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Task: CLVG

1. Recall the concept of globalization and relate it to the video

Looking back to the concept of globalization that I have learned from the course, I
think the meaning of globalization according to the video is quite similar to what I know
based on the lesson. They have the same idea of what globalization is. Though from the
lesson, the meaning of globalization was from different concepts. Combining them
together still shows the same overall definition from the video. They both described it as
the movement or exchange of goods and services, the utilization of trading system, and
the interconnection of the world.

2. From the video you watched, how would you define globalization?

From the video I watched, it was said that we experience globalization either we
are aware that it is happening or not. For me, the idea of globalization is movement.
Whether it is goods or service. Even the global spreading of viruses are considered
globalization. Though it has its positive effects, it still has disadvantages. For example,
the technological advancement made communication easier and production of goods
less difficult and less laborious providing more in-and-out cycle of products. This
resulted to unemployment, however. Nevertheless, I think globalization made more
beneficial effects.

1. What are the three core theories discussed in the article?

To what I have been able to find from the reference, I could say that the three
theories are, “Marx’s general theory of capitalist society”, “Marx’s theory of capitalist
development”, and “Giddens’ theory of ‘time–space distanciation”.

2. How are these related to the theories discussed?

The theories discussed in the lesson can be generally determine as about the
interconnection from the labor across countries with classes that controls the system.
The theories from the reference has similar ideas within. The global connection
between nations, as well as using technology to transcend time and space to make
movement a lot easier. Elites gains from laborers who gains through doing their job.

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