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ELS 205
1. What is the name for a shift in tone or meaning of a sonnet A. Octave B. Volta C. Iambic Pentameter D.
2. An elaborate classical form in which one Shepherd – Singer laments the death of another is called: A.
Pastoral Romance B. Pastoral Elegy C. Ballad D. Epic
3. Rhymed decasyllables, nearly always in iambic Pentameters rhymed in Pairs are called: A. Heroic Couplet
B. Blank verse C. Terza Rima D. Spenserian stanza
4. A phrase, line or lines repeated at intervals during a poem and especially at the end of a stanza is called: A.
Period B. Refrain C. Feminine Ending D. Alexandrine
5. The first eight lines of a sonnet are called? A. Octave B. Sestet C. Refrain D. None of these
6. The repetition of consonant sounds in a sequence of words is called? A. Assonance B. Rhythm C.
Alliteration D. None of these
7. A poem which consists of fourteen-line is called: A. A Sonnet B. An Ode C. A ballad D. None of these
8. Iron, times of doubts, disputes, distraction, and Fear is an examples of: A. Oxymoron B. Conceit C.
Alliteration D. None of these
9. ‘Pleasant Pain’ is an example of” A. Metaphor B. Paradox C. Oxymoron D. None of these
10. “He ran like the wind. What figure of speech is used in this sentence? A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole
D. All of the above
11. “The home was a prison” what figure of speech is used in the sentence? A. Simile B. Metaphor C.
Hyperbole D. Oxymoron
12. What is hyperbole? A. Exaggerated or extravagant statements to create a strong emotional response. B. it is
used to indicate textual reference within a literary composition. C. It is used to symbolise the thematic
expression D. None of the above.
13. “Faith unfaithful kept him falsely true” What figure of speech is used in this sentence? A. Metaphor B.
Extended metaphor C. Oxymoron D. Hyperbole
14. “Speech is silver but silence is golden”. What literary device is used in this sentence? A. Thesis B.
Antithesis C. Apostrophe D. Anticlimax
15. “O Grave! Where is thy Victoria” is a/an? A. Apostrophe B. Thesis C. Antithesis D. Anticlimax
16. The arrangement of a series of ideas to increase importance is usually called: A. Alliteration B. Apostrophe
C. Anticlimax D. Climax
17. While indicating a pun in the sentence, “An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of
his country”, The word ‘lies’ will be translated as? A. Who lives abroad B. who tells lies abroad C. who
literally lies down abroad D. None of the above
18. “Beowulf” is a/an? A. Epic B. comedy C. tragedy D. novel
19. A metrical FOOT of one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable is called? A. Dactyl B. Iambic
C. Anapest D. Trochee
20. A line of verse consisting of three feet is called? A. Dimeter B. Trimeter C. Tetrameter D. Monometer
21. A lament spoken or sung on the occasion of a funeral is termed as? A. Dirge B. Elegy C. Tragedy D.
22. A stanza consisting of nine lines, the first eight of which are 10-syllable iambic pentameters, while the last
line contains an 11th syllable is termed as? A. Tercet B. Octave C. Spenserian stanza D. Rhyme Royal
23. A method of describing a poem by analyzing the METER and RHYME of its lines is called?
24. A. Scansion B. Syllabic Prosody C. Accentual D. All of these
25. Which one of these is the author of a satirical mock-epic M’Fingal (1776), heavily indebted in its seven-
line stanza rhyming aba bb cc in iambic pentameter is called? A. Terza Rima B. Rhyme Royal C. Ballad D.
26. A play on words, usually for comic effect, but sometimes for a serious purpose is called? A. Pun B.
Allusion C. Allegory D. All of these
27. In literature, the study of the metrical characteristics of verse, such as Meter, Rhyme, and Rhythm is called?
A. Prosody B. Semantics C. Pragmatics D. Phonetics
28. The doctrine that a literary work ought to end with the good characters rewarded and the evil ones punished
is called? A. Poetic diction B. Poetic Justice C. Poetic obligation D. None of these
29. An eight-line stanza (octave) with an a-b-a-b-a-b-c-c rhyme scheme is termed as? A. Ottava Rima B. Ode
C. Limerick D. Haiku
30. When consonant sounds are repeatedly used in a sentence, it is called?
31. When human characteristics are attributed to non-human and inanimate objects, it is called
32. Why is repetition made in the literary work?
33. ……… comprises the arrangement of incidents that results from character and thought giving way to
34. A 14-line lyric poem usually written in iambic pentameter is called?
35. A comparison between two dissimilar things, usually connected by the words like or as is termed as?
36. A poem or stanza of six lines is called?
37. A five-line stanza of the verse is called?
38. A poetic stanza containing eight lines is called?
39. A four-line stanza of verse, generally exhibiting a rhyme scheme is called?
40. A tale designed to teach a moral lesson is termed as?

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