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Agriculture is Dying

As the population of our country increases, building of houses also increases

along with this. Also building of school, subdivisions, advertisement mall and other

establishments, and one of the lands being sacrifice here are the farmlands.

Our country was once known as a good source of agricultural products such as

rice, as one of import demands, but now other countries are surpassing us now in terms

of agricultural activities and products. One of the reasons for these where our famers

was not being paid equally, and they were not being treat well for their jobs by the

landowners. And the lack of help and support of the farmers from the government can

also be one of the reasons. And it saddens me to think that these hard-working farmers

were not being acknowledge well by our government and other persons involved with a

farmer. As the different aspects in our economy was provided well by new technologies,

agriculture was I think the only less treated with great support. I think it’s because most

of our farmers are old and they were not used to use modern equipment and they were

more expert in utilizing old techniques and equipment for farming, cultivation, and

rearing of animals. For me if that was the problem, why not teach them to use these

new technologies, what if they provide trainings and other programs for our farmers to

let these technologies help them and make their job a lot easier than usual. And these

programs and trainings they will provide must be free, so the farmers will only do is to


As time goes by our farmers are getting older and the next generations were

least interested in agriculture. Few people were interested to be a farmer, but still there

are some organizations supporting agriculture. Who would want to be a farmer if this job
was not fully supported by our government, not equally paid for their hard work, and not

being treat well by the owners of the land they farm? No one wants to invest their blood,

sweat, and tears for so little in return. In our government organizations for agriculture, I

believe that they have enough budget to support our local farmers, but it was being

receive by our farmers because of some corruptions happening. If they would just look

at how agriculture can improve our economy and in other aspects, they will surely

create a long line to support our agricultural production.

The article was truly saddening but let’s just support our farmers. Let us give

them importance and value their hard work in farming. Let’s support our local

agricultural products by simply buying them. And I wish that someday there will still be

farmers in the future. Our country’s success will be possible if we will support and value

each other’s hard work.

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