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Consumer Act of the Philippines

(Republic Act No. 7394)

Certainly! Here's an overview of the Consumer Act of the Philippines (Republic Act No.
7394), categorized into key provisions:

1. **Consumer Rights**:
- The Consumer Act recognizes and protects fundamental consumer rights, including the
right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose, and the right to redress.

2. **Product Standards and Safety**:

- The law establishes standards for product safety and quality to protect consumers from
harm or injury resulting from defective or substandard products.

3. **Fair Trade Practices**:

- The Consumer Act prohibits unfair and deceptive trade practices, including false
advertising, misleading labeling, and deceptive sales tactics that may mislead or deceive

4. **Product Labeling and Packaging**:

- Businesses are required to provide accurate and clear labeling and packaging
information to ensure that consumers can make informed decisions about the products they

5. **Product Warranties and Guarantees**:

- Sellers are obligated to honor product warranties and guarantees, ensuring that
consumers receive adequate protection and recourse in case of product defects or failures.

6. **Consumer Education and Advocacy**:

- The law promotes consumer education and advocacy initiatives to empower consumers
with knowledge and awareness of their rights and responsibilities in the marketplace.

7. **Government Oversight and Enforcement**:

- Government agencies such as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) are tasked
with enforcing the provisions of the Consumer Act and protecting consumer interests through
regulatory oversight and enforcement actions against violators.

8. **Redress Mechanisms**:
- The law provides mechanisms for consumers to seek redress for grievances, including
the right to demand repairs, replacements, or refunds for defective products and the right to
file complaints with relevant government agencies.

9. **Penalties for Violations**:

- Businesses found guilty of violating the provisions of the Consumer Act may face
penalties, fines, or other sanctions imposed by regulatory authorities to deter unfair and
deceptive practices.

10. **Consumer Advocacy and Protection Organizations**:

- The law encourages the establishment of consumer advocacy and protection
organizations to represent and defend consumer interests, promote consumer rights
awareness, and provide support and assistance to consumers in resolving disputes.

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