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NAME: Akira Haley V.



Informative essay

Bullying is the abuse of stronger, more powerful, actions and behavior of a bully, and
intentional harm-doing or harassment that is directed toward vulnerable targets and
typically repeated. Bullying encompasses a wide range of malicious aggressive
behaviors, including physical violence, verbal mockery, threats, ostracism, and rumors
spread either orally or by other means Bullying is the abuse and mistreatment of
someone vulnerable by someone communicating, such as the Internet.

Being bullied can affect everything about a person and how they see themselves, their
friends, school, workplace, anywhere, and their future. People who are bullied often
experience depression, low self-esteem that may last a lifetime, shyness, loneliness,
physical illnesses, and threatened or attempted self-harm.

It is essential to recognize that addressing bullying is not solely the responsibility of

schools or organizations; it requires collective action and societal change. Parents play
a crucial role in modeling positive behavior, fostering open communication, and
providing emotional support to their children. Communities can support initiatives that
promote kindness, tolerance, and acceptance of diversity.

Understanding the root causes of bullying is crucial for effective prevention. Factors
such as a lack of empathy, a desire for power and control, and societal influences
contribute to the perpetuation of bullying behaviors. Schools and communities must
adopt comprehensive anti-bullying programs that promote empathy, tolerance, and
open communication.

In conclusion, Educators and parents play a pivotal role in fostering environments where
bullying is not tolerated, teaching conflict resolution skills, and encouraging bystander
intervention. In conclusion, bullying is a complex issue that demands attention and
action at individual, interpersonal, and systemic levels. By fostering a culture of
empathy, respect, and inclusivity, we can create safer environments where everyone
can thrive free from fear and intimidation. Through education, awareness, and collective
effort, we can work towards a future where bullying is no longer tolerated or accepted in
any form.

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