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2024 F=ma Unofficial Solutions

RYang2 yukko
January 2024

Answer Key
1. B: 10 meters
2. A: 1.9 rad/s
3. D: vertical and horizontal rods in tension
4. D: parabolas open up
5. C: 3mg/4
6. C: U shape water trail
7. C: edges bowing outward

8. B: v/ 2
9. C: 250 meters
10. D: 3k−mw2

11. A: 25000 N
12. A: √
2 2

13. B: mg declines to mg/2 as x increases

14. C: 60 degrees
15. E: dimensional analysis
16. C: same as on earth
17. E: 11/6 mg/k
18. B: coefficient 0.15
19. A: g/3R
20. B: 2π m/2k
21. D: 1/2pv 2 A13 /A22
22. D: coefficient 4pi
23. D: 1.7m
24. B: Rps /pf
25. B: decreases in magnitude over time

By symmetry, note that the arrow is in flight for 3 seconds. 2vy /g = 3, so vy = 15. Then, the height of the
arrow follows the equation h = vy t − 1/2gt2 . At one second, h = 15 − 5 = 10 meters.

The riders feet will lift off the floor when the vertical component of the normal force on the rider equals or
exceeds the riders weight.
mω 2 r = Nx
Ny = Nx tan θ
Ny = mg
mg = mω 2 r tan θ
Solve for ω, using r = 5.0m, θ = 30 deg, to get 1.9rad/s.

At each of the joints, consider force balances. At B and D, there is a normal force pointing up, so there
must be a corresponding force pointing down coming from BA/AD. This means that BA/AD must be in
compression, as the force will point in the opposite direction of the change in length of the material. In
order to balance the horizontal component of the compression force from BA, there must be a tension force
on BC/CD.
Do the same for point A. If BA/CD are both in compression, then there is a net force pointing up.
Therefore there must be an additional force pointing down at A, which means that AC must be in tension.
All in all, AC and BC/CD are in tension, while BA and AD are in compression.

For a ball bouncing up and down on the ground, Vf ∝ t. KE ∝ v 2 , so KE ∝ t2 . This suggests that the
graph should be parabolic, eliminating options B, C, and E. To distinguish between A and D, analyze the
discontinuities in the graph. In A, the discontinuities occur at the peak of the trajectory, where K = 0. This
can not be physical because there the v(t) graph has an analytical derivative with respect to time at the
peak of motion. Essentially, this means that velocity smoothly transitions across the peak of the trajectory,
suggesting that the K vs t graph should also smoothly transition across the peak of the trajectory. This
eliminates A, so the answer is D.

The force that the scale reads is equal to the vertical component of the normal force on the block from the
plane. The horizontal component may be neglected. The normal force on the block is equal to mg cos θ.
Multiply this by cos θ to get the vertical component of this normal force. In total, W = mg cos2 θ = 3mg/4.

It’s evident that near the edges, the bucket spends a lot more time than near the middle. Also, it doesn’t
make sense for no water to spill on the middle spot. the only choice that satisfies our two constraints is C.

Firstly, the graph should be symmetrical. This is because if you reverse time, acceleration is the exact same
as deceleration. Therefore, eliminate option D and E.
Using the kinematic equation Vf2 = V02 + 2ax, you can transform the graph from v vs t, to v vs x.

Essentially, you know that the vf ∝ x. The acceleration is constant due to the linear nature of the graph.

Therefore, the answer must have a square root type curve in the beginning and end. The only graph that
has this is C.

The rod has two parts to its velocity, a translational
√ component and a rotational√ component. Projecting the
velocity v onto the axis of the rod gives vr od = 2v/2. This is the same as v/ 2.

Let the car have mass m. Then, we know that before braking, it has kinetic energy F x = 0.8mg · 100. When
the first 50 meters of the road is dry, when the car reaches the icy part, it will have a kinetic energy of
0.8mg · 50. From there, the friction force will be 0.2mg, and dividing, we find that the car slides 200 meters
on the ice. Adding, we get 250 meters in total.

Applying newtons law to the block, you get mω 2 r = 3kx. You know that r = l + x, so x = l + r, so plug it
in to eliminate x. This gives you r = 3k−mω 2 , which is D.

Note that the pressure force over the curved area of the hemisphere must cancel out to provide a horizontal
force. To compute this, imagine we had a sealed hemisphere, in an atmosphere with pressure P . The forces
must balance on the hemisphere. So the force on the curved part equals πR2 P , which is the force on the
flat part. Now, our hemisphere experiences force πR2 P inwards, but it also experiences an outward force of
πR2 P/2 from the internal pressure. So for force balance, we must apply πR2 P/2, which equals 25000 N.

Note that the gravity from planet C produces no torque about C. The torque from planet B on the probe is
d · 2GM
m √1
· 2 , and the torque from planet A is −d · GM m √1 1 GM m
2d2 · 2 . The total torque is thus 2 2

d .

When x = 0, it’s obvious that tension is mg. When x is very large, by equating the accelerations of the two
masses, we have T ≈ mg − T , so T approaches mg/2 as x increases. The only graph that matches this is B.

All surfaces are frictionless, so energy is conserved. The initial energy is 21 m · 22 = 2m joules. By momentum
conservation, when the bead is at rest relative to the hoop, both will be moving at velocity 1 m/s rightward.
Their kinetic energy will thus be m joules. So, the bead must have gained m joules of kinetic energy. It
must therefore be 0.1 meters above the bottom of the hoop. This corresponds to an angle of 60 degrees.

Use dimensional analysis for this. Surface tension has units N/m, or kg/s2 . You can deduce from F = ηAv/d
that η has units kg/ms. Therefore, to make a dimensionless quantity, you want to find a combination of
density (ρ = kg/m3 ), surface tension (γ = kg/s2 ), and length (l = m), that has units ms/kg. You know
kg must be on the bottom, and that density is your only unit with kg. Therefore, density must be in the
denominator. This eliminates all but A and E. Finally, you can just check the units of these two answers,
and see that only E gives a dimensionless quantity.

First, the distance that the child travels is proportional to v 2 /g. We also know that in the swing, the child
gains mgh = 1/2mv 2 of kinetic energy. So v 2 ∝ g, meaning that the distance does not depend on g. Thus,
the child has the same maximum distance.

When we increase the mass by m, the tension on the bottom rope increases by mg. The downwards force on
the bottom pulley increases by 2mg, which is transmitted to the upper pulley. The tension in the upper rope
must increase by mg, so the springs stretch mg/k and mg/2k, letting the upper pulley (and lower pulley)
drop by 3/4mg/k. This lets the mass move 3/2mg/k downwards. In addition, the increase in tension in the
bottom rope stretches the spring by mg/3k. Adding, we get a total downwards motion of 11/6mg/k.

You can use the vis viva equation for this. Find the velocity of an elliptical orbit at r=R and a=3R/2. Then
find the velocity of a circular orbit at r=R. Subtract the two and factor out the symbolic terms. You can
then evaluate the dimensionless factor in a calculator to get 0.15.

The center of mass of the wheel can be computed to be R/7 below the center. The axis is also perpendicular
to the page (taking it parallel to the page doesn’t give an answer choice.) The moment of inertia of the
wheel about its center is mr2 + 3 · 13 mr2 + mr2 = 3mr2 . We then use the formula ω = MIgd , where M is the
mass and d is the distance of the center of mass from the pivot. The total mass is 7m, so we derive
ω = 3R .

Let the length of the rods be ℓ. The rods will form a rhombus. By energy conservation, we can recognize
that the oscillation of the horizontal masses and the vertical masses are the same,
q just phase shifted by 90
degrees. So the oscillation period can be found using reduced mass, yielding 2π m/2 k .

First, note that energy is conserved, since it’s a smooth taper. We can thus use Bernoulli’s. The water
shoots out with velocity A
A2 v. We can assume that the pressure is much greater than atmospheric pressure,

and we know that the velocity of the water coming out the tip is much greater than the velocity of the water
near the end. So Bernoulli’s gives F/A1 = 1/2ρ A 2
v .

The gravitational field inside the shell is zero, and the gravitational field outside is as if the total mass of
the shell was at the center. Knowing this, we find the field outside to be G·4πR
= 4πGσ.

It’s evident that the ball loses half of its energy√with each collision. Suppose the ball falls height h before
it hits
√ the paddle. Then it will have velocity 2gh. Shifting to √ the frame of the paddle, it has velocity
1 + 2gh. Upon bouncing back up, it will have velocity √12 (1 + 2gh). Shifting back into the rest frame, it
√ √ √ √ √
will have velocity 1+ √12 (1+ 2gh). This will be equal to 2gh. So (1− √12 ) 2gh = 1+ √12 ⇒ 2gh = √2−1 .

17+12 2
Finally, h = 2g ≈ 1.7.

First, we note that when the velocity is half of terminal velocity, the drag force will only be a quarter of the
gravitational force. Thus, it is safe enough to assume that the mass simply accelerates downwards at g. The
distance traveled will then be 1/2gt2 , where t ∝ v/g. So d ∝ v 2 , where v is the terminal velocity. We can
find the terminal velocity by balancing forces. The drag force F ∝ R2 ρf v 2 ∝ R3 ρs g, giving v 2 ∝ R ρρfs .

The equations of motion for the yoyo are g − f /m = rα, where f is the frictional force, and r is the distance
of the center of the yoyo from the string. The torque is f r, so we have that g − f /m = f Ir , where I is the
moment of inertia of the yoyo. Now, I stays constant, but r decreases with time. With our equation, it’s
evident that f will increase, meaning that the acceleration will decrease.

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