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54 Knowl. Org. 45(2018)No.

Reviews of Concepts in Knowledge Organization

Reviews of Concepts in Knowledge Organization

Series Editor: Birger Hjørland

Knowledge Organization System (KOS):

An Introductory Critical Account†
Fulvio Mazzocchi
CNR—Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage,
Via Salaria km 29,300, I-00015 Monterotondo (RM), Italy,

Fulvio Mazzocchi, biologist and philosopher, is a researcher at the CNR—Institute for the Conservation and
Valorization of Cultural Heritage (Italy). His research activity is focused on epistemology (e.g., realism vs. con-
structivism; epistemology of complexity), philosophical issues of scientific research (e.g., the reductionism-
holism debate in biology; climate model validation and robustness), and knowledge organization. He has par-
ticipated in many projects concerning the development of thesauri, such as the General European Multilingual
Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) of the European Environmental Agency.

Mazzocchi, Fulvio. 2018. “Knowledge Organization System (KOS): An Introductory Critical Account.” Knowl-
edge Organization 45(1): 54-78. 113 references. DOI:10.5771/0943-7444-2018-1-54.

Abstract: This contribution discusses the notion of knowledge organization system (KOS), introducing both
its broad and narrow meanings. It focuses more in-depth on KOSs as semantic tools, by critically analyzing a
number of KOS typologies that have been proposed so far. Theoretical and practical issues are investigated too, focusing on the impor-
tance of epistemology and theory of concepts for KOS development. Besides, some remarks are made on how new trends in information
organization (e.g., towards an increase of formalization and the employment of data-driven means) could affect the design of future
KOSs, pondering whether “interpretation” and context-based evaluations still have a role to play in such an undertaking. A theoretical
coda is finally provided, which scrutinizes the notion of “classificatory perspectivism,” and whether pluralism in KO research could take a
(pragmatically based) integrative fashion.

Received: 24 July 2017; Accepted: 27 July 2017

Keywords: knowledge, knowledge organization, KOS, KOSs, classification, concepts, information,

† The author would like to thank the editor-in-chief, Birger Hjørland, and the two anonymous reviewers for the very helpful suggestions
and support, as well as Claudio Gnoli for the careful final editing.

1.0 Introduction have in common is that they have been designed to sup-
port the organization of knowledge and information in
Knowledge organization system (KOS)1 is a generic term order to make management and retrieval easier. In order to
used for referring to a wide range of items (e.g., subject make it accessible and usable (by human or technological
headings, thesauri, classification schemes and ontologies), agents), knowledge, in fact, has to be organized in some
which have been conceived with respect to different pur- way (Soergel 2009a), something that, given the amount of
poses, in distinct historical moments. They are character- scientific and cultural production, has become increasingly
ized by different specific structures and functions, varied important throughout the years.
ways of relating to technology, and used in a plurality of The study and practice of how to organize knowledge
contexts by diverse communities. However, what they all contributed to the rise of “knowledge organization” (KO)
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( as a information and making their management and retrieval

distinct (academic and research) field, today mostly consid- easier. This corresponds to the narrower meaning, which
ered as a subarea of (or as linked to) library and informa- is also the standard interpretation in a LIS environment.
tion science (LIS). Important contributions for the devel- Since they are basically made of terms/concepts and,
opment of such a field come, at the beginning of the many of them, semantic relations, KOSs are also de-
twentieth century, from Cutter (1837–1903), Richardson picted as semantic tools (e.g., Hjørland 2007). This ac-
(1860–1939), Sayers (1881–1960) and, of course, Bliss count of KOS will be discussed in section 4.
(1870–1955), who used the term KO in two seminal
books, The Organization of Knowledge and the System of the Sci- 3.0 The Broad Meaning of KOS: An Introductory
ences (1929), and The Organization of Knowledge in Libraries and Analysis
the Subject-Approach to Books (1933).
The notion of “knowledge organization” was reprised According to the broad reading, the notion of KOS refers,
by Dahlberg in the 1970s: the German term Wissensord- for instance, to encyclopedias, libraries, bibliographic data-
nung (knowledge ordering) was employed for referring to bases, and, even in a more general sense, to conceptual sys-
the conceptual and systematic organization of human tems, theories, disciplines, cultures, as well as to the social
knowledge (Dahlberg 1974). In English this term was division of labor in society and models of activity and
then translated into “knowledge organization,” which has process systems in different domains. In Hjørland’s view
been adopted internationally. (2016c), it is important to explore the relationship between
In the view of many KO scholars, such as Broughton et the two senses of KOS, because the development of
al. (2005) and Hjørland (2008), there are two main items KOSs as tools depends on KOSs as established bodies of
that characterize KO: 1) knowledge organization processes knowledge (i.e., disciplinary knowledge).
(KOPs), such as abstracting, indexing, cataloging, subject Hjørland’s argument should be understood as part of
analysis, classifying; and, 2) knowledge organization sys- his more general conception of KO with respect to which
tems (KOSs), i.e., tools designed for the general purposes he also distinguishes two corresponding meanings:
described above, which will be analyzed here.
An important issue to be underscored is that, while In the narrow meaning Knowledge Organization
their basic scope has remained unvaried over time, the (KO) is about activities such as document descrip-
environment in which KOSs have to operate has instead tion, indexing and classification performed in li-
drastically changed, and it will continue to change: from braries, bibliographical databases, archives and
the world of physical libraries, for whose purpose grand other kinds of “memory institutions” by librarians,
classification schemes were created, to databases, the digi- archivists, information specialists, subject special-
tal environment, and the internet. Such a circumstance ists, as well as by computer algorithms and laymen
has solicited a reassessment of KOSs as tools: are they … Library and Information Science (LIS) is the
able to address new information needs? And, is a recon- central discipline of KO in this narrow sense.
sideration of the theoretical and methodological bases on
which they are developed necessary? In the broader meaning KO is about the social divi-
sion of mental labor, i.e. the organization of univer-
2.0 What is Meant by KOS? sities and other institutions for research and higher
education, the structure of disciplines and profes-
According to Hjørland (2008), two different aspects, or sions, the social organization of media, the produc-
meanings, of KOS (as well as of KO) should be distin- tion and dissemination of “knowledge” etc. … We
guished: a broad one and a narrower one. The broader may distinguish between the social organization of
understanding, which is discussed in section 3, considers knowledge on one hand, and on the other hand the
that organization pervades all spheres of society and all intellectual or cognitive organization of knowledge.
cultures (Hjørland 2008, 2016c), and that there is a strict, The broad sense is thus both about how knowledge
unavoidable relationship between knowledge in all its is socially organized and how reality is organized.
forms (including the operational one) and organization, The uncovering of structures of reality is done by
and between both of them and the life of a society. Any the single sciences, e.g. chemistry, biology, geography
type of knowledge, culture, or their representations, and linguistics. Well known examples are the periodic
should follow some principles of order and so has to do system in chemistry and biological taxonomy
any society in order to exist.
However, the term KOS is mostly used to refer to While Library and Information Science (LIS) is the cen-
functional items designed for organizing knowledge and tral discipline concerned with KO in the narrow
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sense of the word, other disciplines such as the so- gard to scientific knowledge, Kuhn (1962) described this
ciology of knowledge, the single sciences and process as a succession of periods of paradigmatic (or
metaphysics are central disciplines concerned with normal) science and periods of revolutions. In his later
KO in the broader sense of the word (Hjørland production, with the theory of kinds and the notion of
2008, 86–7). lexical taxonomy, Kuhn (2000) draws the picture of sci-
entific revolutions in terms of taxonomic changes. Kind
In his account of the broad meaning of KO, Hjørland terms are, in fact, defined within an integrated conceptual
(2016c) follows Whitley’s (1984) distinction between structure, where many concepts are semantically inter-
1)how knowledge is organized in society (for example, in connected. Owing to these interconnections, a lexical
academic disciplines and in the social division of labor); taxonomy is formed. When a scientific revolution occurs
and, 2)how conceptual knowledge is organized in princi- a new lexical taxonomy is generated, due to meaning
ples or theories (including, for example, philosophical changes of kind terms and the fact that some of them
theories and scientific taxonomies), recognizing, however, correspond to new referents (which overlap with those
that there are reciprocal interactions between these two denoted by the old kind terms). Hence, two rival scien-
aspects. tific paradigms are associated with different lexical tax-
An inquiry about the social aspect, which is covered by onomies and, as a matter of fact, they classify the world
disciplines such as sociology of knowledge and social his- in different ways.2
tory of knowledge, has been carried, for example, by Ed- In order to make sense in the field of LIS, the distinc-
gar Morin, the promulgator of complex thinking, who tion between the broad and narrow meanings of KO, as
calls for a substantial reformation of the principles for well as their interrelationships, should be clearly eluci-
organizing knowledge. His paradigm of complexity chal- dated. For example, it should be considered that both the
lenges the fragmentary and reductionist stance that do- process of building a conceptualization and a KOS in-
minates, for example, science. One of the key notions of volves considering how single terms/concepts enter in
this paradigm is unitas multiplex, i.e., the possibility to pre- relationship with others, and how they are arranged to
serve a distinction among what is connected and to con- form a structure. Besides, both the social and the intellec-
nect without reduction (Morin 1990). tual dynamics described above are, directly or indirectly,
Applying this idea to the organization of knowledge relevant for KOS (in the narrow sense) development. For
(both in the social and intellectual sense) means to recog- example, for treating topics such as the value of interdis-
nize that if any (e.g., scientific) discipline or field is seen ciplinary approaches (see, e.g., Szostak et al. 2016), the
as a “closed system,” this leads to the fragmentation of historical dimension of knowledge and science with re-
knowledge. The development of knowledge should, in- spect to the design of conceptual structures in KOSs (i.e.,
stead, aim at both preserving diversity—each discipline or the latter cannot be developed without considering the
field has its own specific features—and ensuring the inte- former), the persistence over time (since Aristotle) of ba-
gration of the different parts into one common frame- sic logical and classificatory principles with respect to the
work. development of modern classificatory thinking, and then
In his works, Morin (1986) also deals with the intellec- bibliographic classification systems too.
tual organization of knowledge.
He explains how any system of ideas, e.g., a theory, is 3.1 What notion of knowledge should be considered?
made of a constellation of concepts arranged in some
cohesive way, according to some (e.g., logical) principles Another related issue is the distinction between knowl-
and rules of organization. It is also made of parts with edge as a process (how we know) and knowledge as the
different “stability,” where a restricted set of foundational results (i.e., organized products) of the process of know-
assumptions and guiding ideas works as a hardcore, de- ing. Whereas it is true that in speaking of knowledge or-
termining the criteria by which everything else is evalu- ganization items we refer mainly to the latter, the former
ated or justified but not being itself founded or subject to also matters. We refer to the idea of knowledge, but what
any evaluation or justification. At the same time, each is knowledge? This basic epistemological question is far
theory or belief system functions as a situated “horizon,” from being trivial, because depending on the way it is an-
something that makes a selection, being capable of shed- swered (something which in turn depends on our phi-
ding light on given aspects of reality, with the exclusion losophical belief) our approach to KO is different.
of something else. Believing in the possibility of an objective knowledge,
There is, of course, a historical development of as in classical realism views, or regarding knowledge as
knowledge, which brings about a process of continuous limited (because limited are the human cognitive and per-
organization and re-organization of knowledge. With re- ceptive means and so are also the technological means
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used to improve them) and situated (because culturally tool) “imposes a particular view of the world on a collec-
biased and depending on theoretically and methodologi- tion and the items in it.” If such a presumption of the
cal viewpoints) makes a difference. cultural specificity of “classification” is correct, an im-
The different epistemological preferences influence portant question that arises is how the practices and sys-
how the bibliographic world is conceived and KOSs are tems developed in a particular cultural setting might ever
designed. Therefore it is very important to investigate be compatible with the needs and beliefs of another cul-
them, how they are linked to theories of concepts, and ture (or also of with the marginalized items of its own
how they might lead to assume divergent positions (e.g. culture) (Olson 1999).3
universalism vs. contextualism) with respect to KO. The arguments above make it clear that there are mul-
tiple dimensions—e.g., a plurality of levels of analysis,
3.2 KOSs, mental patterns, and cultural theoretical approaches, cultural perspectives, and applica-
distinctiveness tive contexts—involved in the organization of knowledge
and then in the development of KOSs as well, which
A further aspect of KOSs, which is rarely highlighted, is have to be taken into consideration for gaining a wider
how they relate to the basic human mental patterns, outlook on the matter.
which make use of categorizing and classifying processes
in order to cope with the ever-changing multiplicity of 4.0 KOSs as Semantic Tools and Their Typologies:
the world. Think about how memory works, involving An Overview
processes of storage and retrieval. It does not passively
collect bits of information, but employs mechanisms of In this section, KOSs as semantic tools are further ex-
selection and organization for archiving (Cardona 1985). plored, together with lists and typologies that have been
As also indicated by pioneer research in semantic net- advanced to make an inventory of and classify them.
works (Quillian 1968), our “semantic” memory operates As reported by Hodge (2000), the term “knowledge or-
through many different types of associative links. There ganization system” as intended today was coined at the
is certainly some connection between human mental (hi- first Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Work-
erarchical and horizontal) pathways and the relations (hi- ing Group (NKOS WG), which took place at the ACM
erarchical, such as the genus-species relation, and trans- Digital Libraries ‘98 Conference in Pittsburgh. W3C SKOS
versal, such as the cause-effect relation) included in (Simple Knowledge Organization System) started to use
KOSs. this term seemingly from the beginning of SKOS specifi-
On the other hand, it should also be considered that cation in 2008 W3C Working Draft (Miles and
the way mental patterns are “coded” and transformed in Bechhoferm 2008), although at that time only a limited
meaningful ways of classifying and establishing relations number of KOS types, e.g., thesauri, classification schemes,
is strongly culturally biased. Think about the differences subject headings, and taxonomies, were considered.
between Western classificatory thinking, which is based In point of fact, the list of what could be regarded as
on the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, and Chinese a KOS in the narrow sense is wide and, at times, confus-
classificatory thinking. Whereas the former urges us to ing. Among KOSs are listed items with various structures
look for some unitary principles underlying diversity and and content, originated in distinct contexts of use for di-
multiplicity and to follow the precept of universality, the verse purposes, and expression of different theoretical
latter searches for meaningful analogies and contextual and methodological approaches. However, focusing on
features (Hall and Ames 1998). their structure and function, a common core is usually
The Western-biased view influences, of course, also identified, as illustrated despite their differences by the
how KOSs and their relational structures are developed. As following broad-range definitions:
already noticed, the principles of classical logic determine
the way classifications and thesauri are built (also see Frické Hodge (2000, 3):
2016; Mazzocchi 2013; Olson 1999). And it is not a coinci-
dence that bibliographic classification schemes have been The term knowledge organization systems is in-
developed as grand systems aiming at comprehensiveness, tended to encompass all types of schemes for orga-
as much as the same occurred in past attempts to classify nizing information and promoting knowledge man-
knowledge (think about Bacon’s classification system or the agement … Knowledge organization systems are
encyclopedic projects of the Enlightenment). used to organize materials for the purpose of re-
Such issues, too, should be a matter of investigation in trieval and to manage a collection. A KOS serves as a
pondering the relation between the two aspects of KOS, bridge between the user’s information need and the
because, as argued by Hodge (2000, 4), any KOS (as a material in the collection. With it, the user should be
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able to identify an object of interest without prior 4.1 Types and typologies of KOSs
knowledge of its existence. Whether through brows-
ing or direct searching, whether through themes on a Several different typologies of KOSs have been ad-
Web page or a site search engine, the KOS guides the vanced, usually based on structural items (e.g., degree of
user through a discovery process. In addition, KOSs complexity and relationships among terms/concepts) and
allow the organizers to answer questions regarding corresponding functions. One of the first (specifically
the scope of a collection and what is needed to thought for the digital library environment) was by Gail
round it out. Hodge (2000), who grouped KOSs according to three ca-
tegories as illustrated in Table 1.
Zeng (2008, from the abstract):
Categories of General fea- Specific types
These systems model the underlying semantic struc- KOSs tures of the of KOSs
ture of a domain and provide semantics, navigation,
and translation through labels, definitions, typing, re- LISTS Linear and less Authority files
structured sys- Glossaries
lationships, and properties for concepts … Embod- tems; emphasis Dictionaries
ied as (Web) services, they facilitate resource discov- on the lists of Gazetteers
ery and retrieval by acting as semantic road maps, terms (frequently
thereby making possible a common orientation for provided with
indexers and future users, either human or machine
CLASSIFICA- Hierarchically Subject headings
TIONS AND structured sys- Classification
Soergel (2009b, 3): CATEGORIES tems; emphasis schemes
on the creation Taxonomies
KOS are used by people to find information and of subject sets Categorization
make sense of it; KOS must support people in their (the last three
quest for meaning, they must present meaningful terms are fre-
structures of concepts. KOS are also used by com- quently used in-
puter programs to reason about data; KOS must rep- terchangeably)
resent formal knowledge about concepts.… Proto- RELATIONSHIP Complex and Thesauri
LISTS highly structured Semantic net-
typically, a KOS provides a framework or schema for systems; empha- works
storing and organizing data, information, knowledge sis on the con- Ontologies
about the world and about thoughts … for under- nections between
standing, retrieval or discovery, for reasoning, and terms and con-
the many other purposes
Table 1. Hodge’s (2010) classification of KOSs.
Bratková and Kučerová (2014, 8-9):
Other candidate lists have been formulated by Bergman
A knowledge organization system is a scheme that (2007), Soergel (2001), Tudhope et al. (2006), Wright
models a structure (i.e.; elements and mutual rela- (2008), who considers KOSs as a type of knowledge rep-
tionships) of an organized set of knowledge. Sup- resentation resources (KRRs), and many others.
port of the processes of knowledge organization Perhaps one of the most comprehensive typologies has
and access to knowledge is the basic function of the been provided by Souza et al. (2012), who still identify
knowledge organization system. A concept is the ba- structure as the main criterion for division, although a sec-
sic structural element of the knowledge organization ondary division is also included, which takes into account
system. A vocabulary, that is, the formal expression numerous application domains and use cases (Figure 1).
of concepts, forms the core of the physical repre- Four groups are identified: 1) unstructured texts (e.g., ab-
sentation of each knowledge organization system. stracts); 2) term and/or concept lists, which corresponds
The vocabulary is utilized to express both the seman- to simple structures (usually alphabetical displays); 3) con-
tics and the syntax of the organized whole, or, as the cept and relationship structures, which includes more
case may be, the rules defining how a structure is to elaborated structures with different degrees of relation-
be used. ships among them, from the simpler ones showing loose
hierarchies to the more complex and formalized ontologies
(thus including in a single group what in Hodge’s list is
separated into two ones, i.e., classifications and categories
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Figure 1. Souza et al.’s (2012) classification of KOSs.

and relationship lists); and, 4) concept, relationship and ferent types of KOSs. Many authors refer, in fact, to the
layout structures, such as mind maps, concept maps, entity- idea of a “semantic staircase” (as suggested by Blumauer
relationhsip models, reference models, data models, or also and Pellegrini 2006), viewing glossaries (or other less struc-
combination of these types (e.g., data reference model). tured KOSs) placed at its lower grade and ontologies at its
According to the rationale used by Souza et al., all the top (Figure 2).
systems that are employed for KO and IR, support knowl-
edge management, and are knowledge representation
structures based on terminology, should be regarded as
KOSs. In their view, such a rationale also explains the in-
clusion among KOSs of abstracts, concordance lines and
IR indexes, something that is not common, and in contrast,
for example, with Hodge’s list; on the contrary, standard
formats like HTML and SGML are excluded, because they
are not regarded as KOSs but only as tools for represent-
ing them.
The typologies we have examined so far do not organ-
ize KOSs according to a clear progressive line, based for
example on their structural complexity, although in some
case (as in Hodge’s classification) the simpler structures are
listed before and vice versa. However, KOSs as discussed
here are basically semantic tools. They provide a selection Figure 2. The semantic staircase (Blumauer and Pellegrini 2006),
of terms/concepts (usually of a given subject field) and as appears in Olensky (2010, section 2.3.3)
the relations between them. It is then not surprising that
the difference in the degree of semantic richness is also Referring to the idea of semantic staircase, as well as to
employed as a criterion for comparing and classifying dif- Hodge’s classification, ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 (Na-
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tional Information Standards Organization [NISO] 2005) els,” which in Hodge and Souza et al.’s proposals form a
and Tudhope et al. (2006), Zeng (2008) developed her own single group.4 What follows is a brief description of the
overview of types of KOSs. KOSs considered in Zeng’s scheme, with the inclusion of
As for the other cited schemes, her focus is on both the some instances of them.
complexity of their structures and their expected basic
functions. The former can be from flat to multidimensional, 4.1.1 Term Lists
and generally the higher is the complexity of KOS structure
the higher is their ability to carry out various functions; the Lists (or pick lists): limited sets of terms arranged in some
latter comprise 1) to eliminate ambiguity; 2) to control sequential order (e.g., alphabetical, chronological, or nu-
synonyms or equivalents; 3) to establish semantic relations merical).
between terms/concepts (in particular, hierarchical and as- Dictionaries: alphabetical lists of terms with their
sociative relations); and, 4) to present both relations and definitions, which usually provide other information such
properties of concepts in the knowledge models. as spelling, morphology, origin, and variant senses for
Four (although not mutually exclusive) groups are iden- each term.
tified and ordered from simpler to more complex struc- Glossaries: alphabetical lists of terms with their defini-
tures and functionality, following the figure of the semantic tions.
staircase: 1) term lists; 2) metadata-like models; 3) classifi- Synonym rings: sets of terms regarded as equivalent
cation and categorization; and, 4) relationship models (Fig- for information retrieval (IR) purpose. Basically analo-
ure 3). gous to synonyms rings are the “synsets” included in
A peculiarity of Zeng’s classification is that two groups WordNet (, which group
are separated, namely “term lists” and “metadata-like mod- semantically equivalent items.

Figure 3. Zeng’s (2008) classification of KOSs.

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4.1.2 Metadata-like Models tally revised, edition (BC2) has been developed in UK
since 1977, with the introduction of a new faceted struc-
Authority files (also named name authority lists): lists of ture.
terms employed for controlling the variant names for an
item (or the domain value for a particular field), and where 4.1.4 Relationship Models
one term is identified as the preferred one. An important
international file of name authorities is the Virtual Inter- Thesauri: controlled and structured vocabularies, which
national Authority File (VIAF). display hierarchical, associative, and equivalence relations
Directories: lists of names with their related contact among terms/concepts. The first IR thesauri were devel-
information. oped during the 1960s (e.g., Thesaurus of Armed Services
Gazetteers: organized collections of information con- Technical Information Agency (ASTIA) Descriptors published
cerning geographic items. A well-known gazetteer, al- in 1960, the Chemical Engineering Thesaurus published in
though constructed in a thesaurus format, is the Getty 1961, and the Thesaurus of Engineering Terms published in
Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN). 1964); thesauri are, however, still very popular, and used,
for example, for vocabulary control in many online data-
4.1.3 Classification and Categorization bases. Other important instances are the ERIC Thesaurus
and the faceted Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).
Subject headings (also named subject heading schemes): Semantic networks: systems where terms/concepts are
vocabularies of controlled terms, which represent the modelled like in a network of variable relationship types;
subject of items in a collection, and include rules to they are richer than thesauri in defining categories or se-
combine such terms into compound headings. Two im- mantic types and semantic relations. For example the
portant instances, which can be both compared to the- UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Semantic Network,
sauri with respect to their structure, are the Library of which deals with biomedical terminology, includes 135
Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), which has an extensive semantic types and fifty-four relations.
coverage but a limited hierarchical organization, and the Ontologies: according to a widely accepted definition,
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which is provided with a they are formal, explicit specification of a shared concep-
stronger tree structure. tualization (Gruber 1993). Usually they consist of com-
Categorization schemes: loosely assembled grouping plex relations between entities and include rules and axi-
schemes. An instance is the set of subject categories of oms which support logical reasoning. Formal ontologies
the Web of Science (WoS). function as conceptual vocabularies and provide proper-
Taxonomies (the use of the term is, of course, histori- ties and instances. They serve for IR purposes, reuse of
cally associated to biological classifications): any ordered knowledge, and automatic deriving of new knowledge.5
grouping of items based on particular features (see fur- An important instance is the Gene Ontology (GO),
ther in section 4.2.2 below). which has been developed by the Gene Ontology Con-
Classification schemes: hierarchical and faceted ar- sortium, and describes genes and their products.6
rangements of numerical or alphabetical notations, which
are used for representing broad topics and usually con- 4.2 Discussion about KOS typologies
ceived as universal systems (i.e., covering all fields of
knowledge). Foremost among library classification sys- The above schemes reflect the common scholarly under-
tems are the Dewey Decimal System (DDC), first published in standing of KOSs. To such regard at least three issues
1876, which was originally based on enumerative princi- need to be considered in more depth: 1) their coverage;
ples, but over time introduced some aspects of the faceted 2) the terminology used; and, 3) the criteria used for and
approach; the Library of Congress Classification (LCC), first the scope of comparing different KOSs.
developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centu-
ries, which is essentially enumerative; the Universal Deci- 4.2.1 Coverage issues
mal Classification (UDC), first published in 1905, which,
despite its origin based on the DDC, has been developed Concerning the first point, none of these schemes aimed
partly according to faceted principles; the Colon Classifica- explicitly to achieve full comprehensiveness nor is able to
tion (CC) (, accomplish it. For instance, in contrast with Hodge and
first published in 1933, in which Ranganathan introduced Zeng’s proposal, Souza et el.’s proposal includes also folk-
the influential idea of faceted classification; and the Bliss sonomies and a reference to the idea of topic maps (al-
Bibliographic Classification (BBC), originally created by Bliss though the term is not mentioned as such), but the former
and published between 1940 and 1953, its second, and to- does not include other items that may also be considered
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as KOSs: for example, web directory structure (Soergel domain-specific terminology system, or an ontology). It
2009b), bibliometric maps (Hjørland 2007), and IR sys- seems a bit paradoxical that there is “a serious lack of vo-
tems, including search engine retrieval systems making use cabulary control in the literature on controlled vocabu-
of algorithms like Google systems (Hjørland 2012). lary” (Weinberg 1998).9
Consider for example bibliometric maps, which can Take for example “taxonomy.” It is not clear what con-
take different forms, showing relations between journals stitutes a taxonomy (
or authors basing on co-citation data, or also relations be- tion#3.4), or what the meaning of the term “taxonomy” is.
tween words or keywords based on co-occurrence data. Gilchrist (2003) pointed out that such a term is used with
Such maps, which somewhat reflect the social organiza- at least five diverse (but overlapping) meanings to refer to
tion of knowledge, could be regarded as a further type of 1) web directories; 2) taxonomies to support automatic in-
KOS, because, with reference to bibliometric parameters, dexing; 3) taxonomies created by automatic categorization
they display the relations between terms/concepts of a 4) front end filters; and, 5) corporate taxonomies. It is
field (e.g., White and McCain 1998), helping to visualize symptomatic that, as argued by Souza et al. (2012), when
its structure and dynamics (the reciprocal position of compared with thesauri, taxonomies can be seen alterna-
terms in the maps reflects somewhat their semantic dis- tively as less (Daconta et al. 2005; Guarino 2006; Obrst
tance), and can be used to support IR as well. 2004) or more (Bergman 2007; Smith and Welty 2001)
On the other hand, since they originate in a field (e.g., structured.
bibliometrics) that, although with several areas of over- In several cases, it seems that the same term is used
lap—it relies, in fact, on the quantitative (statistical) stud- for referring to a set of related items, which, rather than
ies of documents, collections of documents, and derived showing features common to all, can be best understood
patterns—has developed in parallel with LIS/KO; the in- through the Wittgenstein’s (1953) notion of family re-
clusion of bibliometric maps in the list calls for a reas- semblance, i.e., they are similar one to another in many
sessment of what really counts in establishing the range different ways (just as for the members of a family).
of possible KOSs. The focus should not be, in fact, on This may (partially) apply to the term “thesaurus” too,
whether or not a system has been created within a field which have several instances of use, such as Roget’s Thesau-
traditionally included in LIS/KO, but rather on whether rus of English Words and Phrases (which includes only syno-
it is possible to develop, through the methods of that nyms and classification categories), standard IR thesauri
field (e.g., bibliometrics or IR), a useful KOS (Broughton (which are used to assist indexing and searching), Thesauro-
et al. 2005), being it a system that displays particular fea- facet (which is the combination of a faceted classification
tures, both structural (i.e., consisting of terms/concepts and a thesaurus), search or end-user thesauri (which are
and their interrelationships)7 and functional (e.g., sup- enhanced with a large amount of entry terms, e.g., syno-
porting information organization in one or more plat- nyms, quasi-synonyms, and linguistic variants, for facilitat-
forms, such as libraries, databases, and the web).8 ing expansion of search expressions), metathesauri (which
aim at integrating existing thesauri and vocabularies),
4.2.2 Terminological issues automatically constructed thesauri (whose relations are es-
tablished automatically by means of computer algorithms
With regard to the second point, it should be noted that and which usually show a less structured semantic organi-
in dealing with KOSs not only there is a partial agree- zation as compared to standard thesauri).
ment on how to classify them but also on the terminol- Perhaps the term that is used most ambiguously is
ogy to be used. Many authors have, in fact, highlighted “ontology,” which is borrowed from philosophy and rein-
the terminological confusion concerning KOSs (Gilchrist terpreted in the framework of artificial intelligence (AI).
2003; Pieterse and Kourie 2014; Soergel 2009b; Souza et Such a term is employed both for referring to a specific
al. 2012). For several terms concerning KOS types, there form of KOS, although differentiated in various types
is no precise meaning; the same term could have multiple (e.g., top ontologies, general ontologies, and domain on-
meanings, with many areas of overlap, owing to the fact tologies), and as a generic term to designate any type of
that is employed by different communities of practitio- KO system (e.g., McGuinnes 2003).
ners in diverse contexts. This is even worsened by the In the first sense, ontologies are often compared with
tendency of several authors to create new definitions that thesauri and considered as an extension of them; they
disagree with former ones (Noy and McGuinness 2001) usually include more detailed information about con-
or to classify in different ways the same instance of a cepts, which are represented in a more formal way, a
KOS type (for example, Grabar et al. 2012 reported that richer relational structure, and a set of inference rules for
MeSH is described alternatively as a terminology, a the- allowing the knowledge encoded in them to be processed
saurus, or an ontology and UMLS as a metathesaurus, a by computer programs.
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The second use of the term most likely originated in sically nothing more than classifications remaking the idea
the framework of the preparation for a discussion panel on of classification itself in a new context (Soergel 1999).
ontologies and their definition at the 1999 American Asso- However, by using “ontology” to designate all types of
ciation for AI National Conference. The figure of a spec- KO systems, i.e., as synonymous of KOS, the risk is to
trum was conceived here as reflecting an “axis of axioma- blur the real dissimilarities between them, which depend
tization,” i.e., suitability of systems for logic-based auto- on their historical development and the particular purposes
matic inferencing that depend, above all, on the formality for which they have been designed for.
of semantics. Such a figure becomes a model for succes- Previously, other terms were used with the same (or a
sive schematizations and elaborations, as for example in very similar) sense that is today attributed to KOS, re-
Lassila and McGuinness (2001) and McGuinness (2003), flecting their conception as tools for the storage and re-
and should be related to the above mentioned notion of trieval of documentary items. For instance, “indexing lan-
the semantic staircase too. All types of KOSs are repre- guages.” As shown in Figure 5, indexing languages are
sented as ontologies, although a distinction is made be- usually divided into two types, i.e., classifications and ver-
tween “lightweight” ontology (e.g., catalogs, glossaries, bal indexing languages, although such a distinction is
thesauri) and “heavyweight” ontologies (e.g., formal on- criticized, as conceptually meaningless, by some scholars
tologies), according to their degree of “semantic strength” (e.g., Lancaster 2003, 20-21), or as missing the point (be-
(Figure 4). A similar characterization is made by Guarino cause the real distinction is between controlled systems
(1998, 2006), who classified ontologies according to their and free text systems) by others (Hjørland 2012). “Con-
degree of “ontological precision,” i.e., the accuracy by trolled vocabularies,” a term employed in several stan-
which they specify their target conceptualizations, some- dards, seems hence to have a more restricted meaning
thing which in turn depends on the degree of axiomatiza- than “indexing languages.” However, the opposite is sup-
tion and the richness of the relational structure. posed by the following quote (Golub 2011):
Such a loose usage of the term “ontology” seems rather
problematic. First, employing the same term for a class and There are two terms related to KOS: controlled vo-
one of its members is somehow incongruous and does not cabularies and indexing languages. Both of these
help clarification. Second, it is true that each KOS can be terms belong to KOS but have a different scope
seen as the result of some sort of “ontological modelling” and, they can be used with more precision. The
(Souza et al. 2012, 187) or, inversely, that ontologies are ba- term “controlled vocabularies” can be used to de-

Figure 4. KOS spectrum (adapted from presentation) from Lassila and McGuinness (2001), as appears in Souza et al. (2012).
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Figure 5. The types of indexing languages (as appears in Hjørland 2012, 304).

note any controlled set of terms or controlled list Daconta et al. (2005) and Obrst (2004), something which
of terms used in document description i.e. in de- is full of theoretical implications.
scriptive metadata. Indexing languages are a specific In their article, Souza et al. (2012) aimed to deconstruct
kind of controlled vocabularies representing for- the spectra that have been so far proposed, being unsatis-
malized languages designed and used to describe fied with the fact that such spectra originate from compari-
the subject content of documents for the informa- sons among KOSs based on a single criterion or dimen-
tion retrieval purposes. sion, i.e., the already mentioned “semantic strength.” Such
a way of proceeding neglects to consider other important
Another term is “information retrieval languages” (as aspects and dimensions by which KOSs could also be
first coined by Mooers 1951), which is also frequently evaluated (Souza et al. 2012, 190):
used in the simplified form “retrieval languages” (Vickery
1973). All these terms are still employed in a LIS/KO The spectra of KOS types … tend to make the ba-
environment, and the same occurs for “bibliographic lan- sis for comparison a single dimension. The visual
guages” (Svenonius 2000). Most of them refer, although rhetoric is that of a linear progression, with ontolo-
metaphorically, to the notions of “language,” something gies as the ultimate form. This stems from the gen-
which has today been replaced by the metaphor “system,” eral basis of the spectra being KOS properties for
following the inclination of the NKOS community. logical reasoning. However, there are many poten-
As a matter of fact, one could be tempted to employ tial applications for KOS and many possible dimen-
Wittgenstein’s family resemblance model not only to de- sions for comparison. … Focusing on a single di-
scribe particular types of KOSs but also for accounting mension obfuscates the underlying similarities and
KOS as a general notion itself. Are we really sure that, differences between different types and instances
given the remarkable diversity of KOS types and their in- of KOS and hinders the selection of an appropri-
stances, some common characteristics could be really ate KOS for a particular purpose.
found? An alternative could also be to employ the proto-
type model of concepts (Rosch 1978), which is still in- The visual rhetoric of a linear progression expresses very
spired by the philosophy of Wittgenstein, according to well a position that, it is no coincidence, originates in a
which some members of a category are more prototypi- specific community of practitioners and reflects its deri-
cal (i.e., better representatives) than others. vation from the tradition of AI. Such a community is
concerned, as already said, with rendering KOSs suitable
4.2.3 Issues regarding criteria for comparison for logical computer reasoning (see Figure 6) and seman-
tic web applications; formal ontologies have been de-
The third point should be related to the idea of classifica- signed accordingly. However, while such a requisite is cer-
tion spectrum itself, reprised also by other specialists like tainly important in today’s information context, it is not
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Figure 6. KOS spectrum slightly adapted from Smith and Welty (2001) based on Welty et al. (1999), as appears in Souza et al. (2012).

the only one that matters (also see Almeida et al. 2011 for It is not a coincidence that three of the leading con-
a critical evaluation of the idea of spectrum). This point temporary scholars who have most contributed to theo-
will be reprised in the next section. retical advancement in KO urged and were capable, al-
though in different ways and from different theoretical
5.0 Theoretical and Practical Questions standpoints, to link LIS themes with philosophical argu-
ments and to value interdisciplinary research: 1) Ingetraut
There are several theoretical questions concerning the de- Dahlberg, an information scientist and philosopher and, of
sign and development of KOSs. Some of them regard spe- course, the founder of the ISKO, set the basis for KO to
cifically the bibliographic world and are as such the main be recognized as a distinct field or science, which is con-
object of focus in the LIS environment. Others, while af- cerned with the order of knowledge (i.e., a metascience);
fecting the latter too, originate in a broader setting, and of- 2) Elaine Svenonius, as described by the title of her most
ten involve the philosophical underpinnings underlying KO important book dated 2000, contributed to establish the in-
activities. The theoretical investigation on this second aspect tellectual foundations of knowledge (or, as in her words,
has been, however, undertaken with less regularity; there information) organization; and, 3) Birger Hjørland, who is
has been not so much engagement with regard to theory of today one of the most influential scholar in characterizing
concepts or epistemological issues, something that is rather and progressing KO, contributed both in terms of specific
explicable given that not necessarily the educational back- theoretical formulations (e.g., the domain-analytic ap-
ground of LIS specialists includes disciplines such as phi- proach) and in making explicit and refining the fundamen-
losophy of language or epistemology. Very likely, when tals of KO (see, e.g., Hjørland 2003). Their positions will
Hjørland (2008, 87) asserts that “KO has mainly been a be analyzed in the following section.
practical activity without much theory,” it is above all to this
second aspect that he is referring to. Although recognizing 5.1 Theory of concepts and epistemology in KOS
that a number of theoretical advancements have been made development
(e.g., Cutter’s rules and developments in facet analysis) and
various outcomes achieved (e.g., standards and guidelines As repeatedly said, KOSs can be regarded as semantic
about KOSs), Hjørland puts emphasis on the fact that the tools, i.e., sets of terms/concepts with different degrees
overall trend is still rather fragmented, with the coexistence of relations among them. Therefore, which notions of
of several schools of thought that only seldom make their concepts and semantic relations are employed have a
philosophical backgrounds explicit, or contrast them with considerable impact on how KOSs are conceived and de-
the underpinnings of other schools. What is especially signed. Their relevance increases, of course, as the com-
needed, in his view, is that the development of theories and plexity of KOS semantic structures increase too.
principles about KOSs and KO in the LIS sense is based on
theories and principles of KOSs and KO in the broad sense
(e.g., Hjørland 2003).
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Hjørland (2007, 370–1) pointed out that notations (class numbers) can be used to classify
any type of object or topic.
The field of KO within IS is thus concerned with
the construction, use, and evaluation of semantic Dahlberg’s idea of concepts, while considering them as
tools for IR. This insight brings semantics to the signs (as occurs in semiotics), follows an essentialist
forefront of IS … scheme. Her concept triangle (Dahlberg 1978), which re-
What approaches have been used in the field of sumes and reinterprets the idea of a triadic representation
KO in the course of its history? How do they relate of meaning put forward by mediaeval scholastics10 and
to semantic theory?… Given that KOS essentially taken in the last century by, among others, Ogden and Ri-
are semantic tools, should different approaches to chards (1923), is made of three elements: 1) the referent
KO reflect different approaches to semantics? (e.g., a concrete object or an abstract idea); 2) the charac-
teristics or statements about the referent; and, 3) the ver-
On the other hand, semantics is strongly interlinked with bal form or designation. What should be intended for the
epistemology. Our approach to KO and in constructing second element are essential characteristics, i.e., intrinsic
KOSs is always more or less influenced by the epistemo- and constituting features of the referent, which must be
logical stance adopted. present in all its exemplars and can be detected objec-
In their works, Dahlberg, Svenonius and Hjørland tively, i.e., independently from interpretation.
have investigated both these issues. This idea of concept, together with an ontological ap-
proach derived from her interpretation of the philoso-
5.1.1 Dahlberg’s position phies of Hartmann and Feibleman, brought Dahlberg to
adhere to a universalist view with respect to classification
In formulating her ideas for the development of the new of knowledge (and then KOSs). Such a view is reflected
science of KO, Dahlberg (e.g., 1993, 2006 and 2009) put in her aspiration to develop a new universal classification
concepts at the center of the scene, together with the system, namely the Information Coding Classification (ICC).
mapping of conceptual items with objects of reality. The Dahlberg’s position, which has its strength in the clar-
creation of new knowledge has to be paralleled by a con- ity and coherence of the philosophical arguments, seems
stant effort to systematize knowledge. Yet knowledge is however to identify KO with a single particular (philoso-
contained in knowledge units, i.e., concepts, and then the phical and theoretical) standpoint. However, KO is today
possibility to arrange it in a systematic order resides in populated by theoretical positions finding inspiration in
the possibility to construct concepts systems (i.e., knowl- views (such as postmodernism and hermeneutics) that
edge units arranged in some ordered structure). The differ with respect to Dahlberg’s one, and question, for
method to be employed for such a purpose should be example, essentialism and universalism (Kleineberg 2015).
based on analyzing the content of the concepts, deter- Besides, the existence of such a plurality of theoretical
mining their characteristics or knowledge elements (dis- and methodological approaches is also valued by many as
tinguishing between essential, accidental and individualiz- an advantage for KO research (e.g., Smiraglia 2014; Smi-
ing ones) and corresponding categories. The theoretical raglia and Lee 2012). This same plurality is explicitly ac-
foundations of Dahlberg’s approach to classification knowledged by Svenonius and Hjørland too.
should be traced back to Aristotle and the work of,
among others, Ranganathan and Wüster (i.e., one of the 5.1.2 Svenonius’s position
founders of the modern approach to terminology). By
setting the basis for developing concept systems, meth- Svenonius explicitly recognizes how philosophy has a
ods for developing properly any type of KO system are strong impact on other disciplines, especially with regard
also gained (Dahlberg 2006, 13): to the theoretical constructs they use. In one of her arti-
cles (Svenonius 2004, from the abstract) she explores
Using the concept-theoretical methodology, it is
possible to construct concept systems relating to how epistemology, that branch of philosophy con-
given referents from either the real or the abstract cerned with how and what we know, has contrib-
realm. Most concept systems are classification sys- uted to the design of knowledge representations
tems as well, in the double sense that they represent embodied in retrieval languages designed for orga-
classes of objects and concepts and determine their nizing information. Different retrieval languages
respective positions by notations (numbers, codes), make different presuppositions about what is meant
which precisely represent their conceptual relation- by knowledge.
ships. Because of their conceptual content, such
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In investigating the epistemological foundations of knowl- integrative_levels), which assumes that the order of
edge representations embodied in retrieval languages (to be classes in a classification reflects reality, depicted as a hi-
intended as a synonymous of KOSs), Svenonius considers erarchy of organized wholes, and the approach of fac-
the semantic theories involved too. Three main orienta- eted classification, as far as the latter follows the princi-
tions are identified. ples of logical division (
First, approaches emanating from the Vienna Circle’s logical_division) (also see Hjørland 2013).
philosophy of logical positivism (as developed at the be- Not only propositions that picture the world are rec-
ginning of the twentieth century), which assumes that all ognized by empiricism, but also tautological ones, i.e.,
knowledge is derivable from sensory experience, and fol- those that express logical relations among propositions. It
lows an operationalist theory of meaning: meaning is em- is somewhat recalled the distinction made by Hume be-
pirical and only to an empirical content can an authentic tween propositions that express relations among ideas
cognitive significance be ascribed. Such assumptions are and those that express matters of fact. Another impor-
reflected in the verifiability principle, according to which tant and related distinction is the one between a priori (or
cognitively meaningful propositions are only those capable definitional, logically-based) and a posteriori relations. An
of verification, i.e., those whose truth value can be deter- instance of the former is, of course, the genus-species re-
mined such as scientific propositions. Conversely, unscien- lation (also called inclusion, subsumption or hyponymy),
tific (e.g., metaphysical or ethical) discourses that lack an in which, basically reflecting Aristotle’s formulation, the
empirical content are not cognitively meaningful. Now, in genus corresponds to the higher-level class, and different
order for a proposition to be verified, the concepts con- species under the same genus are distinguished as sub-
tained in it have to be defined operationally, which usually classes in virtue of their diverse essential characteristics
means defining them as variables. Some kind of opera- or differentia. The resulting hierarchical or classificatory
tional definitions are used also in a LIS framework. In structures tend to be seen as mirroring the (formal) struc-
Svenonius’s view, a well-known, fruitful example is the pre- ture of reality.
cision-recall measure, which is used as basis for evaluating Today, the a priori vs. a posteriori distinction is still a key
the efficiency of a retrieval system (Cleverdon 1962). One theoretical issue with respect to the design of KOSs. For
of the main limitations of approaches like this is, however, example, it has played, since the initial stages (e.g., Bernier
their unwarranted, and often acritical, reliance on quantifi- 1968), an important role in setting the basis for the devel-
cation and measurements (as if they were “objective” and opment of modern IR thesauri. It is in fact reported as a
“neutral”), and the associated tendency to introduce over- fundamental principle in international standards (e.g., In-
simplifications. Svenonius, for instance, highlights the limi- ternational Organization for Standardization [ISO] 2011),
tations of the precision-recall measure for oversimplifying at times expressed as a distinction between paradigmatic
the subjective notion of relevance and of automatic tech- (or context-free and permanent) and syntagmatic (or con-
niques to identify subjects of documents for being term- text-dependent and transient) relations. More generally
rather than concept-based. speaking, only paradigmatic relations should be expressed
Second, approaches still based on an empiricist view of in the semantics of a KOS, whereas syntagmatic relations
knowledge but referring to the picture theory of meaning, should be expressed, when possible and needed, by the
which was put forward by the initiators of modern logic, syntax (a critical discussion about the a priori vs. a posteriori
such as Frege and Russell, and expounded by Wittgenstein distinction has been carried out in Hjørland 2015 and
in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1961/1921). The meaning Mazzocchi 2017).
of words, whose referents are real-world things, is provided Finally, the philosophy of the second Wittgenstein
by ostensive definitions, i.e., pointing to such referents, and (1953) and his instrumental theory of meaning, which can
is relatively fixed (owing to the fixity of reference). Accord- be seen, in the development of his thought, as an attempt
ing to a strong reading of the theory, propositions are to overcome the limitations of the picture theory. In fact,
meaningful if and only if they picture (correspond to) a this latter theory is afflicted by a number of limitations. By
state of affairs, and knowledge rests on the totality of true assuming, for example, a universal form of language (as
propositions (to the extent that the latter are accurate pic- supposed in the Tractatus), the fixity of meaning, and an
tures of reality). objectivist view of knowledge, it does not adequately rep-
Recognizing also its influence (especially with respect resent the complexity of language and knowledge; it ne-
to the initial stages) in the development of AI, Svenonius glects, in fact, to consider the relation between semantics
draws connections between the picture theory of mean- and context, and between knowledge and interpretation, as
ing and a number of theoretical approaches to classifica- well as the dynamic aspects of both meaning and knowl-
tion. For example, those inspired by Feibleman’s (1954) edge.
theory of integrative levels (
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The most innovative aspect of the instrumental theory on subject knowledge and should take into account the ex-
is that the meaning of linguistic expressions is seen as istence (at times even within the same domain) of multiple
corresponding to their use; such a use is governed by views or paradigms, approaches, and communities. As a
rules embedded in what Wittgenstein calls language consequence, the same term/concept or object (e.g., a
games. Since speaking a language is a social action, and document) might be classified or put into relation with
being involved in a multiplicity of social practices, lan- others in many different ways, according to different (e.g.,
guage should be seen as a collection of many language disciplinary) perspectives. Accordingly, any repository of
games, each with its own rules. In Svenonius’s view, the knowledge, information and data (e.g., a database) should
implications of the instrumental theory for KO and the be understood as a “merging of different descriptions
design of KOSs are very significant and concern, for ex- serving different purposes and based on different episte-
ample, the notion of subject ( mologies” (Hjørland 2007, 396). All of this needs to be
cyclo/subject) (whereby subjects are seen as complex, i.e., taken into serious consideration in designing KOSs in or-
represented by networks of concepts rather than single der to understand what is really “informative,” which de-
concepts), the notion of class and the design and imple- pends on the particular circumstance and cannot then be
mentation of semantic relations in KOSs (with the rejec- established a priori.
tion of essentialism and a prioriness of relations), the Other approaches to KO, which bring further ideas on
methods of disambiguation for improving precision how to view concepts, can also be put into relation to the
(which has to take into account the fact that, following domain-analytic approach. Thellefsen and Thellefsen
such a view, most words have multiple meanings, i.e., they (2004) explored, for example, the relevance of the tradi-
are polysemic [also see Mazzocchi and Tiberi 2009]) and tion of pragmatic semiotics (and its understanding of
the strategy for achieving semantic interoperability concepts as signs), which was initiated by Peirce, who in-
(which can be seen as one type of language game among troduced (among other things) the idea of unlimited
many types). semiosis. Any concept represents a “potential knowledge
content,” but such a potentiality is actualized only when-
5.1.3 Hjørland’s position and related approaches ever the concept is interpreted, something which, in turn,
depends on the “pre-understanding” of the community
Hjørland (e.g., 2007) has again and again emphasized the concerned. The meaning communicated by concepts is,
importance of theory of concepts for the design of thus, “relative to domains of knowledge” (Thellefsen and
KOSs, specifying also that if concepts are the basic units Thellefsen 2004, 178): on one hand, in order to really
of thought and knowledge, then the units of KO are the grasp the structure and meaning of concepts, the specific
relations between them. Partially overlapping with Sve- characteristics of the particular domain, e.g., the perspec-
nonius’s account, Hjørland (2003) distinguishes four main tives, goals and interests involved, should be specified; on
orientations in KO ( the other hand, the conceptual structure of a domain
cation#4.2c), which follow different theories of concepts comprises its knowledge and reflects its history.
as linked with distinct epistemological stances: empiri-
cism, rationalism, historicism, and pragmatism. The em- 5.2 Which future for KOSs? New and old challenges
piricist orientation is basically inductive and leads in bib-
liographic classification to methods based on statistical A second issue needs to be considered here, which has
measures like algorithms for IR. The rationalist orienta- both theoretical and practical implications. The question
tion is mainly deductive and based on principles of logi- could be formulated as follows: since the world in which
cal division, assumed as universally valid, as occurs in we live is rapidly changing—e.g., our societies are becom-
most library classification systems. The historicist orienta- ing increasingly complex, globalization is producing never
tion is focused on accounting the historical development ending transformations at different levels, the amount of
of knowledge and meaning, as well as the role played by collected knowledge and information is increasing expo-
contextual factors. The pragmatic orientation takes into nentially, technological development is changing the or-
consideration goals and values, pointing for example to ganization of our societies—the context in which KOSs
the notion of “cultural warrant” (i.e., any classification are called to work is changing as well—new platforms
depends on the assumptions and concerns of the com- have been created, e.g., the digital environment and inter-
munities involved, thus rejecting the possibility of a uni- net, together with new ideas and tools, e.g., the semantic
versal classification system). web, Google search engines, big data (also see Ibekwe-
Hjørland’s domain-analytic approach (http://www.isko.’ SanJuan and Bowker 2017)—and, as a matter of fact,
org/cyclo/domain_analysis) follows a historical-pragmatic new tools have also been designed. Is it then possible that
orientation. He considers how any project of KO depends some of the traditional KOSs are becoming outdated and
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need to be replaced by new types of KOSs (or also by Ontologies and “Google systems” actually epitomize two
some sort of post-KO systems, i.e., not following any distinct types of trends that are currently present in the
classificatory principle at all (see Weinberger 2007)? What world of information organization, respectively the logi-
about, for example, the historical KOSs that have been cal and the data-driven (inductive-statistical) trend. De-
designed several decades ago for addressing information spite the differences among them, there is an aspect they
needs in a physical library environment (classification share, whose pondering could contribute to better under-
schemes and subject headings) and later to facilitate IR in stand the nature of any KOS and then to envision their
bibliographic databases (thesauri)? Which roles do such future evolution too. Although for contrasting reasons,
systems play in the new setting? In order to handle in- i.e., believing in the power of logic or supposing some
formation organization and searching in the framework sort of neutrality of “data,” ontologies and Google sys-
of the new medium, i.e., internet, are wholly new “prin- tems seem to share, explicitly or not, an underestimation
ciples” really required or is it rather a deepening of our of the role of “interpretation” (here intended in a wide
understanding of the idea of classification itself and how sense) in KOS development or the assumption that it is
it applies to a constantly changing milieu that is required? something that could be or has to be neutralized.
A number of interesting debates have been instigated
by such issues. For example, the ISKO-UK debate (see 5.2.1 Does an unbiased ontology exist?
Dextre Clarke and Vernau 2016) was concerned with the
role of traditional thesauri in contemporary IR, address- Think about ontologies. As mentioned earlier in the dis-
ing the statement “This house believes that the traditional cussion about KOS classification spectra, their develop-
thesaurus has no place in modern information retrieval.” ment reflects today’s tendency towards an increase in
Many believe that the traditional thesaurus format lacks formalism and standardization, which makes the pre-
well defined semantics to cope efficiently with today’s sumption that the functionality of a KOS is proportional
needs. As said before, richer and highly formalized struc- to the extent to which it is formalized and logicized, and
tures are required to ensure KOS suitability for automatic that enhancing the degree of semantic strength would
inferencing and semantic web applications, as well as to have the potential to solve, at least in principle, once and
enhance the possibilities for IR and interoperability for all problems of inconsistency and ambiguity in in-
among different KOSs. These features can be found, of formation organization.
course, in formal ontologies, and many have pointed out In this new framework, thesauri as conceived in stan-
that thesauri of new generations should include more re- dards, for example, risk to be regarded as outdated, be-
fined structures and adopt attributes from ontologies cause they include only a restricted set of semantic rela-
(e.g., Fischer 1998; Soergel et al. 2004). tions (hierarchical, associative, and equivalence), which, on
Another debate concerns whether new types of (basi- the other hand, are often implemented inconsistently (e.g.,
cally data-driven) systems will supersede the (basically theo- Mazzocchi et al. 2007). The practice to convert existing
retically-driven) traditional KOSs. As a matter of fact, the thesauri into ontologies, e.g., by formalizing the data and
internet and its search engines are transforming the world adding inference rules, is animated by the prospect to use
of information and how people organize and search for it. them to facilitate automatic inferencing and to create the
Google retrieval systems, for example, are highly success- conditions for interoperability (Pieterse and Kourie 2014).
ful, yet simple to use (i.e., differently from traditional data- No doubt the functionality of thesauri could be im-
bases, no information specialists or search skilled end-users proved by enriching their relational structure (see, e.g.,
are needed), and also show an impressive coverage (Hjør- Dextre Clarke 2001; Hjørland 2016a), in resembling some
land 2016c), although one may wonder about the excessive of the ontologies’ features. For instance, the three basic
amount of information they provide (which hampers the relations could be differentiated into more specific sub-
possibility of retrieving information selectively), as well as types (such a differentiation would be especially relevant
its quality. Is there, then, a role that KO and classification for distinguishing various subclasses of the hierarchical
(as generally understood) have still to play in IR? As argued partitive relation and, even more, to better specify the as-
by (Hjørland 2012, 301), sociative relation, which encompasses a heterogeneous
assortment of relations).
Is classification … still needed in the post-Google On the other hand, in speaking about the functionality
era? Or are computer algorithms able to do a 100% of a particular KOS, its intended purpose (e.g., suitability
satisfactory job without the need for classification for automated applications) has to be specified. In fact, al-
…? This theoretical challenge constitutes a serious though some attributes might be useful in a variety of
threat to the justification of classification, KO, and situations, there is no feature or function that, in principle,
LIS as fields of both research and practice. is suitable for all possible contexts. In particular circum-
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stances (e.g., “locally oriented” information concerns) or algorithm will find one kind of pattern and another
for addressing particular purposes (e.g., enhancing expres- will find something else. One data set will evidence
siveness),11 more flexible tools (with respect to ontologies), some patterns and not others.
and relations that are not logically based, may be needed
(see, e.g., Mazzocchi 2017) Search engines are not neutral tools that “reflect” reality
Furthermore, and most importantly, by seeing things only making information available; rather they should be
only with the eyes of logic and formalization, we could not regarded as “cultural-political” agents that, openly or tac-
grasp the inherent nature of KOSs, which are systems dis- itly, make choices at different levels about what should be
playing an “organized interpretation of knowledge struc- findable or meaningful and what should not (Hjørland
tures” (Zeng and Chan 2003, 377).There is an intrinsic in- 2012, 311):
terpretative character that underlies the construction of
any KOS, including ontologies that cannot be considered Search engines may be calibrated to provide differ-
as neutral representations of a reality “out there.” ent findings or rankings. In order to make such a
KOSs are classificatory entities.12 They are made of calibration, we need to have some kind of classifi-
terms/concepts and the relations among them, but con- cation of what should be found.
cepts and relations do not exist in some abstract world.
Rather they are embedded in particular cultural, historical, Similar arguments could be made in several other cases.
and theoretical settings. There are, and there will always be, Especially illustrative is the case of bibliometric maps.
different ways of establishing semantic structures, depend- One could be tempted to consider them as impartial rep-
ing for example on different theoretical stances, subject ar- resentations of a particular specialty field, because origi-
eas, and practical concerns (see, e.g., Hjørland 2007). nating from the application of some algorithms that do
not involve any subjective choice or interpretation (Small
5.2.2 Does an unbiased search engine or 1977). As pointed out by Hjørland (2016b), objectivist
bibliometric map exist? stances surrounding such an approach make (explicitly or
tacitly) the (simplicistic) assumption that just as science
A similar argument can be made for search engines. It is provides an accurate (and neutral) “picture” of nature, in
true that, through digitalization and other technological the same way bibliometric maps provide an accurate (and
advances, massive amounts of data are becoming avail- neutral) picture of scientific knowledge (e.g., Boyack and
able so that, by means of more and more refined algo- Klavans 2010). However, in the construction of any bib-
rithms, meaningful patterns could be detected from them. liometric map, some biased decisions and acts of inter-
Such a circumstance is unprecedented in the history of pretation are always involved. For example, even the se-
human culture, and is leading to attribute an increasingly lection of sources, such as journals on which a particular
key role to statistical tools, which in some cases, at least map is based, is influenced by the views, interests, and
on the practical level, could make top-down schemes and preferences of the investigator (also see Sullivan et al.
generalizations less required (see, e.g., Serres 2015). How- 1977 for a critical appraisal).
ever, this does not indicate that, as claimed, for example, Summing up, and reprising the initial pondering about
by big data supporters, data or numbers “speak for them- the future of KOSs, it could be argued that many differ-
selves,” because meaningful patterns are born directly ent types of KOSs exist, and novel ones will keep on be-
from data via inductive processes and statistical manipu- ing created and adjusted, following social and technologi-
lation (see Leonelli 2014 and Mazzocchi 2015 for a criti- cal development, the existence of a plurality of informa-
cal appraisal), as if classification would not be needed tion needs, and the possibility that new platforms are cre-
anymore for information organization—just like no the- ated. Nevertheless, all KOSs have in common, and will
ory is needed anymore for scientific research (e.g., Ander- also share in the future, a classificatory nature, something
son 2008). Even if we only think about how computa- that, in turn, necessarily involves, with respect to their
tional tools are designed or the way to look at data to ex- development and usage, an interpretative aspect.
trapolate regularities or correlation patterns, the fact that
these tasks are influenced by some (e.g., theoretically- 5.3 Making sense of classificatory perspectivism
biased) preconceived notions is evident (Hales 2013):
The recognition of the interpretative aspect in KO and
Any statistical test or machine learning algorithm classification represents an important contribution to the
expresses a view of what a pattern or regularity is theoretical foundation of the field. It motivates why
and any data has been collected for a reason based KOSs should be considered as interpretative tools and
on what is considered appropriate to measure. One mediators (between different pre-understandings, per-
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spectives, conceptualizations, and languages carried out why the possibility of making different choices, as based
by the actors involved). A similar view is expressed by the on different criteria, plays a “constitutive” role in the de-
following quote (Fast et al. 2002): velopment of any KOS.
Criteria for making choices could vary by virtue of the
A controlled vocabulary is a way to insert an inter- fact that different practical considerations (e.g., how to
pretive layer of semantics between the term entered address interoperability vs. expressiveness concerns, glo-
by the user and the underlying database to better bal scopes vs. “local” or field-dependent needs) are made.
represent the original intention of the terms of the As mentioned before, this is one of the preferred argu-
user. ments of Hjørland (e.g., 2007 and 2016a), who insists on
the need to consider any KOS, together with its relational
Nevertheless, as pointed out by Hjørland (2012), if it is structure, as a tool to be evaluated with respect to its abil-
true that there are several scholars who have made similar ity to fulfil the functions that are requested for addressing
arguments (see, e.g., Fonseca and Martin 2005; Hjørland a particular task. If this is the case, then different pur-
and Nissen Pedersen 2005; Mai 2004 and 2011), it is also poses or different contexts could require different struc-
true that the formulation of a “coherent” theoretical po- tures, and it would instead be questionable to prescribe
sition has not yet been achieved. that a KOS should be developed in a uniform way.
Borrowing a term used by the philosopher of science Criteria could also differ given that in the development
Ronald Giere, who has promoted the idea of “scientific of a KOS diverse theories of concepts could be referred
perspectivism” (2006),13 we can refer to such a “herme- to, for instance, following (either rigorously or inaccu-
neutically oriented” view of KO in terms of a “classifica- rately, either proactively or passively) the indications of
tory perspectivism.” standards in which assumptions regarding concepts are
Summarizing what has been said earlier, classificatory incorporated or making a different theoretically moti-
perspectivism, at the most basic level, considers that, be- vated choice.
ing KOSs made of terms/concepts, which show given At last, divergences in establishing semantic relations
conceptual features, and their interrelationships, which also depend on the fact that in different domains or dis-
are established based on the evaluation of those features, ciplinary fields, or also according to contrasting para-
there are multiple ways to undertake such an evaluation. digms within the same discipline, different conceptual
Multiple criteria, at different levels, can in fact be fol- features (or different ways of relating terms) are consid-
lowed to decide how to relate terms/concepts among ered as the most significant.
them (the key assumption here is, of course, that rela- For instance, the term “insects” could be classified in
tions are not a priori, universal, ahistorical, and context- different ways, e.g., as “arthropods,” as “agricultural pests”
free). As a result, there are multiple ways of establishing or as “disease carriers,” depending on the standpoint from
relations between terms/concepts. This is the underlying which it is considered. On the other hand, whereas many
situation that is common to all types of KOSs, ontolo- relations are relevant nearly for all fields—e.g., the genus-
gies, and Google systems included (Hjørland 2012). species relation or the agent/process relation (e.g., “hunt-
Classificatory perspectivism, as any other “virtuous” ers” / “hunting”), a subtype of the associative relation—
form of perspectivism, should not, however, be mistaken the area-place relation (e.g., “deserts” / “oases”), a subtype
with flawed forms of it, such as those considering all per- of the partitive hierarchical relation, is especially important
spectives as equally good, regardless of their content and in the geographical field (Winston et al. 1987).
purpose. Put it in Giere’s words (2006, 13): Although this does not occur frequently among KO
scholars, classificatory perspectivism might also be associ-
In common parlance, a perspective is often just a ated, and in a sense reinforced in its motivations, with
point of view in the sense that, on any topic, differ- metaphysical assumptions that concern the underlying
ent people can be expected to have different points structure of reality: does reality, as it is commonly as-
of view. This understanding is usually harmless sumed, have a unique structure or it can be better por-
enough in everyday life, but it can be pushed to the trayed as being “polymorphous” (or even amorphous), i.e.,
absurd extreme that every perspective is regarded as it has (in some way) more than one structure all together?
good as any other. The idea of “one and only one structure” would, in
fact, be challenged if a multidimensional complexity is as-
Moreover, it should not be intended in a trivial sense. For cribed to the world (see, e.g., Dupré 1993), i.e., if the latter
example, “there is always a subjective aspect in any classi- is seen as intrinsically nested and entangled, a place where
fication” is a statement trivially correct but not so infor- things are interconnected and interrelated to one another
mative, if convincing reasons are not given to explain in multiple ways and many cross-cutting joints can be
72 Knowl. Org. 45(2018)No.1
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found. There is no argument here regarding our epistemic could instead provide contexts that specify the viewpoint
inability to provide a unique representation, i.e., we are not from which a given topic/subject is considered, enhancing
allowed to have full access to the information that would the expressiveness of the system (Svenonius 2004).
be needed for making a choice between non-isomorphic Pluralism is here integrative, because it is acknowl-
representations (also see Votsis 2012). Rather it is the edged that the standpoints of both logic and perspectiv-
world itself to be considered as having polymorphous fea- ism (usually seen as conflicting) are significant for KO.
tures. Consequently, there is no unique way of carving na- They could complement one to another and as such be,
ture at its joints. There could be many different ways to at least pragmatically, integrated. Generally speaking, on
classify and divide it into discrete parts (also see Mazzocchi one hand, without logic it would be difficult to identify
2016). common or stable language/conceptual structures. On
the other hand, without a hermeneutical attitude, it would
5.4 Pluralism in KO research: towards a be difficult to grasp historical or contextual information.
pragmatically based integrative approach? A comparable position is somewhat echoed also by
Svenonius (2004, 585) when she argues that
A related and important question is how pluralism is
practiced in KO research. As described in this article, dif- Arguably, in the design of a retrieval language, a
ferent theoretical views are involved, together with differ- trade-off exists between the degree to which the
ent methodologies and approaches (e.g., quantitative vs. language is to be formalized and the degree to
qualitative means or basically deductive vs. inductive ap- which it is to be reflective of language use. It is true
proaches) and many different types of tools (KOSs). that a highly formalized language advances the twin
Such a pluralism is surely a resource, because different goals of automation and distributed indexing. On
options could be provided for different information con- the other hand, the greater the expressiveness of a
cerns and operative circumstances, as well as that kind of retrieval language, in particular the greater its ability
intellectual tension, which may yield productively fertile to convey the contextual and relational information
results. On the other hand, the existence of positions that needed for disambiguation, collocation, and naviga-
can be seen as mutually exclusive—think about the dif- tion, the greater validity it has as a knowledge rep-
ferent notions of concepts (e.g., as based on essen- resentation.
tial/context-free vs. context-dependent attributes) or of
knowledge itself (e.g., as mirroring an objective reality vs. 6.0 Conclusion
as culturally/historically/theoretically biased)—risks to
create some kind of confusion, especially if they are not A presentation of KOSs has been provided, distinguish-
made explicit. ing a broad and narrow meaning of the corresponding
The divergent aspects of pluralism need to be bal- term. The focus has been especially on the latter, which is
anced by attempts to find some integrative elements, used for referring to systems developed with the purpose
pondering on how to amalgamate conflicting theoretical of aiding the retrieval of information. A number of dif-
positions, something that, however, is not an easy task, or ferent typologies or classifications of KOSs have been
focusing on the pragmatic ground. analyzed, which result from comparing KOSs and tend to
An attempt like this is discussed, for example, in Maz- employ different criteria and to have different scopes. In
zocchi (2017). Although recognizing the perspectival (i.e., this framework, the idea of a classification spectrum (and
not a priori) nature of all types of relations (something that, of a semantic staircase), and the portrayal of KOSs ac-
of course, reflects a specific theoretical view), it is also cording to a linear progression based on their semantic
supposed that, depending on the conceptual features of strength, have been discussed critically. Attention has
the terms involved, different relations show different de- been drawn on the fact that, in order to have a fuller un-
grees of “stability” (also see Violi 2001, chapter 7), and derstanding of them as semantic tools, the theories of
that by virtue of this they can play different roles in KO. concepts and associated epistemologies underlying the
For example, whereas logically based relations, such as ge- design of KOSs should be investigated, not giving for
nus-species (e.g., “Arthropoda” / “insects”), are particularly granted the “received view” in this field (e.g., about what
useful for allowing automated applications (which require semantic relations “are” or “should be”). As argued by
inheritance properties), and achieving semantic interopera- some scholars (e.g., Hjørland 2003), in order for such a
bility (which usually involves mapping between the theoretical engagement to be possible, a rethinking of the
terms/concepts of different KOSs), relations that function educational landscape of LIS/KO specialists would per-
more contingently, like “perspective” hierarchies (e.g., “ag- haps be necessary. And what seems also especially needed
ricultural pests” / “insects or disease carriers” / “insects”), is to make an explicit connection between the broad
Knowl. Org. 45(2018)No.1 73
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meaning and the narrow meaning of KOS, the former presentation of properties for each class within the
corresponding to the social and intellectual organization classificatory structure. With a full taxonomy and ex-
of knowledge (i.e., how knowledge is organized respec- haustive properties, an ontology functions as both a
tively in society and in conceptual systems like theories conceptual vocabulary and a working template which
and disciplines). Today such an engagement is also essen- allows for storing, searching, and reasoning that is
tial considering that, for the future developments of based on instances and rules” (Zeng 2008, 176).
KOSs and KO, a balance should be found between tech- 6. Another important resource to be mentioned here is
nologically-driven and theoretically-driven concerns. the Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications
(BARTOC), which is a large collection of informa-
Notes tion about different KOSs (e.g., Ledl and Voß 2016).
7. Not necessarily the structure (made up of terms and
1. In the present article, the plural form KOSs is used their interrelationships) of a KOS should be made
for KO systems, although many references, including explicit to users. What indeed counts is the existence
quotes in the present text, use KOS in both the sin- of such a structure, something that could be proven
gular and the plural sense. in virtue of the fact that, by means of it, a number
2. In both versions of Kuhn’s scheme, there is, underly- of retrieval operations are performed (this is the case
ing any revolutionary change, something that remains of Google retrieval systems).
unchanged. This is very clear in his later formulation 8. Any attempt to compare and classify the multiplicity
that emphasizes the “local” feature of revolutions (as of types and instances of KOSs is complicated by a
depending on local changes in the meaning of kind number of issues, including the fact that, as pointed
terms). But also in the more holistic formulation de- out by Souza et al. (2012), what is usually taken into
veloped in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, while not account in these schemes are features pertaining to
explicitly acknowledged by him, a differentiation can ideal or conventional types of KOSs. However, such
be made between different levels of assumptions with a circumstance risks to obscure the (sometimes sig-
regard to their “stability.” For example, Kuhn men- nificant) dissimilarities that might exist between the
tions the scientific revolution bringing from (Newto- specific instances of a KOS, or some hybrid forms
nian) corpuscular optics to wave optics to contempo- that could also exist. For instance, the semantic
rary optics, according to which light corresponds to structure might be more complex in a given instance
quantum-mechanical entities (photons), which display of a KOS with respect to the instance of another
some characteristics of waves and some of particles. KOS, although the situation is the opposite if the
Yet underlying such changes what remains basically corresponding conventional types are considered.
stable are the fundamental notions that define what is 9. As suggested by an anonymous reviewer, with regard
modern science, as established by Descartes and Gali- to these issues, standardization activities related to
leo (as well as the logical and epistemic principles we the KOS development should also be considered. In
have inherited from Greek philosophy). actual fact, the production of international and na-
3. A further related aspect concerns the development of tional standards has concerned only thesauri (e.g.,
multilingual KOSs. The question here is whether the ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005, BS 8723, ISO 25964).
different linguistic versions of a KOS are able to rep- Such a circumstance has favoured, and ruled, the
resent the features and specificity of the languages and creation and application of a large number of
cultures involved (with regard to multilingual thesauri thesauri in many different areas. This availability of
see Hudon’s pioneering studies [1997], also reprised in thesaurus standards also influenced, at least during
De Santis et al. [2012]). the recent several decades, the development of other
4. As pointed out by an anonymous reviewer, the reasons types of KOSs like subject headings (e.g., LCSH and
for such a differentiation are that, first, the items in- MeSH). And the development of SKOS, too, has
cluded in the “metadata-like models” group are em- heavily been based on these same standards (see
ployed for listing name variations and representing the “Appendix. Correspondences between ISO-2788/
attributes of some tangible items (e.g., people, organi- 5964 and SKOS constructs” in Isaac and Summers
zations, places); second, they also contain further data 2009). In contrast, international standards about, for
about these items, such as relationships among them, example, classifications have not been elaborated, al-
possible types (e.g., types of places), and special attrib- though some efforts in this direction have been
utes (e.g., geo coordinates of places). made by IFLA. This too has contributed to the ter-
5. “Ontology embraces the classificatory structure used minological and classification confusion regarding
by taxonomies and thesauri. Its unique feature is the the items included in the “classification and categori-
74 Knowl. Org. 45(2018)No.1
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cat rem mediantibus conceptibus” (“A word stands in retrospect than during the ongoing process of re-
for a thing by means of thoughts/concepts”). search.”
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