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Can you give key information about:

● Title: About a boy

● Author: Nick Hornby

● Kind of story: Novel

● Setting (time and place): 1993-1994 London

● Main characters: Will and Marcus

Answer the following questions in full sentences.

1. Give a short summary of the book (100-120 words) (_____ / 25 pts.)

- Will is a rich and irresponsible man. He cannot maintain any relationship. That's why one day he decides to have a
serious relationship. She meets twelve year old Marcus at a group that supports single parents. And then Will
changes with Marcus. Thanks to him, he gains beautiful friends and a love.

2. What is the message / main idea of the story? (_____ / 10 pts.)

- In the book, a child teaches an adult to be an adult, while an adult teaches a child to be a child.

3. Which is your favorite part in the story, and why? (_____ / 10 pts.)

- My favorite episode is the one where Marcus doesn't go to his mother and when something bad happens to him, he
tries to handle it on his own. Because he does this thanks to Will and this strengthens their friendship.

4.Who is your favorite character in the story, and why? (_____ / 10 pts.)

- My favorite character is Marcus because he is a sane and mature boy. I think this is a very beautiful thing.

5.What do you think of the story? Find three things that are good, and three that are bad about the story. (___ / 15

-Three things that are good: Their friendship, their fun and their strength. One things that are bad: Will is an arrogant
person at first.

6. If you could change the title of the book, what would it be? (_____ / 5 pts.)

- Boy maturation

7.Why do you think other students would like it? (_____ / 5 pts.)

Because you may find something from yourself in this book.

8. Imagine that you could give the story an alternative ending, how would you change it? (_____ / 20 pts.)

-If I were to change the ending, Will and Fiona would get married.

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