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Essay on bullying

Carlos Enrique Urrego Soler
Liced Natalia Vique Moreno
Nueva Colombia I.E.D
Martha Martinez.
It is known that bullying is when one or more students exert force or verbal abuse on
another in order to denigrate and humiliate someone before others. We would say that the
reason for deciding to explain this topic is to show parents why they should not minimize
this issue, let alone have a concept of dubious sources. In this essay we first want them to
be better informed and that from there they decide whether to modify or expand their way
of parenting, to move from traditional breeding to modern breeding, learn the different
causes, signs, why their children suffers it and in case it is the aggressor who later explains
the papers, know how I develop this to the point of making his/her peers suffer.

Actors of bullying

At first we can mention that there are different types of victims. Another type of victims are
the provocateurs who are characterized by a combination of models of anxiety and
aggressive reaction. Aggressors or harassers." These aggressors feel the need for power
and dominance, they seem to enjoy when they are in control and need to dominate
others." It can be said that bullies use different forms such as nicknames, mockery, insults
and gossip, which generate intimidation, exclusion and sometimes serious psychological
and social problems that cause difficulties in coexistence and social adaptation.
Violence in schools

this is the second thing to keep in mind, violence in the school happens since by allowing
manifestations of violence between teachers and students to develop within it. The role of
the school in its relationship to violence has not been systematically investigated, nor has
it investigated the ways in which violence has made an appearance in school life, its most
important manifestations and the role played by teachers, students and parents in this
situation. The issue of violence in schools will be directly related to the social context in
which it operates, the values and principles that are transmitted in it and the role that
teachers play in it. The relationship between the social context and the school and the way
it affects violence.
the school context the term violence presents an enormous ambivalence. Secondly,
because violence is a problem scarcely worked on in the educational institution, so its
existence is not recognized, it is not reflected on or the processes, activities and school
interactions are articulated explanatory, comprehensively and positively.
From the causes, origin and manifestations of bullying to the question of meaning

Eventually bullying, from a different perspective than the European context. That said, it is
necessary to point out that the results obtained from the studies made from the socio-
pedagogical, psych pedagogical, criminological and health perspectives are insufficient to
understand in a deeper way the phenomenon of bullying, since they do not allow to reveal
the meaning and perception that the actors have about it. In this sense, and given the
importance of the problem, it is evident the need to undertake studies that allow us to
move from the causes, origin and manifestations of bullying to the question of the meaning
that the actors give to it. This transit can be carried out with the ecological approach
proposed by Uriel Bronfenbrenner.

The same importance is attributed to the connections between other people who are
present in the environment, to the nature of these links and to their indirect influence on
the developing person, through the effect they produce on what they relate to him
directly. Bullying from the option of ecological model, unlike the traditional models already
mentioned, seeks to understand child and youth development, a fact that generates a
rethinking in the way studies on school violence are approached. The perspective is new
in terms of its conception of the developing person, the environment and, especially, the
interaction that unfolds between the two. Therefore, in this work development is defined as
a lasting change in the way a person perceives his environment and relates to it.

In addition, the plan can be changed, resulting in the structure of a society's environments
being greatly altered and producing corresponding changes in behaviour and
development. From the application of this ecological model, the attention on bullying is
focused more on knowing and understanding the complexity of the organization that
occurs in the culture of peers. As studies compiled by Christian Berger show, researchers
have sought to understand the group processes that favor the development of
interpersonal relationships based on violence and abuse. This places the discussion and
problems in the social field, particularly in the question of the social function of
aggressiveness and harassment.

In conclusion, we hope to have achieved some interest in this topic that is of utmost
importance, I wish you could have learned from this shared information, apart from that we
want to give you some tips to put into practice if your son suffer from bullying or you
suspect them.
         Showing our support by letting him know that none of this happens because of him.
         Listen to her and immediately communicate with her while she asks for help.
         Seek strategies to prevent the victim from feeling intimidated by the aggressor,
improve their self-esteem, and seek professional help.
But what about the aggressors?
They usually suffer from:
         Lack of impulse control.
         Lack of empathy.
         Challenge to authority and norms.
Adding this information, they suffer from low self-esteem and may be victims in their own

YouTube: ¡AMA EDU! / what is bullying?

Magis. Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación ISSN: 2027-1174 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Colombia
Essay of redalyc.
Científica Information System
Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

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