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Lewis Powell

$25,000 Reward

Lewis Powell is wanted as a conspirator in the assassination of the president Abraham Lincoln
and for a violent knife attack against Secretary of State William H. Seward. He is said to have had brutally
attacked the Secretary of State. He also attacked Sergeant George F. Robinson, Fanny Seward, Fredrick
Seward and the Secretary of State’s servant, William Bell. He was carrying a revolver and a knife during
the attack. When the revolver broke, he proceeded to stab the Secretary of State with the knife in the
throat. After the Secretary of State had been stabbed, he was proclaimed dead. He is wanted with his
conspirators John Wilkes Booth, George Atzerodt, David Herold, and Johnny Surratt. He was last seen
exiting the Seward household. He is on the run and is considered armed and dangerous.
Lewis Powell stands six feet one and a half inches tall with glossy black hair and blue eyes. He
was wounded in the battle of Gettysburg by being shot in the wrist. He was also kicked by some kind of
mule when he was young, so the left side of his jaw is more prominent than the right. He weighty is
unknown. If you see this person do not engage. Notify police forces immediately.


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