within the next year of implementation. As per AUS’s
recent trend of enrollment would eventually increase overtime as it is a high
ranked UNDER 50 university, and enrollment has seen valuable growth.
■ This will directly impact and result in increased revenue stream and net to
higher margins allowing us to become more profitable in the near future.

➢ What is the major risk to address right away (e.g., market or technical)?
○ The major risk that needs to be addressed is to elaborate and ensure the technical
aspect of the application is up to date and factually correct. Our main edge is
derived from navigating on the inside, and hence it is critical to ensure our
product is fully flourished in its technical aspect.

Business Model Canvas: See Appendix

Learning and Adaptation

The problem was highlighted when peer students were returning back to AUS after being
online for almost 2 years. Students were getting late to classes and other activities they might
intend to go to. We, the members of team ACES included, felt this issue on a large scale.
Therefore, we ideated the concepts and devised necessary plans of action to bring this
application to the ideation stage. Although, from the first draft of the project till the final one we
noticed that it was impossible for us to formulate the application alone. There are huge
technological resources other than the idea that need to be recruited in order to achieve the
desired product. Lastly, yes, the product is believed to be successful overall. Digitizing
navigation should be implemented around all malls for tourists, or new students in a university,
and much more for any indoor space.


Business Model Canvas

Customer Persona

Marketing Mix

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