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Traditional file processing can be a suitable choice over a database approach in certain scenarios

where the complexity and overhead of a database system might not be justified. They include,
Small-scale Data Storage: When dealing with relatively small amounts of data that can fit
comfortably within a single file, traditional file processing can be efficient. For instance,
configuration files, logs, or simple data sets that don't require complex querying can be managed
effectively with plain text or structured files.
Simple Data Structures: In cases where the data can be represented using straightforward
structures like arrays, linked lists, or basic key-value pairs, traditional file processing can suffice.
For example, managing a list of names and corresponding IDs might not necessitate the overhead
of a database system.
Limited Resources: In resource-constrained environments, databases might consume significant
memory and processing power. Embedded systems, IoT devices, or legacy hardware with limited
computational capabilities can benefit from a lightweight file processing approach, avoiding the
overhead of a full-scale database management system.
Quick Prototyping: During the initial stages of software development, when the focus is on rapid
prototyping and experimentation, using files can be more convenient. Developers can easily
modify, create, and delete files to iterate on their ideas without the need for complex database
Data Portability: When data needs to be shared or moved between different platforms or
applications, using files can simplify the process. Files can be easily transported and read by
various software tools without requiring specific database management systems.
Offline or Disconnected Environments: Applications that need to function without a constant
internet connection, such as certain mobile apps or field data collection tools, might opt for file-
based approaches to store and manage data locally (Lee, Tang & Choi, 2013).
Data Privacy and Security: In cases where data privacy and security are paramount, keeping
sensitive information in isolated files can provide better control over access and reduce the risk
of unauthorized database breaches.
Single User Applications: Some applications are designed for single-user scenarios, where the
need for concurrent access control and multi-user data management is minimal. In such cases, a
file-based approach can simplify development and maintenance.
Simple Reporting or Analytics: For basic reporting needs, where data analysis involves
straightforward operations like counting occurrences or calculating basic statistics, traditional
file processing can offer adequate functionality without the complexity of a database system.
Custom Data Formats: When data is stored in specific formats that do not align well with the
structures provided by databases, such as proprietary binary formats, a file-based approach might
be more appropriate.
While databases offer powerful features for managing and querying structured data, there are
scenarios where traditional file processing remains a pragmatic choice due to its simplicity,
resource efficiency, and suitability for specific use cases.
Lee, K. K. Y., Tang, W. C., & Choi, K. S. (2013). Alternatives to relational database:
comparison of NoSQL and XML approaches for clinical data storage. Computer methods and
programs in biomedicine, 110(1), 99-109.

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