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1. Phan Thị Như Quỳnh

2. Nguyễn Hồng Sông Hương
3. Trương Thị Hiệp
4. Cái Thị Như Ngọc


I- Multiple choice: Choose the best answer

1/.................. deals with the way in which the speech sounds are produced.
A- Articulatory phonetics B- Acoustic phonetics
C- Auditory phonetics D- Phonology
2/ It is important to know which ....... are involved in sound production.
A- lips B- jaws
C- articulators D- vocal cords
3/.......... is the air passages which are above the vocal cords and which are
involved in the production of speech sounds.
A- The larynx B- The vocal cords
C- The pharyngeal D- The resonance
4/ It is the study of speech waves as the output of a ............
A- resonator B- spectrograph
C- language D- articulator
5/ Which of following are not a part of the passive articulators
A- the upper teeth B- the teeth ridge
C- the hard palate D- the vocal cords
6/ The shape of the vocal tract can be changed by the position of the
tongue or ....……. .
A- the vocal cords B- the oral cavity
C- the throat D- the lips
7/ ...........… may be used to record significant characteristic of speech waves
and to determine the effect of articulatory activities.
A- Acoustic phonetics B- Auditory phonetics
C- A resonator D- A spectrograph
8/ What other designations are included in phonetics and phonology?
A- Speech science, the phonetic sciences
B- Phonetics
C- Speech science or the phonetic science, phonology
D- Phonology

II. True /False: Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
9/ A speech sound is a physical event with three aspects: physiology, acoustic,

10/ There are four main areas of phonetics.

11/ The production of different speech sounds through the use of the organs of
speech is known as articulation.

12/ It is not important to know which articulators are involved in sound


13/ Phonology is the study and identification of the distinctive units of sound in
a language.

14/ Articulatory phonetics deals with how speech sounds are perceived by the

15/ The shape of the vocal tract can be changed by the position of the tongue
and the lips.

III. Fill the gaps using words from the box.

Pharyngeal larynx The hard palate Phonology The tongue

Sounds produced within the (16) ................. or vocal tract are influenced by the
shape of the (17) ................., oral (mouth) and nasal cavities in the vocal tract
through which the air stream passes.

The passive articulators are a- the upper teeth, b- the teeth ridge (the alveolar
ridge), and (18)................... The active articulators are a-pharynx, b-soft palate
or velum, c-lips, d-jaws,cords (19)............, and f- the vocal cords.

Some apply the term” phonetics” to the physical, including physiological,

aspects of speech; other prefer to reserve the term “(20).............” for the study
of the more abstract, the more functional, or the more psychological aspects of
the underpinnings of speech.
1-A 5-D
2-C 6-D
3-B 7-D
4-A 8-C

10-F four  three
12-F not X
14-F. Articulatory phonetics  Auditory phonetics

16- larynx
17- pharyngeal
18- the hard palate
19- the tongue
20- phonology

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