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1. The word” philosophy” is derived from which language?

(a) English

(b) Latin

(c) Greek

(d) Italian

2. How many types of Philosophy are there?





3. The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, Ethics and _____.



(d).categorical logic

4. The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe and
the things in it, is known as _____.

(a). metaphysics

(b). epistemology

(c). quantum physics

(d). axiology

5. Questions like “What is knowledge?” and “What is truth?” are mainstays in the branch of philosophy
known as _____.




6. Who is the father of philosophy?

(a). Thales

(b). Plato

(c). Socrates

(d). Aristotle

7. man is the measure of all things, according to______?

(a). Thales

(b). Plato

(c). Protagoras
(d). Aristotle

8. Idealism is a systematic philosophy that teaches the supremacy of__?

(a). mind over matter

(b). noumena

(c). god

(d). materialism

9. Who said that “an unexamined life is not worth living”?

(a). Plato

(b). Socrates

(c). Anximander

(d). Aristotle
1o. The republic is the famous work of__?

(a). Plato

(b). Socrates

(c). Anximander

(d). Aristotle

11. Anaximander’s Cosmology gives rise to a __?

(a). heliocentric

(b). teleological



12. Who believed in the immorality, transmigration, and reincarnation of souls?

(a). Pythagoras

(b). Lionians

(c). Atomists

(d). Eleatic

13. Who was concerned about public speaking, rather than thinking well?

(a). Materialists

(b). Idealists

(c). Rationalists

(d). Sophie's

14. Branch in Philosophy that is concerned with the nature of reality, the study of existence

A. Metaphysics

B. Existentialism
C. Ethics

D. Ontology

15. Branch in philosophy that is concerned with beauty and art

A. Epistemology

B. Ethics

C. Aesthetics

D. Metaphysics

16. Major in philosophy that stresses individual existence, freedom, and choice

A. Politics

B. Ontology

C. Ethics.

D. Existentialism
17. Which of these is not a branch in philosophy?

A. Political

B. Metaphysics

C. Logic

D. All of these are the branches of philosophy.

18. The study of right and wrong in human behavior

A. Political

B. Logic

C. Aesthetics

D. None of these

19. Major branch in metaphysics, the study of being/existence

A. Epistemology

B. Ontology

C. Aesthetics

D. Political

20. The study of the scope of knowledge

A. Metaphysics

B. Ontology

C. Logic

D. Epistemology

21. Branch in Philosophy that is concerned with demonstrable principles, and the structure of
arguments and statements

A. Logic
B. Politics

C. Metaphysics

D. Existentialism

22. A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the
truth is known as _____.

a. an argument

b. the Socratic method

c. the Socratic jest

d. debate

23. According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has _____ is her exclusive pursuit of social
status, wealth, power, and pleasure.

a. philosophical ambition
b. worldly wisdom

c. exceptional desires

d. all of the above

24. The metaphysical view that there are many realities is known as

( a )Dualism

( b ) pluralism

( c ) Monism

( d ) Non-dualism

25.The theory that holds reason as the source of knowledge is

( a ) Idealism

( b )Rationalism
( c ) Empiricism

( d ) None of the above

26. Metaphysics is the work of

( a ) Socrates

( b ) Plato

( c ) Aristotle

( d ) Thale

27. The metaphysical view that there is one ultimate reality is called

( a ) Dualism

( b )Pluralism

( c ) Monism
( d ) None of these

28. Epistemology studies

( a ) Origin and Nature of knowledge

( b ) Validity of knowledge


(d) a, b & c

29. The two branches of Metaphysics are

( a ) Religion and Theology

( b ) Rationalism and Empiricism

( c ) Ontology and Cosmology

( d ) Materialism and Spiritualism

30. Ethics is a ——

(a) Positive science

(b) Normative science

(c) Descriptive science

(d) None of these

31. In Philosophy, what is an argument?

( a ) Debate

( b ) Verbal persuasion

( c ) Rational justification
(d) none of the above

32. According to Skepticism knowledge is ———-

( a ) Certain

( b ) Possible

( c ) Uncertain

( d ) None of these

33. Cosmology was the characteristic of——— Philosophers.

( a ) Ionian

(b) Ephesian

( c ) Scholastic
( d) Eleatic

34. For Idealism ——— is primary

( a ) Mind

( b ) Sight

( c ) Perception

( d ) Verbal

35. Who is a philosopher, in the original sense of the word?

( a ) A person primarily interested in the truth about moral matters.

( b ) Someone who studies the stars and planets.

( c ) A clever and tricky argues.

( d ) A lover and pursuer of wisdom, regardless of the subject matter

36. A logical sentence is called ———

( a ) Proposition

( b ) Preposition

( c ) Position

( d ) Persuasion

37. ——— is said to be the origin of Philosophy

( a) Greed

( b ) Wonder
( c) Fear

( d ) None of these

38. ———— rejected Metaphysics as meaningless

( a) Logical positivist's

( b) Rationalists

( c ) Idealists

( d ) Spiritualists

39. Which of these claim that we can never have real knowledge?

A. Idealism

B. Rationalism

C. Skepticism
D. Logic

40. A central aim of philosophy is:

A. to prove that others are ignorant and foolish

B. to rid the mind of any and all assumptions

C. to learn how to win arguments and influence people

D. acquire self understanding


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