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1.Definition Desuggestopedia
is teaching method which
sets up psychological barriers
to learning. This method has
developed to help students
eliminate the feeling that
they cannot be successful or
the negative association they
have toward studying and,
thus to help them overcome
the barriers to learning. This
teaching method is also
called an affective-humanistic
approach. The advantage of
using this method in teaching
speaking is students can feel
enjoy with the transfering
material by the teacher
because teacher sets the
classroom environment
becomes cheerful and
comfortable and there will be
some lots of fun activity in
practicing speaking without
making students feel stressed
by the treatment given by the
teacher.The Bulgarian
scientist, Dr. Georgi
Lozanov has demonstrated
that through a carefully
“orchestrated” learning
process can be accelerated by
a factor of three to ten times
enjoyably. Such results are
possible through the proper
use of suggestion. 2.Principles
3 general principles of
Dessugestopedia according to
Schusterand Gritton:
a.Learning should be
characterize by the joy and the
absence of tension b.Humans
operate on conscious and para-
conscious level c.Suggestion is
the mean to use the normally
unused mental reserves for
learning 3.Characterization
a.Classroom atmosphere The
challenge for the teacher is to
create a classroom
environment which is bright
and cheerful. If this conditions
are not always possible,
teachers should try to provide
grammatical information that
is appropriate to what the
students are studying.
b.Peripheral Learning This
technique is based upon the
idea that we preceive much
more in our environment than
that to which we consciously
attend. It is claimed that, by
putting posters containing
grammatical information
about the target language on
the classroom walls, students
will absorb the necessary facts
effortlessly teacher may or
may not call attention to the
posters. They are changed
from time to time

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