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1. What do you think is the most unique aspect of your religion?

● The unique aspect of our religion is that we believe in our God Father, Jesus Christ as
the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. We also believe that those who died with good
deeds will go to heaven and those who do bad things will descend into hell and will
suffer for eternity.

2. What is the function of religion in the community?

● I think the function of religion in the community is that it helps us strengthen our self-
confidence, and gives us mental peace. Another function is to help us to become
disciplined citizens in society by teaching us virtues like truth, honesty, non-violence,
service and love.

3. What makes you believe in religion?

● For me, religion makes me believe because there are many supernatural things and
many things that science cannot explain like for example how ghosts manifest, how
some people who presume are alive. I also believe because our God makes many
miracles like always makes us healthy, the one who gives us food and many more.

4. Does your religion provide a guide for your future path?

● Yes, our religion provides a guide for your future path, one of them is to teach some of
the virtues that will be needed for our future, life for example be polite, discipline, know
which is good and bad and make a decision that we think is good for us.

5. How can you convince other people to believe in your religion.

● I can convince them by telling them that you will learn more and you’ll be able to
understand the meaning of life more. I will also tell them that by believing, you’ll
understand how it feels to be content with what you have and have a peace of mind
since you know God will guide you throughout your life.

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