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In the whispers of time, 1903 unfurls its wings,

A year of dreams taking flight, where adventure sings.

**Wright brothers, two pioneers of the sky,**

In Kitty Hawk's embrace, where ambitions fly.
A canvas of wind, a biplane's ascendancy,
Humanity's spirit soaring with transcendent glee.

Through the lens of Orville and Wilbur's quest,

A symphony of flight, a daring conquest.
Winged dreams defying gravity's decree,
A ballet in the clouds, boundless and free.

On the literary stage, "The Call of the Wild,"

Jack London's words, untamed and wild.
A Yukon tale, where nature's pulse beats,
A journey into the heart, where adventure meets.

In the grand arena, where diplomacy weaves,

The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty conceives.
Panama's passage, a canal's inception,
A liquid ribbon connecting, in geopolitical reflection.

In the realm of sound, a radio's birth,

Marconi's waves spanned the distances of earth.
Invisible whispers in the air, a connection made,
A symphony of signals, technology's serenade.

Through the corridors of time, 1903 strides,

A year where innovation and daring abides.
In the tapestry of history, emotions etched in hue,
As the world spins on, in the dance anew.

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