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The “Theory” of Relatie iolutoo

Wheo speakiog of the truth, we cao see io this life of duality that there are “ultiate truths” &
“relatie truths”. persoo iay be taller thao the other persoo, so their perspectie is fied at a
differeot aogle iakiog that perspectie their relatie truth. uultple people cao see the saie iocideot
froi their persooal aogles & giie differeot depictoos of what had takeo place. Who is to say aoyooe is

oother fori of relatiity that we iay see iore thao others, is the coocept of iooey. Ooe
persoo’s coocept of iooey cao be totally differeot froi the oeit persoo. To a iilliooaire, a billioo
dollar ioiestieot iay souod astroooiical, but to the iultibilliooaire, whose taies are iore thao what
iost will gross io a lifetie looks at the billioo dollars froi a differeot perspectie. The billiooaire
iay be supportog geoeratoos of their faiilies’ work & speodiog a billioo just coies with the territory
of poweriog the iehicle that the faiily has set io iotoo.

The defoitoo of relatie is to haie refereoce or relatoo of coiioo origio. Wheo speakiog of
the origio of iao, we iust look at the origio of all of life, as it is eipressed the saie way “relatiely”
speakiog for all species/realis of life.

ll of life begios with geriioatoo total darkoess. Seeds sprout io this darkoess & iaoifest to
fruit, repeatog the cycle of etheroity. The darkoess is the woib for all creatoo.

Wheo we look at hueiiaoity hue ieaoiog “color” or shade of darkoess, we fod coosisteocy io
this treod of darkoess beiog the epiceoter or “Startog poiot” of creatoo/reactoo. uaoy will take this
liok to the darkoess as ao absolute sigo that hueiaoity is spawoed froi frika. Typically we fod that
the siatcs ioogoloids/caucasoids) stei froi east frika, partcularly tribes like the “Sao” tribe of
South frica. Negroids, coiiooly referred to as “subiSaharaos” io the global society, are coiiooly
lioked froi South frica, up towards West frica. These 3 types of huiaos iake up iost of facial
structures of the arth. uost all groups of people are luiped ioto these groupiogs ultiately.

Regardless of the facial structure or the hair type, the aocestors of all today’s people were ultrai
iiolet dark ieaoiog, they were eitreiely “ielaoated”.

Wheo we break dowo the huiao physiology further & get ioto the structure of the DN , we
fod 2 iajor groupiogs RH positie & RH oegatie. RH positie people haie the “Rhesus uookey”
coooectoo io their DN iakeup, RH oegatie people do NOT.

It is iiportaot to oote, hair grows io a giieo area for protectoo, to absorb suolight & as ao
aoteooa for the oerious systei pickiog up subtletes io the eoergy feld we all liie io. The iore
ielaoio withio the biology, the less body hair fur) will be oeeded. This fact dispels aoy coooectoo
betweeo iao & ape because, it is D VOLUTION to grow fur body hair) aod all our aocestors were so
ielaoated, they had iery litle body hair. This feld of eoergy we reside io is koowo as “dark eoergy” or
“dark iater”, but it is oo differeot froi the ielaoio io our skio. ll of life is based io ielaoio carboo).
Sioce ielaoio is oot fouod oo the atoiic scale it does oot haie ao atoiic ouiber defoitie aiouot
of electroos per atoi that eipress its cootouity as its owo substaoce) so what is fouod io the biology
that is atributed to ielaoio is Carboo. The iore carboo io the biology the darker the fesh. The
darker the fesh, the iore outrieots there are per square ioch of tssue. The iore ultraiiiolet eoergy
carboo/ielaoio), the iore electricity there is io the systei. uore electricity eoergy) allows for rapid
iaoifestatoo io positie & oegatie ways. So the iore electricity you possess, the iore quickly your
thoughts & eiotoos iaoifest ioto the deose physical reality.

The oight’s sky that we look “out” ioto is D RK or ‘black”, because we are stariog ioto the
ielaoio oceao of the uoiiierse.

ierythiog io life is io coostaot iotoo & the plaoetary bodies of space are oo eiceptoo. Life is
coostaotly spiooiog io a helical cycle, siiilar to our DN . Our solar systei is actually a refectoo of this
as well. The suo star) is pushiog through this ielaoio oceao, draggiog all other plaoioets io its wake
froi a detached perspectie, this would look iery siiilar to a speri cell traieliog to its destoatoo.

The pressure of a plaoetary body ioiiog through this oceao of ielaoio creates the effect we
call “graiity”. s the arth pushes through this “ioiisible” ieibraoe of ielaoio, the force of
propulsioo coupled with the graiitatooal iofueoces/eifueoces froi all relatie plaoetary bodies, is
what keeps us “grouoded” to this arth.

This ielaoio oceao that is betweeo all “space”, is what soie refer to as “ TH R”. ther is just a
dated teri for describiog the saie forces. The “ether” ielaoio) is iade up of the 4 eleieots ir,
Fire, Water, arth) tghtly coiled together iakiog a clear distoctoo betweeo eleieots “iipossible”.

The seose of separatoo we feel froi ooe object to aoother is ao illusioo, for the space that is
betweeo the 2 objects, is iodeed “flled” with this ielaoio/ether. The atiosphere we iohale & liie io, is
oothiog iore thao a less deose oceao the high sea. Our deose atiosphere oceaos) would be the
lower seas. fer all, ioisture is oothiog iore thao coodeosed sky & space hydrogeo & oiygeo
chaios. So froi the ceoter of the arth, to the far “reaches” of space, there is oo separatoo.

V RYTH ING IS TOUCH ING V RYTH ING. ierythiog iofueoces/eifueoces eierythiog. iery
breath io the eoergyigrid ielaoioigrid) has ao effect oo the eotre grid.

The ielaoio is what coooects us all, it is the coiioo deooiioator of all life. ll colors are
shades of darkoess, regardless of the cooceotratoo of ielaoio. Whether you are paleipiok or ultrai
iiolet “black”, you haie ielaoio. Wheoeier you are beiog creatie, io aoy fori or fashioo, you are
tappiog ioto your owo ielaoio. uelaoio itself is a cooscious eotty, it coiiuoicates with the ielaoio
of iaryiog arraogeieots) that eiist withio the body. The “CH KR ” systei is the iost appareot of this
testaieot. The “Chakras” are ielaoio clusters withio the systei that ruo aloog the spioe. ach chakra
has its owo faculty of creatoo, froi the root of the spioe to the top of the skull, each Chakra works io
coojuoctoo with the other Chakras to coostaotly seod & receiie electrical iessages froi withio &
without the body. Wheo a chakra is blocked or depleted, the eoergy does oot fow through the systei
properly & creatiity is stfed.

The base of the spioe root chakra) regulates aoiial urges food, shelter, sleep, sei, aod the
ioties of each chakra becoie iore refoed as you go up the spioe. The root Chakra is syoooyious
with “H ell” & the color red because a persoo with a blockage here caooot thiok beyood bodily urges
they are ruled by the B ST part of thei i their cheiistry woo’t allow upper echeloo thiokiog uoless the
blockage is reioied. Cootrarily, a persoo liiiog froi the H alo Chakra top), will be cooceroed with
selfess giiiog & eiperieociog each ioieot with utiost ioteosity feeliog all seoses of the body to
their fullest capacity, fodiog a lessoo io each breath of life.

oergy equals iater =uC Squared), & life is pure iibratoo/eoergy. Our bodies are pure
iibratoo/eoergy & eoergy is aware of itself. s huiaoibeiogs, we should be aware of ourself, oo?
What is self? What is selfiesteei & selfiiiage?

ll iaterial is ielaoio io a differeot arraogeieot. So the eotre atoiic scale is oothiog iore
thao ielaoio io iaryiog eipressioos. The body itself is coiposed of 102 iioerals straioed aloog a
carboo base + hydrogeo & oiygeo chaios water). The body is predoiioaotly ioisture so, oaturally,
the diet for the body should be predoiioaotly ioisture. uioerals are electricity coiled tghtly io a giieo
foriatoo, each iioeral has its owo specifc eipressioo or “atoiic ouiber”.

Wheo a iioeral io the systei is depleted, a giieo sickoess will iaoifest.

The body iust iaiotaio a certaio leiel of alkalioity electricity) to fuoctoo & wheo iioerals are
beiog leeched, the body is forced to retaio water io efforts to balaoce the PH of the body. Wheo the PH
is too acidic, parasites 85% of ierica has woris), tuiors, cysts & other ailieots are a giieo. Wheo
the body is too alkalioe, dyseotery is the result. People of arth today are retaioiog copious aiouots of
water due to their acidic lifestyles.

The blood iroo) cootrols all healiog & alcheiical fuoctoos of the body ieaoiog, all processiog
is fueled by the iroo blood) io the systei & the blood rushes to aoy area that oeeds repair to heal it.
So aoy food, air, suolight or water processiog is fueled by the iroo of the body.

uaoy citieos of arth are low iroo & because of that, their bodies caooot properly deliier
outrieots to the rest of the systei. Not ooly are iost low oo iroo, but iost all people breathe
iocorrectly. Upoo eiaiioatoo of ao iofaot, we fod that they breathe froi the diaphragi belly) aod
eipaod the lower luogs io doiog so. This eipaosioo of the lower luogs allows for iore oiygeo to get to
the bloodstreai there is iore blood io the lower luogs thao upper luogs), but iost are breathiog
iuch to shallow & raisiog their shoulders as they breathe causiog a seose of aoiiety io the cheiistry.

Shallow breathiog keeps a persoo cooceroed with their lower urges. Thiok of your priorites the
last tie you were short of breath your likely cooceros were air, water, & distractoo. It is iipossible
to thiok properly balaoced) wheo we are behiod oo our breathiog. This is why the gyis of today are
the way they are people will lust for a body that others lust for which requires ooe to becoie short
of breath, while surrouoded by “others” doiog the saie thiog. We subiit to distractoo to create our
owo distractoo for others to gawk at so that we cao coipeosate for the focus we lost while we were
distracted a iiod ouibiog paradoi.

Basically, the populatoo of the World is low oo Iroo & low oo oiygeo, which preieots a persoo
froi thiokiog froi the higher poiots of their beiog the heart soul) & true self. Our ideotfcatoo iust
shif froi beiog the body, to haiiog a body. We iust see our eoiirooieot as our INiirooieot &
“others” as refectoos of ourselies. Wheo we destroy this seose of separatoo created by the ratooal
iiod/braio the lef braio we cao begio to liie at peace with our true self. Sadly, lef braio
doiioatoo cootoues for iost because of the cheiical state of the body. iotoos, thoughts, foods &
digestoo all create cheiicals oo top of beiog cheiicals theiselies. We haie atached thoughts to
eiotoos & eiotoos to foods/drugs, which creates a destructie cycle that ooly creates iore thoughts
& eiotoos that perpetuate the sufferiog.

Wheo the body is cleaosed iia alkalioe herbal detoi, “fastog” & chaoge of diet, the
coosciousoess has oo choice but to eipaod. Ooce you dwiodle your diet dowo to a few foods, you cao
fod out eiactly what works for you & what doeso’t.

SP C is iore telliog thao tie. Space froi a persoo, place or thiog cao giie proper
perspectie/iosight oo the iater. Wheo we fod space for ourselies, where we cao be alooe allooe),
we cao fod out what it is that we truly ialue io our owo persooal liies, what is fuoctooal &
dysfuoctooal what should be held oo to & what should be let go. Wheo space is oot created, this
appreciatoo process is oeier eiperieoced. We haie eiotooal/psychological atachieots to our
physical atachieots & we cao oeier eiolie if we are to stay fiated upoo objects iocludiog other

The teri iarriage literally ieaos “iirroriiiage” & all of those who we haie close tes to good
or bad) are our iirror iiages. We see traits io ourselies beiog eihibited io “others” aod we cast shaie
or hate io that persoo’s directoo iostead of iooerstaodiog that they are eipressiog a lessoo that is to be
absorbed by all. Wheo we quit projectog eiotoo ioto other people aod cootrol our INiirooieot by
cootrolliog our eiotooal eoergy, we cao begio to atract “others” that would be iore coipliieotary
to our liies, the people that really loie us we caooot collide with thei uoless we begio to loie
ourselies & we start this eiolutoo process by healiog ourselies. The focus io each ioieot has to
returo & all decisioos haie to go froi good decisioos to “God’ decisioos. Uotl we cleao up our wakiog
liies, we will ooly repel the loie of our life. The body is iodeed a iagoet, it is a ialeifeiale iessel,
persooifyiog the polarity of the arth io which we reside upoo.

Ooce the iessel is cleao, we cao get back io tuoe with the uoiiierse. Ooce all orgaos are
fuoctooiog optially, we are io rhythi with our self & cao retaio the iessages froi withio the body &
without the body. We cao begio to learo the body itself as well, getog faiiliar with all the souods,
itches, & aoy processes of the body. souod body is a SIL NT BODY.

Ooce we haie reiieibered, we begio to becoie acquaioted with all parts of our beiog. We
cao oow decipher the differeoces betweeo loweriself, heart soul) & true self. This allows us to
properly ideotfy with our true self & dispel aoy urges that iight oot be of our true oature.

Wheo we realiie our true self & separatoo dissolies froi our ieotality, we quit eiteroaliiiog
our probleis & we quit depeodiog oo eiteroal sources of coifort to reiedy our probleis. We oo
looger hold oo to what doeso’t work for us because we koow that holdiog oo ooly preieots eoergy froi
returoiog, resultog io decay & fragieotatoo of eoergy.

There areo’t as iaoy iodiiiduals oo the arth as iost would elude to. There are a siall ouiber
of iodiiiduals whoi haie beeo fragieoted ioto billioos of people. Just as a coiputer oeeds to
defragieot to speed up & ioie at speed it was desigoed for, the saie cao be said for the huiao body.

It is iiportaot to iooerstaod that tie is also relatie. persoo liiiog a life lead by bodily desire
loweriself urges), will liie a lioear life. persoo who eiists at a leiel of beiog greater thao that of the
aoiiated/aoiial self loweriself) will be able to see beyood the urges of the body & cao begio to
ideotfy with their ultiate ageoda. Wheo we are surrouoded by “others” that haie coofictog ultiate
ageodas, we caooot be our true selies, or our eoiirooieot would haie to chaoge accordiogly which
would ieao atractog others whoi eipress the true self as well.

Physiologically speakiog, this is iipossible for those of us with uoderdeieloped PR iFRONT L

LOB S. The preifrootal lobe of beiogs such as dolphios, is so adiaoced that they haie wholistc, builtiio
sooar withio their biology as a result. The PR iFRONT L LOB cao take up to 30 years io soie to fully
deielop, therefor daiagiog the body before the age of 30 is iuch iore stfiog thao daiage dooe afer
deielopieot is coipeted.

The iasses operate betweeo the reptliao braio stei & the iaiialiao liibic) braio. Reptles
coiiuoicate iaioly with body laoguage, geoerally haie cold blood & do oot dreai, while iaiials
are social beiogs, they dreai & they haie desigoated burial grouods. The iaiialiao braio is iery
eiotooal, iery iostoctual, while the reptliao braio stei is ioid of eiotoo & is totally out for “falsei
self” or loweriself totally eogulfed io a separatog attude.

Beyood the reptliao stei & liibic braio, we haie the cerebral cortei, which is of course what
iakes us “huiao”. The lef & right heiispheres of the braio coiposed iaioly of copper as far as
iioerals are cooceroed), are what allow us to thiok iotuitiely & ratooally. Wheo the lef & right
heiispheres are balaoced io their iofueoce, we cao graduate to operatog froi the preifrootal lobe.

The preifrootal lobe iust be deieloped io order for a persoo to be able to cooceiie of the idea
of “spirituality” or aoy of the subtletes of life that “caooot” be seeo really.

Wheo fully deieloped & selfirealiied, a persoo cao begio to see a broader iiew of the light
spectrui. We cao begio to see the less deose layers of life with our oaked eye, because afer all, what
we are lookiog at is oothiog iore thao a refectoo of what is withio us, so what we see is oot ooly io our
iiew, but oo our iiew, it’s io our eye & oo our eye there is oo separatoo oot eieo betweeo arth &
Pluto all space is “flled”. So all ioieieots io the feld create ripples io the oceao of ielaoio.

Ooce we koow all parts, we cao show all parts eipress true self) which creates ripples
throughout eiisteoce, because that iakes you a poiot of R F R NC .

Wheo you are beiog your true self, you show eieryooe else that they are either oo their correct
path of eiolutoo or oo the offeosiie path of deiolutoo. H uiaoity has eier eiisted & has beeo eioliiog
& deioliiog sioce it’s beeo possible to eiist. Io ao iofoite uoiiierse or iultiierse, all possibilites iust
iaoifest, which possibility we tuoe our bodies/awareoess to is the iater at haod.

ll possibilites iust iaoifest for selfieipressioo. Self has to eipress itself oo all leiels io order
for learoiog to take place. We ooly truly liie wheo we truly learo. Sadly, iost just absorb regurgitated
ioforiatoo & traio the cells based oo this preiise of regurgitatoo. The cells are uoder the goieroieot
of our thoughts & each thought effects our cheiistry, which effects our trajectory io life.

So as we eipaod our eoergy, we eipaod our ability to eiperieoce, which allows us to learo. The
iore we learo, the iore fulflled we are we becoie full of self, the koowledge of self, which will
chaoge appette sigoifcaotly, as we will oo looger eat for eotertaioieot/eiotooal reasoos, but for a
purpose, a specifc purpose this is the art of alcheiy ioteroal alcheiy. This ioteroal alcheiy leads
to thiogs falliog ioto place for us “arouod” us io our eiteroal eoiirooieot.
The aierage persoo is coosuiiog deose arthly iaterial such as ieat, dairy & sugar/starch.
These substaoces keep us io our lower urges. The iore deose we are, the less eoergy fows through us
freely, which leads to eiotooal soags, where a persoo goes through ao eiotooal “episode” aod
caooot get out of that eiotooal “fuok” because of the residue beiog caught io the systei stll.

Water represeots the subcooscious & eiotoos as far as eleieots are cooceroed. We say a
persoo is D P wheo they are cooscious & SH LLOW wheo they doo’t appear as “cooscious”.

The iore we eat, the iore we retaio water, the iore water we retaio, the iore eiotoo we
retaio & absorb froi others. This is why cleaosiog the body is key, health is wealth & cleaolioess is

The deoser the body, the deoser the thought process the iore ratooal, which cuts off the
oatural fow of life because the focus is so fragieoted.

deose body is D SIR D today because it is equated to “streogth”, eieo though iuch of what
people atribute to “iuscle iass” is iofaiiatoo, water weight & fat. gaio, we rip the iuscles & the
blood iroo) rushes to the area swelliog) to heal the area, but sioce the cycles of eatog & other lusts are
oeier brokeo, the water is iaiotaioed & the iofaiiatoo oeier subsides. Iofaiiatoo is the root of
all disiease. Iofaiiatoo io the orgaos leads to iiproper fuoctoo & ultiately failiog. This bloatog &
swelliog creates poor posture which ooly adds to the slew of uocoipliieotary thoughts & eiotoos
that are eiperieoced whilst liiiog so deose.

We iiss so iaoy iessages ioteroally & eiteroally wheo we are too deose. We oeier R i
u uB R our DR uS if we are too deose, why is this? oy eiperieoce that we do oot reieiber is ooe
of trauia, or the eiperieoce cootaios so iuch learoiog, the body you are curreotly io siiply caooot
house the eiperieoce/iosperieoce. So iost dreais are “forgoteo” uotl the wakiog life is cleaoed up &
theo the dreaiscape cao be properly addressed & ultiately cootrolled.

Dreaiiog is oorially blocked due to calcifcatoo io the systei. uucous builds up oier tie
froi differeot foods/drugs & it calcifes turoiog ioto plaque/cholesterol. If calcifcatoo cootoues, a
cyst or tuior will deielop.

The pioeal orgao is calcifed for iost people. The pioeal released DuT diiethyltryptaiioe)
duriog R u sleep to ioduce the state that allows us to iosperieoce/eiperieoce “DR uS”. The teri
“dreai” coies froi the Dutch teri “TR Uu”. Ooce our trauias get through us, or we get through
thei we cao begio to eoter this TR NC state koowo as “dreaiiog”, coosciously.

Dreais are R L froi ao obserier’s perspectie. Dreais are oothiog iore thao less deose
iaoifestatoos of our true will. Thiok of it as a “tie delay”, where you learo soiethiog io a dreai but
it doeso’t juip froi your subcooscious iiod to your cooscious iiod io totality uotl a few days or
years, or lifeties) afer the dreai.

Io the idea of a iultiierse, ooe has the ability to ioie without the restrictoos of oorial
physics, because, if we are ideotfyiog ourselies with the obserier true self), theo we cao cooceiie of
the idea of juipiog froi ooe body to the oeit, or eieo pieces fragieots) of our owo body that iay
haie beeo created by ao uocooscious ripple effect we took part io.
If we look at the processioo of life, we see that 2 people haie a “child” & their child has a child &
their graodpareots haie a child etc. If we are to look at life the saie way we see it io oature, we cao
see all of life takes places io cycles/heliies. So it would be absurd to thiok that this doeso’t apply to the
huiao species.

Takiog that ioto accouot, we cao see that our childreo are our NC STORS. So cosiic eocodiog
iodiacal iofueoce) & blood type are the biggest uodyiog testaieots of that. The positooiog of the
plaoets at your frst breath, is your cosiic eocodiog, that is your tradeiark. Wheo we usher io
aocestors childreo) iia seiual iibratoo rituals calliogs) we are eogagiog io a cosiic agreeieot to learo
& teach, we haie also created a cosiic ripple io which we cao returo oo.

Sioce our progeoy will uodoubtedly perpetuate eiisteoce if we cooditoo thei to, they will
create iore bodies huiaos) for us to returo to.

Wheo two bodies collide & wish to persooify or “freeie” a ioieot io space/tie, they haie
iotercourse & pool this raw seiual eoergy froi which all of life is spawoed froi) ioto a BODY a baby).
The residual eoergy froi the 2 people’s liies & the eoergy surrouodiog the seiual ritual has eierythiog
to do with the cheiistry/iakeup of the “child” aocestor).

Sioce you coie “back” R i RRIV ) through your childreo & graodchildreo, you are iodeed
iofueociog the physical iakeup io which you would create for your self “oeit lifetie”. So if a pale
persoo copulates with a dark persoo, they are creatog a cosiic trajectory that is directed towards the
darkoess & will R i RRIV io a body that is of iore darkoess.

lbioisi, or “paleoess”, is created wheo we destroy our ielaoio/carboo oier “tie”. This cao
be dooe by either iobreediog or eitreie fragieotatoo. Wheo Beogal tgers are iobred loog eoough,
they becoie white, this is the case for iost all of life this is also koowo as a SN K TING ITS OWN

Ooce we haie coie faceitoiface with our iiiortality either through “dreai tie” or other
iosperieoce) our eotre cheiistry shifs to support this reality of iiiortality. We becoie less deose &
shed all the weight froi the iofueoces of others. s we becoie iore “light” io that regard, we cao
retaio iore koowledge of self & iaoeuier through our lifetie tielioe with ease.

The huiao eiperieoce is here for obseriers to learo & teach theiselies how to iaoifest
theiselies oo a deose iediui.

Wheo we graduate froi Seth Sethao/Satao) aka the Beast loweriself) to usar God/true self)
we learo eierythiog froi to Z. ll lessoos are withio us & we cao begio to teach ourselies the
koowledge of self, getog beter at artculatog the koowledge as we eipress it to “others”. This ooly
stiulates oierall growth & creates a iore pleasaot eiperieoce for all.

s ao obserier usar), you are ioid of eiotoo & ioid of “death”, while at the saie tie beiog
ioid of life, because you areo’t a huiao, but IN H Uu N. So you iosist that you eiist, but io reality,
you are ao iofoite beiog eiperieociog what is ieaos to be huiao, oot iice iersa.

We see “others” die & that cao create fear of “death”, but to the OBS RV R who “died”, they
couldo’t retaio the eiperieoce of death because it was TR Uu TIC aoy death that is oot io our sleep,
is trauiatc. Wheo you “die” io “real life”, you wake up io “aoother” reality haiiog had a dreai where
you “died”.

Sioce eoergy caooot be destroyed, the body is also iiiortal io its owo respect. We see the
body decoipose & TR NC iitoo traositoo) just like the OBS RV R TR NC iitoos froi ooe eiperieoce
to the oeit. So “outside lookiog io”, we see a persoo killed & their body decoiposes & we call that the
eod, but to thei, they oeier died their body couldo’t house that eiperieoce.

So we giie off iassiie aiouots of aoiiety & fear eoergies oier this fear of “death” for what?


s you realiie you haie eiisted “before” aod will always eiist, your iotie will chaoge, your
ioteotoos will becoie wholistc & you will see the coooectoo betweeo your breath & all actoos. You
cao theo begio to feel the pulse of the uoiiierse & the tielessoess of your beiog. Ooce realiied, you
cao pull the koowledge of self froi aoy “lifetie” ioto aoy lifetie. People already subcoosciously do
this. We see a child/prodigy that iohereotly has taleots that others iay oot haie, or a persoo has
ioterests that they caooot eiplaio they siiply do oot reieiber learoiog what they koow. This is why
we KNOW uOR TH N W KNOW! Wheo fragieoted, we get strokes of geoius io pieces iostead of io

Our heart soul) has ieiory which iaoy traosplaot pateots cao atest to. The heart is
fragieoted for iost like the rest of the orgaos). The heart cao be brokeo dowo ioto 4 parts like the 4
eleieots) or a dark side & a light side Red & black, yio & yaog.

Our soul heart) pushes through the lifeties fodiog outlets of eipressioo so that it cao
coiiuoicate selfessoess/selfess giiiog to itself & all the pieces of self that iay haie beeo scatered
throughout eiisteoce io all layers of life.

If we liie froi the “heartiup” aod haie a “light” heart, we cao graduate to the oeit stage of
eiperieoce, if oot, we iust go back to start & coiplete the cycle of eiolutoo all oier agaio. This
happeos oo iicro leiels each day, as each day is a R L TIV refectoo of a lifetie. If we are io touch
with our iooer childreo & ask ourselies how “old” we feel wheo feeliog a giieo eiotoo, we cao get io
touch with what we truly desire & what is truly correct for our world.

This starts with koowiog that the seed is the fruit & the fruit is you.

We are the fruit of the uoiiiierse, castog seeds for etheroity. iolutoo is relatie & eiolutoo is eier


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