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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Англійська мова (6 Клас)

Прізвище ім'я по батькові учня Клас

Питання №1
Read the text. Match the words from the text and the
Прочитай текст. Установи відповідність між словами з тексту та малюнками.

A teenager sails round the world

On 21 January 2012, Laura Dekker, a teenager from the Netherlands, arrived at the Caribbean
Island of Sint Maarten. She became the youngest person to sail alone around the world. She was at
sea on her sailing boat Guppy for more than seventeen months.

Laura was born on a boat in New Zealand. Laura's father taught her about sailing from a very young
age. She had her first boat when she was six, and she always wanted to sail and see the world. She
left the Netherlands on her boat when she was only fourteen years old. She said that she wanted to
go back to school when she returned! She was happy to celebrate her sixteenth birthday in Australia
in March 2011 on her way back home.

She only stopped a few times. So, how did she spend so much time alone? She said she was always
busy. She saw flying fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks. She played her guitar on the deck when the
weather was warm. And she sometimes studied her school books. She never felt lonely.

What did she like best on her journey? She loved living on her boat, she loved the sea, and she loved
arriving at different places. Now she lives in New Zealand, and she still lives on Guppy.

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»



1) Boat
2) Whale
3) Shark
4) Deck



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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №2
Read the text. Choose TWO correct answers.
Прочитай текст. Вибери ДВІ правильні відповіді.

A teenager sails round the world

On 21 January 2012, Laura Dekker, a teenager from the Netherlands, arrived at the Caribbean
Island of Sint Maarten. She became the youngest person to sail alone around the world. She was at
sea on her sailing boat Guppy for more than seventeen months.

Laura was born on a boat in New Zealand. Laura's father taught her about sailing from a very young
age. She had her first boat when she was six, and she always wanted to sail and see the world. She
left the Netherlands on her boat when she was only fourteen years old. She said that she wanted to
go back to school when she returned! She was happy to celebrate her sixteenth birthday in Australia
in March 2011 on her way back home.

She only stopped a few times. So, how did she spend so much time alone? She said she was always
busy. She saw flying fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks. She played her guitar on the deck when the
weather was warm. And she sometimes studied her school books. She never felt lonely.

What did she like best on her journey? She loved living on her boat, she loved the sea, and she loved
arriving at different places. Now she lives in New Zealand, and she still lives on Guppy.

А) Laura stopped a lot during her journey. Б) Laura is from Caribbean Island.
Laura’s sailing journey took more than 17
В) Г) Laura had no time to feel lonely.

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №3
Read the text. Find the correct answer.
Прочитай текст. Знайди правильну відповідь.

A teenager sails round the world

On 21 January 2012, Laura Dekker, a teenager from the Netherlands, arrived at the Caribbean
Island of Sint Maarten. She became the youngest person to sail alone around the world. She was at
sea on her sailing boat Guppy for more than seventeen months.

Laura was born on a boat in New Zealand. Laura's father taught her about sailing from a very young
age. She had her first boat when she was six, and she always wanted to sail and see the world. She
left the Netherlands on her boat when she was only fourteen years old. She said that she wanted to
go back to school when she returned! She was happy to celebrate her sixteenth birthday in Australia
in March 2011 on her way back home.

She only stopped a few times. So, how did she spend so much time alone? She said she was always
busy. She saw flying fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks. She played her guitar on the deck when the
weather was warm. And she sometimes studied her school books. She never felt lonely.

What did she like best on her journey? She loved living on her boat, she loved the sea, and she loved
arriving at different places. Now she lives in New Zealand, and she still lives on Guppy.

What didn’t Laura do at the sea?

А) Play guitar Б) Study

В) Feed fish Г) See dolphins

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №4
Read the text. Find the correct answer to complete the
Прочитай текст. Знайди правильну відповідь, щоб закінчити речення.

A teenager sails round the world

On 21 January 2012, Laura Dekker, a teenager from the Netherlands, arrived at the Caribbean
Island of Sint Maarten. She became the youngest person to sail alone around the world. She was at
sea on her sailing boat Guppy for more than seventeen months.

Laura was born on a boat in New Zealand. Laura's father taught her about sailing from a very young
age. She had her first boat when she was six, and she always wanted to sail and see the world. She
left the Netherlands on her boat when she was only fourteen years old. She said that she wanted to
go back to school when she returned! She was happy to celebrate her sixteenth birthday in Australia
in March 2011 on her way back home.

She only stopped a few times. So, how did she spend so much time alone? She said she was always
busy. She saw flying fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks. She played her guitar on the deck when the
weather was warm. And she sometimes studied her school books. She never felt lonely.

What did she like best on her journey? She loved living on her boat, she loved the sea, and she loved
arriving at different places. Now she lives in New Zealand, and she still lives on Guppy.

Laura celebrated her sixteenth birthday __________.

in Netherlands on her way to Caribbean

А) in Austria on her way back home Б)
В) on Guppy Г) in Australia on her way back home

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №5
Read the text. Complete the sentence with the word from the
Прочитай текст. Доповни речення словом із тексту.

A teenager sails round the world

On 21 January 2012, Laura Dekker, a teenager from the Netherlands, arrived at the Caribbean
Island of Sint Maarten. She became the youngest person to sail alone around the world. She was at
sea on her sailing boat Guppy for more than seventeen months.

Laura was born on a boat in New Zealand. Laura's father taught her about sailing from a very young
age. She had her first boat when she was six, and she always wanted to sail and see the world. She
left the Netherlands on her boat when she was only fourteen years old. She said that she wanted to
go back to school when she returned! She was happy to celebrate her sixteenth birthday in Australia
in March 2011 on her way back home.

She only stopped a few times. So, how did she spend so much time alone? She said she was always
busy. She saw flying fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks. She played her guitar on the deck when the
weather was warm. And she sometimes studied her school books. She never felt lonely.

What did she like best on her journey? She loved living on her boat, she loved the sea, and she loved
arriving at different places. Now she lives in New Zealand, and she still lives on Guppy.

Better be ________ than in a bad company.

Ваша відповідь:

Питання №6
Look at the photos. Match words with the pictures.
Подивись на картинки. Установи відповідність між словами та малюнками.

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»



1) Stomach ache
2) Toothache
3) Headache
4) Broken leg



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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Вкажіть відповідність:

Питання №7

Choose the best answer to

the question.
Вибери найкращу відповідь на питання.

– Excuse me, where is the town hall, please?

– ____________________________________.

А) It’s in Trinity Square. Б) Is Trinity Square near here?

В) Yes, there is a town hall. Г) There is a bank near the town hall.

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №8
Find the correct answer.
Знайди правильну відповідь.

The weather here changes ___________ (Варіанти:almost, quite, especially )daily.

Питання №9

Find TWO phrases you can

use to complete the sentence.

Знайди ДВІ фрази, якими можна закінчити речення.

He was really ________ drawing in his childhood. He is a talented artist now.

А) keen on Б) good in
В) good at Г) nice of

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №10

Find the correct answer.

Знайди правильну відповідь.

There is a can of _________ on the table.

А) cola Б) bread
В) egg Г) butter

Питання №11

Find the correct answer.

Знайди правильну відповідь.

Don’t make such noise! I _________ to work.

А) tried Б) am trying
В) try Г) was trying

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №12
Find the correct answer.
Знайди правильну відповідь.

We ski in___ (Варіанти:the, an, –) Alps every year. We travel from ___ (Варіанти:the, a, –)United
States to ___ (Варіанти:–, the, a) Europe, and stay there for two weeks.

Питання №13

Put the words in the sentence

in the correct order.

Постав слова в реченні у правильному порядку.

_____________ holidays?

1. you
2. when
3. go
4. will
5. on

Ваша відповідь: — — — —

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Англійська мова (6 Клас) Шкільна дистанційна олімпіада «Всеосвіта Осінь - 2022»

Питання №14
Find the correct answers.
Знайди правильні відповіді.

This isn’t ____ (Варіанти:mine, my, me) drink. Is it _____ (Варіанти:your, yours, you)?

Питання №15

Find the correct answer.

Знайди правильну відповідь.

The Burj Khalifa is _________ building in the world.

А) tall Б) taller
В) the most tall Г) the tallest

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