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Argumentative Essay About Bullying


Bullying is a serious issue that affects millions of children today. It can occur in any form -
physical, verbal, emotional or even cyberbullying. It can have a serious impact on the victim,
particularly affecting their sense of self-worth and confidence. This essay will discuss the causes
and effects of bullying, as well as how it can be prevented.


The major cause of bullying is due to an imbalance of power in relationships. Bullies often target
those who appear vulnerable or lack self-confidence. It can also arise from a lack of parenting or
peer support, which only strengthens the bully’s behavior.

The effects of bullying are very serious and long-lasting. Victims can experience psychological
trauma such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. They may also experience physical
symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. In extreme cases, bullying can lead to suicide or
school violence.

To prevent bullying, it is important to foster a culture of respect in schools and communities.

Parents should be encouraged to talk about the issue with their children and take disciplinary
action if necessary. Schools should also create anti-bullying policies and teach students about
appropriate behavior. Finally, those who are being bullied should remember to speak up and seek
help from an adult.


In conclusion, bullying is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. It can cause

psychological trauma and physical symptoms in its victims. To prevent this, it is important to
foster a culture of respect in schools and families. If someone is being bullied, they should speak
up and seek help from an adult. With the right support, we can create an environment where
bullying is not tolerated.

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