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DEPARTMENT _________________________

1. The study of sound system of a language, how the sound integrate to encode information, and the
contrast of such language from one system to another is _____ A. syntax B. morphology C.
phonetic D. phonology E. semantics
2. _______ refers to the use of language or how our knowledge of the language is put into use
A. linguistic performance B. descriptive grammar C. linguistic d. linguistic competence e.
3. The study of language as it changes through time, tracing a word back to its origin, and
reconstructing language which are no longer spoken is A. synchronic view B. diachronic view C.
parole D. discreteness E. proto-language
4. The scientific study of language A. semantics B. linguistics C. psycholinguistics D.
neurolinguistics E. comparative linguistic
5. Describing how language is used today or at specific time in the past not concerned with origin of
words or language A. diachronic view B. phonetic C. productivity D. synchronic view E. applied
6. The study of relationship between two or more languages and the investigation of whether the
languages have two or more ancestors A. comparative linguistic B. neurolinguistics C.
psycholinguistics D. applied linguistics E. socio linguistics/ dialectology.
7. It is related to how human use their linguistic abilities to transfer knowledge from one generation
to the next. A. reciprocity B. transactional C. productivity D. arbitrariness E. displacement
8. The ability to construct complex messages. to smaller discrete path. A. displacement B.
arbitrariness C. transactional D. discreteness E. productivity.
9. ______refers to means where message is transmitted. A. neurolinguistics B. mode of
communication C. diachronic view D. pragmatic function E. transactional function
10. The study of structure in the human brain that underlie grammar and communication A.
neurolinguistics B. linguistics C. psycholinguistics D. applied linguistics E. macro linguistics
11. The study of how words are constructed out of morpheme, which has meaning or grammatical
function A. phonetics B. semantics C. phonology D. morphology E. syntax
12. ______allow for rule-based expression of an infinite number of concept A. productivity B.
displacement C. arbitrariness D. transactional E. discreteness
13. The ability to communicate about something not present in space or time A. arbitrariness B.
displacement C. discreteness D. patrol E. transactional
14. The study of the minimal unit of language (e.g the sound of a spoken language) A. syntax B.
semantic C. phonetic D. phonology E. morphology
15. The ability to send and receive message A. interchangeability B. productivity C. arbitrariness D.
neurolinguistics E. productivity
16. The notion that some part is learned through interaction with others A. pragmatic function B.
cultural transmission C. arbitrariness D. neurolinguistics E. productivity
17. The way we acquire and understand language.
A. neurolinguistics B. linguistics C. applied linguistics D. psycholinguistic E. paralinguistic
18. The form of a symbol Is not inherently related to the meaning or the function
A. pictogram B. parole C. arbitrariness D. discreteness E. productivity
ELS 101
19. A component of mental grammar that deals with the construction of phrasal expression out of
smalls expression A. langue B. syntax C. morphology D. semantics E. pragmatic
20. ______ deals with the meaning of words and how to use them A. semantics B. syntax C.
morphology D. phonetics E. pragmatic
21. Shannon and Weaver’s (1948) model of communication has the following components: _______
A. Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance B. Product, price, place,
promotion C. Source, transmitter, channel, receiver, destination D. None of these
22. Human beings can talk about their present, past and future. This property of language is called a.
Duality b. Arbitrariness c. Displacement d. Productivity
23. There is no connection between a linguistic form and its meaning describes A Duality B.
Arbitrariness C. Displacement D. Productivity
24. We can utter new and novel words and sentences but animal can’t. It describes which property?
A. Duality B. Arbitrariness C. Displacement D. Productivity
25. A little change in the sound can change the meaning describes which property of human
language? a. Duality b. Displacement c. Discreetness d. Cultural Transmission
26. The general study of characteristics of speech sounds is called a. Phonetics b. Phonology c.
Articulatory Phonetics d. Auditory Phonetics e. Acoustic Phonetics
27. The study of movement of speech organs in articulation of speech or the study of how the speech
sounds are made is called A. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Articulatory Phonetics D. Auditory
Phonetics E. Acoustic Phonetics
28. The study of perceptions of speech sounds is called A. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Articulatory
Phonetics D. Auditory Phonetics E. Acoustic Phonetics
29. The study of forms (words) is called a. Phonetics b. Phonology c. Morphology d. Assimilation
30. A minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function or a minimum unit of word is called a.
Phoneme b. Morpheme c. Lexeme d. Phone
31. The study of rules of a language covers a. Grammar b. Syntax c. Semantics d. Pragmatics
32. The study of order or arrangements of words is called a. Grammar b. Syntax c. Semantics d.
33. The study of meaning of forms is called A. Grammar B. Syntax C. Semantics D. Pragmatics
34. The personal dialect of each individual speaker of a language is called a. Register b. Jargon c.
Diglossia d. Idiolect
35. Communication involves active interaction with our environments A. Physically B. Biologically
C. Socially D. All of the above
36. The mathematical model of communication is put forward by A. Shannon and Weavers B.
Osgood and Schramm C. Lasswell D. Aristotle
37. The circular model of communication was put forward by A. James Carey B. Harold Lasswell C.
Shannon and Weaver D. Osgood and Schramm
38. Science of meaning is termed A. Semiotics B. Semantics C. Signs D. Symbols
39. The concept of channel noise and semantic noise is related to A. Denis McQuail b. Shannon and
Weaver C. Westley – Mclean D. Berlund
40. Who introduced the concept of noise in communication A. Wilbur Schramm B. George Gerber C.
Charles Osgood D. Claude Shanoon and Warren Weaver
41. Kinesics is the science of A. Printing B. Language C. Writing D. Body Language
42. The study of set measurable distance between people as they interact A. Kinesics B. Proxemics C.
Prosedic D. Propinquity
43. The vital part of communication is A. Sender B. Message C. Receiver D. Feedback


ELS 101
44. Another name for Osgood Model is A. Mass model B. Matyhematical model C. SMRC model D.
Highly circular model
45. _______ is the study of how the mentally represented grammar of language is employed in the
production and comprehension of speech? A. Neuron linguistics B. Psycho linguistics C. Socio
linguistics D. Physio linguistics
46. A person who can use more than two languages ____? A. Multilingual B. Bilingual C. Poly
lingual D. Poly lingual
47. A person who has the ability to use only ne language is called ____ A. Monologal B.
Monolinqual C. Monologue D. None of the above
48. The type of study that focus on the analysis of the sysmatic interrelation of the elements of a
single language at a particular time called_____? A. Synchronic B. Semiotic C. Diachronic D.
49. Which among the following is not a branch of linguistics A. Morphology B. Phonology C.
Semantics D. Philology
50. _____ is the discipline where the methodological perspectives of both linguistics and sociology
converges? A. Sociology of linguistics B. Socio linguistics C. Linguistics of sociology D. None
of these
51. Who defined language as a “pure human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas,
emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols”? A. Ferdinand de Saussure B.
Noam Chomsky C. Edward Sapir D. None of the above
52. Communication originated from the Latin word communis. a. Greek/common b.
Greek/communis c. Latin/comminus d. Latin/common
53. Language Skills (orderly) includes a. speaking, listening, reading and writing b. listening,
speaking, writing and reading c. listening, reading, speaking and writing d. listening, speaking,
reading and writing


ELS 101

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