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UNIT 2 READING 2: Instant satisfaction

Answer the following questions according to the reading text on page 29.

1. Which of the following about streaming is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1?

a. Advances in technology have helped it spread.
b. It was initially used for a different purpose.
c. Large scale streaming can be expensive.

2. Which of the following can replace the word “constitutes” in paragraph 2?

a. forms
b. preserves
c. contributes

3. According to paragraph 3, which of the following can be said about YouTube?

a. Mobile devices are the primary modes of watching videos.
b. 300 hours of video is watched every minute on YouTube.
c. Its rivals have difficulty competing with its popularity.

4. What does the word its in paragraph 3 line 15 refer to? _youtube __________________

5. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4?

a. A majority of people under 35 avoid TV broadcasts.
b. Print media’s popularity remains strong among pensioners.
c. Younger people between the ages of 14-25 tend to pay for digital media.

6. According to paragraph 5, video game companies ___________________.

a. aim to increase the number of platforms
b. profit from players buying in-game features
c. earn less money with physical sales than digital ones

7. According to paragraph 6, huge file size format of games ___________________

a. has led to a dramatic decrease in the sales of physical media.
b. maintained the sales of physical media in the gaming industry.
c. has resulted in younger generation’s subscription to digital media.

8. What is the purpose of this article?

a. to report young people’s tendencies in their use of digital media.

b. to demonstrate trends in media consumption and their impact.
c. to analyze the development of digital media over the years.

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