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Liu (2021), in his study published in the Advances in Social Science, Education and

Humanities Research — "The Influence of the Body Image Presented Through TikTok Trend-

Videos and Its Possible Reasons" — discussed the impact of TikTok on body image and societal

values, highlighting the platform's role in perpetuating harmful body stereotypes as well as

potential repercussions on the psychosocial well-being of individuals. The concept also

emphasized the need for a deeper comprehension of the consequences associated with published

TikTok contents, and the importance of seeking diverse opinions on counteracting the possible

negative impacts of information cocoons. Additionally, it presented TikTok users' opinions on

body shaming and the reasons behind TikTok's influence on body imaging — attributing to the

platform's algorithm, as well as user communities and promotion of idealized body standards.

These profound insights can not only further the understanding of the complex dynamics

at play within the TikTok community but also provide a solid foundation for the researchers’

current qualitative exploration. By building upon Liu's findings, this study aims to amplify how

TikTok trends shape students' perceptions of body image and its potential implications for their


Liu, J. (2021). The influence of the body image presented through TikTok Trend-Videos and its

possible reasons. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.

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