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Candle wax is a common material used in the production of candles and is

k n o w n fo r its u n iq u e p ro p erties, su ch as its ab ility to m elt an d so lid ify at

sp ecific tem p eratu res. T h e v isco sity o f can d le w ax is a critical facto r th at

affects th e q u ality an d p erfo rm an ce o f can d les, as it d eterm in es th e flo w

b eh av io r o f th e w ax d u rin g m eltin g an d so lid ificatio n . U n d erstan d in g th e

tem p eratu re-d ep en d en t v isco sity o f can d le w ax can p ro v id e v alu ab le

in sig h ts in to th e d esig n an d o p tim izatio n o f can d le p ro d u ctio n p ro cesses.

In this laboratory experiment, we investigated the temperature-dependent

viscosity of candle wax during melting and solidification using a

rheometer. The rheometer measures the viscosity of a material by applying

a controlled force and measuring the resulting deformation. By varying the

temperature and measuring the viscosity at different time intervals, we

were able to determine the temperature-dependent viscosity of the candle

wax and analyze its behavior during melting and solidification.

The results obtained from this experiment will be discussed in detail in the

following sections. The temperature-dependent viscosity data will be

presented and analyzed to understand the behavior of candle wax during

melting and solidification. This information can be useful in the design and

optimization of candle production processes, leading to improved candle

quality and performance.

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