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Cover letter – Disney

I would like to work for the Disney store because I love working with children and making happy
memories and I love Disney because I’m a child at heart. I love little kids and how happy they become
when they get a new toy or see one of their favourite characters come to life. I love making children’s
dreams become real and working for the Disney store would allow me to do that. I love working with
kids and I have baby sat my family and friends kids as well as worked with them with a company called
dreams on moonbeams. I love performing and acting and I have a lot of confidence when it comes to
talking to new people as well as being able to portray characters well as I have played a fair number of
them through my experience with dreams on moonbeams and while working towards my drama GCSE
and A Level and performing with a drama group called JMTC and Stagecoach. I’d like to give children a
good memory of coming to the Disney store as they deserve to have their dreams come true and believe
in magic as I still do today.

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