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Leo is my best friend, and the boy who i will give my life for if it’s necessary.

I met him 3 years ago in a park with my friends, and as fast as the light, he become in one
of the most important people in my life.

He is one the most beautiful people I know, but he really doesn’t notice it. He enjoys
playing the guitar and making bracelets, and even if he is not that talkative, he is the most
entertaining person ive ever met. I know that if i need him, he will be always there, and
would help me even to commit a crime.

I really appreciate him, specially because he has always been a really good friend, he
always tells me the truth and what he really thinks, so i know that if i need a true opinion,
I can always ask him for.

Whatever happenes, I know that I will always love him, and even if we lose contact, Leo
would always have a piece of my hart. If I could go back the time to the day we met, I will
repeat that moment forever.

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