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Expresión Oral

y Escrita 2
4-7-2022 [Subtítulo del documento]

Maestro: LEI. Julián Ramón Acosta Muñoz

Alumno: Lucio Yahir Ramos Ramírez
Grupo: MI 5-1
The bullying

Today, one of the main problems affecting children, young people and adults is
bullying. According to Victoria Badilla "Bullying is an Anglo-Saxon term that means
to intimidate, intimidate or tyrannize". Bullying consists of intimidation,
mistreatment, violence, social exclusion and discrimination by bullying bullies who
act as leaders in a negative way, damaging the self-esteem of students who are at
a disadvantage and who are intimidated by their bullies in different ways,
generating low self-esteem and states of depression in students who are at a
disadvantage in the face of this social problem called bullying, It is also
characterized for being a silent, hidden phenomenon that has been happening for
a long time, both in elementary and high school students, mostly in secondary

Until recently it has been generating studies on what is bullying and what it has
caused in children and adolescents seen as a problem of intervention of parents,
teachers, educational institutions, collaborating together to a situation that can not
be left aside, educators therefore should wake up become aware, understand the
seriousness of student bullying that is being generated in educational institutions in
the country, and try to mitigate it by teaching students social values, how to resolve
conflicts or problems making them aware of the physical, psychological, social, that
comes to generate bullying to any of their peers or if they are victims of bullying,
also talk to parents making them understand that they can not keep quiet if their
children are being victims of bullying, do not be afraid bullying should be reported
without fear before the entity or competent authority. According to Abraham
Magendzo researcher of the ideas foundation "The phenomenon of bullying or
intimidation usually appears from common sense and from the media as the
paradigm to understand the aggressions in the school context and as such at times
every act of aggression in school seems to be covered under the broad umbrella
that holds the concept" Magendzo, 2013 educarchile, In the above quote the
author highlights how necessary it is to specify the phenomenon of bullying so that
it acquires meaning and can be addressed in the best way since bullying brings
consequences such as severe depression, anxiety disorders, stress and even
suicide, therefore it can be said that bullying is a problem which must be attacked
from a realistic perspective taking into account the sensitivity of the problem,
because as a society we must all be involved, eradicating everything that
encourages violence in our children and students. We must work hard to reject any
manifestation or expression that presents any type of violence. Beginning first of all
at home, establishing a dialogue with our children, where there is good
communication, since the family is and always will be the fundamental basis for the
first education of every human being.

It is very important that parents instill strengths and values in their children, the
value of respect for other classmates even though there will always be individual
differences, also instilling tolerance, companionship and learning to listen to others
through good communication to enhance dialogue in children and young students.
In the case of teachers, they should always be attentive to any situation that
generates a case of bullying and establish the development of strategies where
they can intervene and timely prevent any type of bullying, not minimize any case
no matter how small it may seem, always establish or maintain a good channel of
communication with all students to be able to best seek solutions to the crisis or
conflicts that arise in the classroom.
The term bullying is in vogue; nowadays, adults and children are familiar with its
definition and know how to identify the aggressive behaviors that lead to it. But is it
a current phenomenon?
Bullying or school harassment is a behavior that is characterized by mistreating,
humiliating and physically or psychologically attacking a classmate; behavior that
has always existed but until now we pay attention to its scope and that also derives
from situations that the aggressor has lived or lives.
Some of the triggers of this aggressive behavior are differences in gender,
ethnicity, origin, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation and/or physical
For this phenomenon to occur, 3 actors are involved:

 Victim: They are those people who are vulnerable because they present
patterns of shyness, different physical characteristics and/or are
academically outstanding.
 Aggressor: They are conflictive people, mostly with family problems who
seek to unload their problems or frustrations with other people. They feel
satisfaction in subduing others because this way they demonstrate
 Spectator: They are those who are not victims or aggressors but are
witnesses to the actions committed against others and do nothing to prevent
it or report it.
Bullying does not manifest itself under the same behavior but is usually
classified into the following types:
 Physical: When actions such as pushing, biting, scratching, kicking,
destroying or appropriating possessions of others are committed.
 Verbal: This is the most common type. It is characterized by insults and
name-calling in public to their victims.
 Psychological: Actions that lower the victim's self-esteem and foster
insecurity and fear.
 Social: Seeks to isolate the individual from a group.
 Cyber bullying: It is harassment through electronic media such as internet,
social networks and telephone. It includes verbal, psychological and social

To stop bullying in our educational institutions the first thing we must do is to

identify the signs of bullying within which we can cite mood swings, physical
injuries, loss of belongings, symptoms of depression, isolation, poor school
performance, fear of attending classes and / or symptoms such as vomiting,
abdominal pains.

In addition, bully behaviors should not be overlooked, to which we should pay

special attention such as breaking rules, taking pride in aggressive behavior,
intolerance and arrogance towards others, not taking responsibility for their
behavior, empathy for the suffering of others and/or teasing peers.

Once we know the main actors of this phenomenon, the ways in which bullying can
be expressed and the possible behaviors of victims and aggressors, what can we
do as teachers?

Within the topic of bullying, as teachers we must be attentive to the abuses present
in the classroom, taking into account that we must not close our eyes to a reality
that is latent every day, based on this situation we must work with our students in
the socio-affective area, offering talks or workshops where we can implement
teamwork and collaboratively to form harmonious environments within the

As parents we have two different sides, one when the child is the bully or the other
when he/she is the bullied. It is essential then that adults intervene in bullying
situations, if not, the damage can be so deep and painful that it will attract even
more problems to both the victim and the victimizers. Better yet, parents and
teachers should have some strategies to prevent situations like these, below we
suggest some guidelines for parents. Some of the ways parents can do this are:
emotionally support their child and tell him/her that they will help him/her to
overcome the problem, parents should remain calm and not react with violence
towards the school or the aggressor, approach to talk to the head teacher, with a
positive, collaborative attitude, to stop the vicious circle of this form of school
violence it is essential to seek agreements and work together the family and the
school, and should involve both parents of the child or young person bullied, as
well as the parents of the bully's parents.
To conclude we can mention that the problem of bullying is being experienced
within our schools, workplaces where a large number of people with major social
problems, which develop in this way, for these reasons that were mentioned in the
preceding paragraphs the whole society should be alert, to help our children,
young people of the future to maintain a good and healthy coexistence.


Editorial Etecé. (15 de Septiembre de 2020). Concepto. Obtenido de

Gutierrez, M. R. (12 de Septiembre de 2018). Top Doctors. Obtenido de

Ortiz, V. (12 de octubre de 2020). Save The Children. Obtenido de

Perez, E. (2 de Octubre de 2019). Revista Empresarial. Obtenido de

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