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Ferdiansyah Erwin Saputra

Bahasa Inggris Teknik I


Hello, guys! Let me introduce my self, my name is Ferdiansyah Erwin Saputra. Today I would like to
show my presentation about testpen.

In this presentation, I will explain what testpen is all about. The first is about the definition of testpen. A
Test Pen is a measuring instrument used to determine whether an electrical conductor has an electric
voltage or not. The electrical conductor in question here can be an electric cable, electric wire, or
electrical outlet. In addition, the test pen can also be used as a screwdriver.

The second is the type of testpen. As far as I know, there are two types of testpen, digital testpen and the
other one, I don't know what to call it, maybe a real testpen.

Next is what components are in the testpen. The first is the conductor cap. The conductor cap has a
function as a medium used to conduct electric current. Second there is a spring. The spring has a function
to press the indicator lamp on the conductor cap. Third there is a clamp. The clamp is usually used to
place the testpen, for example in a pocket. The fourth is the indicator lamp. The indicator lamp functions
as a marker. The component will light up when it touches an object that has an electric voltage. Fifth there
is charcoal. Charcoal has a function as an insulator that can reduce the risk of overloading the flow of
electric current. Charcoal will limit the flow of electric current. The sixth is the isolator. The isolator has a
function as a safety that protects the tool from the risk of short circuit. The seventh is the probe. Probe
function to detect cables or objects whose electric current will be tested.

That's all from me and thank you for your great attention. I hope you have a nice day. Wassalamualaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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