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- Types of Soil -

- Exercises -

I. Read the text again; fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. You may use some words
more than once.

Words: nutrients, clay, chalky, nature, peaty, sandy, silt, loam, texture

① Soils vary according to … and … of each type.

② Since … does not hold a water table and the underlying layers tend to be … , the resulting area is
extremely well-drained.
③ …, deposited by annual floods along the Nile River, created the rich, fertile soil that sustained the
Ancient Egyptian civilization.
④ In the Oltenia Plain … soils are characterized by a high content of coarse sand (50-70%).
⑤ Avoid drainage of wetlands to protect … soil.
⑥ Situated in the south-eastern part of Romania the Murfatlar Winery stretches across a surface of
over 3000 hectares on a … soil.
⑦ Heavy-… soils, also called late soils, occupy an area of about one-third of Romania.
⑧ Each type of soil carries with itself different ….

II. Read the following text:

Acid soils with a pH of less than 6 commonly have deficiencies in:

• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Phosphorus
• Potassium
• Molybdenum

Acid soils with a pH of less than 4 commonly have toxic amounts of:
• Aluminium
• Manganese

Alkaline soils with a pH of more than 7 the following nutrients may be unavailable:
• Iron
• Manganese
• Zinc
• Copper
• Boron
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Now, match column A and column B in order to have true statements:

1 Acid soils with a pH of less than 6 ⓐ
commonly have deficiencies in: ⓑ
2 Acid soils with a pH of less than 4 ⓐ
commonly have toxic amounts of: ⓑ



3 Alkaline soils with a pH of more than ⓐ
7 the following nutrients may be ⓑ
unavailable: ⓒ


Boron [bor]

III. Read the text “Types of Soil” again; choose the correct answer, according to the context:

ⓐ the most fertile type of soil.

1. Sandy soil is ⓑ not good for early crops.
ⓒ is light and dry soil.

ⓐ alkaline in nature.
2. Chalky soils are ⓑ rich in nutrients.
ⓒ suitable for any kind of crops.

ⓐ also called “early soils”.

3. Clay soils are ⓑ proper for planting seeds in late autumn.
ⓒ for clay pigeons.

ⓐ sour.
4. Peaty soils are acidic in content, which makes them ⓑ salty.
ⓒ sweet-bitter.

ⓐ related to Silk Road.

5. Silt soil is ⓑ not productive at all.
ⓒ one of the most fertile soils present on earth.
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ⓐ a combination of three soils: sandy, clay and silt.

6. Loam soil is ⓑ a soilure combination.
ⓒ a combination of five soils: chalky, sandy, clay, peaty and silt.

ⓐ never
7. Types of soil ⓑ always vary in their colour.
ⓒ hardly

ⓐ All soils are deep rooted.

8. ⓑ All soils are present on the margin.
ⓒ Soils can be deep rooted or present on the margin.

IV. Read the following text:

In addition to establishing the type of soil, it is a good idea to determine the overall alkalinity
(sweetness) or acidity of the soil in your garden, taking into account that certain plants “prefer acid
soil”. The pH measures the full range of acidity and alkalinity in the soil, on a scale from 0 (extreme
acidity) to 14 (extreme alkalinity). A soil with a pH value between 1 and 6 is acid, whereas a soil with a
pH value of 7 is neutral and a soil with a pH value between 8 and 14 is alkaline. Most soils have a pH
value between 8 and 6. However, the only range that need concern gardeners is a scale from 4.0 to 9.0,
which is the entire range within which plants can grow.
Within this range, 7.0 is neutral - neither acid nor alkaline. Therefore, if the soil test reveals a
pH value between 6.0 and 7.5, the soil is “normal” and anything you plant there should thrive. If your
pH value is below 6.0 or above 7.5 one can either limit his garden to plants which prefer acid or
alkaline soils, respectively, or else adjust the pH through regular applications of compost, mulch, or
packaged minerals, available at garden centers or nurseries.
Lime is added to increase soil pH (make it more alkaline) and acidifying materials are added to
decrease soil pH.
Descriptive terms commonly associated with certain ranges in soil pH are:
• Extremely acid: < than 4.5; lemon=2.5; vinegar=3.0; stomach acid=2.0; soda=2–4 [carbonat de
• Very strongly acid: 4.5–5.0; beer=4.5–5.0; tomatoes=4.5
• Strongly acid: 5.1–5.5; carrots=5.0; asparagus = 5.5; boric acid = 5.2; cabbage = 5.3
• Moderately acid: 5.6–6.0; potatoes=5.6
• Slightly acid: 6.1–6.5; salmon=6.2; cow's milk=6.5
• Neutral: 6.6–7.3; saliva=6.6–7.3; blood=7.3; shrimp=7.0 [creveţi]
• Slightly alkaline: 7.4–7.8; eggs=7.6–7.8
• Moderately alkaline: 7.9–8.4; sea water=8.2; sodium bicarbonate=8.4
• Strongly alkaline: 8.5–9.0; borax=9.0
• Very strongly alkaline: > than 9.1; milk of magnesia=10.5 [hidroxid de magneziu], ammonia
=11.1; lime=12 [oxid de Ca = var nestins = calcar = piatră de var]
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Now, make statements similar to the model about the following vegetables or trees. Adjust, if
necessary: (written)

Model: Camellia does not grow well in alkaline soil, but it grows well in acid soil (5.1 – 6.0). This is a
moderately acid soil.

Name pH
1 alfalfa 6.2-7.8

2 beet 6.0-7.0

3 celery 5.6-6.0

4 chrysanthemum 7.4-8.0

5 common sage 6.0-7.0

6 geranium 6.0-7.8

7 horseradish 6.0-7.0

8 leek 6.6-7.8

9 marigold (calendula) 5.6 - 6.5

10 soyabean 5.5-6.5
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V. Adjusting the pH. Read the following text:

Adjusting the pH will make these nutrients available to your plants. Organic matter will
generally protect plants against the impact of acidity so that a soil with a lower pH range would still
successfully grow plants. Plants vary in their desired pH range and this is to do with the pH of the soil
type they evolved in. For example, lavenders are native to the limestone soils of the Mediterranean and
so prefer an alkaline soil.

Raising pH

If the soil is too acid, then agricultural lime (calcium carbonate) should be applied. The amount needed
will vary depending on the pH and the soil type. As a rough guide apply 120 g/m2 to a clay soil and 30
g/m2 to a sandy soil. Test again in a few months and apply more if necessary. Agricultural lime is
cheaper to buy than dolomite (a mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate). Dolomite is
only a good idea if your soil is deficient in magnesium. For example, many of the acid soils in some
areas are already too high in magnesium, adding more is a waste of money and can cause the ratio of
calcium to magnesium to be out of balance.

Lowering pH

Sulphates of iron and ammonium, elemental sulphur and organic matter are used to lower the pH
(increase acidity) of the soil, when necessary.

Gypsum (calcium sulphate) does not alter the pH of the soil but can improve aeration and reduce
compaction in a clay soil.

The texture of the soil e.g. clay or sand and the amount of organic matter present will affect the
quantity of material needed to alter the pH. Clay soils need a much greater amount of lime to shift the
pH than sandy soils.

The addition of organic matter is always beneficial to the soil whether added as manure, compost or by
green manuring. Organic matter will generally ‘buffer’ plants against the impact of acidity so that a soil
with a lower pH range will still successfully grow plants.
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Now, decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE:

1. Adjusting the pH will make these nutrients available to your plants. TRUE or FALSE ?
2. Plants do not vary in their desired pH range. TRUE or FALSE ?
3. The pH range has nothing to do with the pH of the soil type plants evolved in. TRUE or
4. Agricultural lime and calcium carbonate are two different substances. TRUE or FALSE ?
5. If the soil is too acid, then calcium carbonate should be applied. TRUE or FALSE ?
6. Sulphates of iron and ammonium, elemental sulphur and organic matter are used to lower the
pH (increase acidity) of the soil. TRUE or FALSE ?
7. Gypsum (calcium sulphate) alters the pH of the soil. TRUE or FALSE ?
8. Clay soils never need a much greater amount of lime to shift the pH than sandy soils. TRUE or
9. The addition of organic matter is always beneficial to the soil whether added as manure,
compost or by green manuring. TRUE or FALSE ?
10. Lavenders prefer an alkaline soil. TRUE or FALSE ?

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