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Ph 02108425229


Re Nightfill

DEAR Halina Gray

I would like to apply for the nightfill position as advertised on

the trade me jobs website

The shift I am applying for consists of three shifts totalling

22hours (Sun 16:00-23:00 Mon 14:30-23:00 Tues 16:00-23:00)

I previously worked for PAK'NSAVE Rangiora as a part time checkout

operator for 3 years and thoroughly enjoyed my time. I’ve been out
of work for a wee while due to mental health issues but am finally
back and ready to start working again

I believe I can bring the following relevant experience

● Team work
● Punctuality
● Consistency
● Hard work

For more details about my work history please find attached a copy
of my CV I look forward to hearing from you

Kind regards

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