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I. Read ex 6, p 34 and complete sentences.

1.Ukrainian dishes are…

2.Borshch is cooked with…
3.Ukrainian cuisine is rich in…

II. Ex 1, p 42. Do you agree with the statements? If not, explain why.

III. Complete sentences with defining (2) and non-defining (2) relative clauses.
2.My friend…
3. Ukrainian cuisine…

IV. Put 4 questions about British cuisine.

V. Complete the table.

English Meals
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Supper

VI. Write sentences in indirect speech.

1. Paul came in and said, “I’m really hungry.”
2.They said “We’re quite cold in here.”
3. Dad exclaimed “I have a new car!”
4. I promised “I’m seeing my brother tomorrow.”
5. She said “I haven’t seen them since last week.”

VII. Make embedded questions (p 13-14).

1. I asked, “Have you seen Lee?”
2. The boss was angry and shouted, “Why isn’t he here? He hasn’t finished that
report yet!”
3. I wondered “How will they get here?”
4. They came and asked “When are you leaving?”
5.He asked them “Where do they live?”

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