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Edited bY

Robert B. Jansen
Consulting Civil Engineer


tultr{ New York
Copyright O 1988 by Van Nostrand Reinhold

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number Az-ZiOoo

lsBN H42-24397-9

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Llbrary ol Congress Cataloglng-ln-publlcatlon Data

Advanced dam engineering for design, conslruction,

and rehabilitation.

lncludes index.
1. Dams-Design and construclion. l. Jansen,
Robert B., 1922-
TCS0.A33 1988 627'.8 87-21066
lsBN 0-442-24397-S

The present state of the art of dam engineering has been ronmental, and political factors, which, thou_sh important,
attained by a continuous search for new ideas and methods are covered in other publications.
while incorporating the lessons of the past. [n the last 20 The rapid progress in recent times has resulted from the
years particularly there have been major innovations, due combined efforts of engineers and associated scientists, as
largely to a concerted effort to blend the best of theory and exemplified by the authorities who have contributed to this
practice. Accompanying these achievements, there has been book. These individuals have brought extensive knowledge
a significant trend toward free interchange among the pro- to the task. drawn from experience throughout the world.
fessional disciplines, including open discussion of prob- With the convergence of such distinguished talent, the op-
lems and their solutions. The inseparable relationships of portunity for accomplishment was substantial. I gratefully
hydrology, geology, and seismology to engineering have acknowledge the generous cooperation of these writers, and
been increasingly recognized in this field, where progress am indebted also to other persons and organizations that
is founded on interdisciplinary cooperation. have allowed reference to their publications; and I have
This book presents advances in dam engineering that attempted to acknowledge this obligation in the sections
have been achieved in recent years or are under way. At- where the material is used. These courtesies are deeply ap-
tention is given to practical aspects of design, construction, preciated.
operation, and rehabilitation. Case histories are reviewed Special credit is due to C. F. Corns, T. P. Dolen, L. B.
to demonstrate principles and procedures of proven value. James, R. W. Kramer, T. M. Leps, G. Lombardi, J. Lowe
Lessnns drawn from, or reinforced by, accidents and fail- III, J. M. Raphael, and E. T. Scherich for their work as
-;ies are examined. The fundamentals of this field are cov- reviewers, and to those who served as coordinators,
ered primarily as a means of introducing and facilitating an namely. C. B. Cecilio, C. F. Corns, C. A. Fetzer. L. B.
understanding of concepts and practices that represent the James, P. C. Knodel, R. W. Kramer, J. D. Lytle, E. T.
leading edge of technology. Both simplified and compre- Scherich, and G. S. Tarbox.
hensive procedures are presented. Strong emphasis is The participants hope that they have contributed usefully
placed on technical aspects, with only general considera- to improved practices in the engineering of dams.
tion given to administrative, financial, social, legal, envi-
Robert B. Jansen
Thomas M. Itps
1. INTRODUCTION Robert B. lansen 1
Laurence B. James, Roben B. Jansen, LePs
George A. Kiersch, Thonws M. I-eps
3. HYDROLOGY Catalino B. Cecilio, 60 REMEDIAL MEASURES Thomas M. I*ps
Llewellyn L. Cross, Arlen D. FeArnan
4. GEOLOGY Arthur B. Arnold, Laurence B. 106 CONCRETE DAMS Anil K. Chopra
lames, George A. Kiersch, Alan L. O'Neill
5. SETSMOLOGY Bruce A. Bolt 153 Charles F. Corns, Ernest K. Schrader,
Glenn S. Tarbox
6. MATERIALS Timothy P. Dolen, Claude A. 172
Fetzer, Robert B. Jansen, Paul C. Knodel, 17. ARCH DAM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS 493
Ernest K. Schrader, Ltoyd O. Timbtin,Jr. Howard L. Boggs, Robert B. Jansen, Glenn
S. Tarbox
7. COFFERDAMS Claude A. Fetzer, Edwin 219
8. EARTHOUAKE RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF 239 Schrader, william F. swiger
EMBANKMENTS, Jcmes Michael Duncan,
Robert B. Jansen, Richard W. Kramer, John
John Lowe III, Nelson L. de S. Pinto,
tO. EARTHFTLL OAM CONSTRUCTION AND 321 Richard P. Regan, E. Thonws Scherich,
FOUNDATION TREATMENT Claude A. Ernest K. Schrader
Fetzer, Richard W. Kramer, William F.
11. EARTHFTLL DAM PERFORMANCE AND 354 Edward W. Gray, Peter G. Grey, David L.
REMEDTAL MEASURES Claude A. Fetzer, Hinchlifi, Nelson L. de S. Pinto, Richard P.
Richard ll'. Kramer, William F. Swiger, Regan, E. Thomas Scherich, Ernest K.
Jack G. Wutff Schrader
Ylll Contonts

Roben B. Jansen, Richard P. Regan, E. David Lytle, Dewayne L. Misterek, Bntce C.
Thomas Scherich Murray, Jerome M. Raphael


MEASURES Philip H. Burgi, Roben B.
Jansen, Richard p. Regan, E. Thomas 26. suRvElLLANcE Lloyd A. Duscha, Robert 777
Scheich, Ernest K. Schrader B' Jansen

24. RESERVOIRS l-aurence B. James, George lZ2

A. Kiersch TNDEX 799
RoseRr B. JexsEN
Consulting Civil Engineer
Bellingham, Washington

HISTORY A notable dam of the Mongol period in Penia was built

in a narrow gorge on the Kebar River. about 15 miles (2'l
Since its beginning in a distant era. the engineering of dams km) south of the town of Qum. Dating from approximately
has evolved from crude works to increasingly complex sys- 1300 e.o., it is believed to be the oldest surviving arch
tems. Ancient dam construction was a tentative art drawn dam, and is about 85 ft (26 meters) high and 180 ft (55
from simple experimentation. Over many centuries. the art meten) long. The dam is composed of cemented rubble
was joined gradually with science. masonry with mortared stone block facing. The arch was
The early dam builden made practical use of alluvium keyed into the canyon walls.
that was readily available along streams. They created pre- The engineering of buttress dams was advanced by the
carious embankments, easily erased by floods. As a con- construction of Albuera de Feria Dam (also known as Al-
sequence, earthfills inspired little confidence for thousands mendralejo Dam) near Badajoz. Spain. in 1717. h is a rub-
of years. ble-masonry structure. 77 ft (23.5 meters) high and 558 ft
Dams made of rock were favored in many parts of the (170 meten) long, with buttresses supponing its down-
world. In the Wadi el-Garawi near Helwan in Egypt are stream face.
remnants of Sadd el-Kafara Dam. which dates from as early Design concepts for stone dams were conveyed from
as 2600 B.c. to 2900 s.c. It was a 46-ft-high (I4-meter) Spain to the Americas. In Mexico. the rubble-masonry but-
rockfill with cut-stone masonry faces and a core of rubble tressed type was adopted at many sites.
and gravel. The central section is assumed to have been The first multiple-arch dam is considered to be the nra-
destroyed by flood soon after, or in the final stage of. con- sonry structure called Meer Allum. erected near Hydera-
struction. The core materials were not well protected from bad. India, in about 1800. It is approximately 40 ft (12
erosion. Insufficient provision for spill has been responsi- meters) high and 2500 ft (762 meters) long.
ble for many dam failures throughout history. Until about t850. there were few rational criteria for the
As the centuries unfolded, craftsmanship improved. The design of dams. Failure of Puentes Dam on the Rio Guad-
Romans constructed many dams of very durable mortared alentin in Spain in 1802 demonstrated the inadequacy of
masonry. Some of them are still in service, their large spill- some empirical methods. This 164-ft-high (5O-meter) ma-
ways attesting to the Roman understanding of engineering sonry gravity structure was intended to be based entirely
fundamentals. Some historians believe that the Romans on rock. but discovery of deep alluvium in the river chan-
were the originators of the arch dam. An impressive struc- nel led to use of a system of wood piles and bracing in the
ture of this type was built on a tributary of the Khabur foundation at that section. After I I years of service, the
River near Daras on the Turkish-Syrian border. An ac- undcrpinning blew out, lcaving thc dam spanning a large
count of this construction by Byzantine engineer Chryses breach.
t'rom Alexandria was documented in about e.o. 560. The During thc ninetecnth century, notabte progress was
steep abutments were notched to ensure anchorage of the made in European gravity dam engincering. In 1853.
arch, and gates reportedly were installed for tlood control. French engineer M. cle Sazilly advocated that prcssures
Although the project incorporated such significant features, within a dam be kept within specified limits. and that di-
the old records shed little light on its structural dimensions. mensions be set to prevent sliding. The concept of main-

taining the resultant of forces within the middle third of (300-meter) Nurek (Soviet Union, l9g0). These eanhfi[s
each horizontal plane was expounded about 25 years later have outer zones of gravel.
by W. J. M. Rankine of England. The conceprs advanced Until the twentieth century most of the knowledge ap-
by M. de Sazilly and Rankine led toward logical analysis plied in the design of embankments was empirical. Their
of dams. ability to withstand imposed florces was not easily deter_
While rhe middle-third criterion was generally accepted mined; limits were judged largely on the basis of accidents
as ensuring overturning resistance of moderately loaded and failures. In contrast, analytical methods for concrete
gravity dams, engineers began to recognize the importance and masonry dams were considered relatively dependable,
of uplift and sliding. A drainage system to limit uplift was although derived from simple concepts. Gravity dams. for
adopted in the design of Vyrnwy Dam in England, con- example. were dimensioned amply to ensure resistance to
structed in the period 1882-90. sliding and overtuming. The calculated tensile stresses in
Important advances have been made in concrete tech- such structures were usually minimal.
nology for dams since the early 1900s, including accp- Numerical analysis of both concrete and embankment
rately controlled mixes, vibration, special cements, poz- dams has improved substantially in the past 50 years. The
zolans, aggregate processing, air entrainment, cooling, and sciences have gained a prominent role, enabling engineers
admixtures. Progress in concrete dam design and construc- to develop large, economical, reliable structures while cop-
tion is exemplified by monumental structures such as the ing with the reality of fewer ideal sites. The continued
935-ft-high (285-meter) Grand Dixence Dam in Switzer- blending of practical and scientific approaches provides a
land (1962). sound basis for further advances.
Development of embankment construction practices was
accelerated in the nineteenth century as machinery replaced
animals for transport and compaction. The transition from
horse-drawn wagons and graders, smooth rollers, and har-
rows was completed soon after 1900 as heavy equipment, The boundaries ofdam engineering have been expanded to
including sheepsfoot compactors and vehicles with crawler a large extent by applying lessons from projects that have
tracks. came into general use. By 1940, Iarge special failed. Most problems have been attributable to simple
equipment for moving and compacting earth and rock had causes, often related to misjudgment of foundation capa_
been developed. In the 1950s and 1960s, the vibrating roller bility. The natural formations at sites of dams and reser_
won wide acceptance, first for compacting sands and grav- voirs usually have widely ranging abilities to preclude or
els and then on rockfills. It had an important influence in convey water. Each damsite has its individual characteris-
the adoption of compacted rockfill dams in preference to tics, which require special consideration.
dumped fills. Besides assessing the demands of more difficult sites for
With the substantial increase in construction capability, future dams, we must be watchful of those engineered in
there was a trend toward larger embankments, which was the past. Some of the most critical variables relate to foun-
strengthened by general recognition oftheir inherent ability dation perforrnance, both structural and hydraulic. The
to accommodate a broader range of site conditions than safety of a dam is inseparable from the capability of its
would be suitable for more rigid dams. foundation. Yet, exploration made for design purposes may
Rockfill construction in America gained impetus at Salt not disclose all geological conditions at a site so that the
Springs Dam in California (1931), which set a new record most vulnerable zones can be defined. The extent of defi-
height of 328 ft (100 merers). This is a dumped fill with a ciencies may not become apparent until the reservoir has
concrete face, a prevalent type until about the middle of been operated through several cycles.
the current century. Some dumped rockfills with upstream Effective dam engineering requires respect for the de-
slabs experienced substantial settlement and leakage. Their structive potential of uncontrolled water. To ensure that its
popularity declined as engineers turned to earth-cored force is subdued, it must be excluded or confined to safe
rockfills in the 1940s and concrete-faced compacted rock- passages. A dam will alter the natural equilibrium at its
fills in the 1960s. More recent rockfills that have estab- site. As water is impounded, a new regime of seepage will
Iished world marks include Esmeralda (Chivor) Dam in develop in the barriers that form the reservoir. The char-
Colombia (1975),777 ft (237 meters), and Chicoasdn Dam acteristics of materials in the dam and in its foundation will
in Mexico (1980), 856 ft (261 meters). Both have earth change. causing a transition in the capabilities of the struc-
cores. ture. The capacity of the natural formation to carry the su-
The sizes of earthlills also have increased in rapid perimposed loads may depend to an important extent upon
succession. Among those completed in the last 20 years are the effects of seepage, including erosion, solution, and in-
the 754-ft (230-meter) Oroville (United States, l96g), the terstitial pressures.
794-ft (242-meter) Mica (Canada, 1973), and the 9g4-ft Evaluation of the behavior of dams calls for knowledge

of a wide range of technologies and practices employed by Gravity tlams arc noted for durability. Bc'cause of their
differcnt engineers over many yean. For essential conti- large masses. they can survive considerable weathering and
nuity. designers must be involved in construction and op- site dchciencies. However. some have failed wherc foun-
eration. They have to share their understanding of how the dation elements were susceptiblc to sliding. A few but-
project was intended to function, and they must assist in tresscd dams also have shown this tendcncy.
judging actual conditions against design expectations. The Each kind of dam has distinctivc fcatures. but thc'y
engineers responsible for design and construction of a dam should not be viewed as invariablc. Certainly, when site
will develop special insights into its foundation and its ma- specifics are considered. a given type of dam will show
terials. They should know where the site and the structure characteristic merits or disadvantages. Nonetheless. eval-
have potential problems. To facilitate future analysis. their uation in terms of stereotypes may be mislcading. A rtr*k-
information and its limits should be well rccorded. Without fill. for example, is generally regarded as capable of en-
such documentation. those entrusted with care of the dam during high rates of leakage for extended periods. Although
as it ages may be at a disadvantage. A dam that has out- this is true in many cases. some rockfills contain substan-
lived its builders may be an enigma to others in its later tial concentrations of fine materials that mi-sht be suscc'p-
years. tible to erosion, especially those constructed by dumping
in high lifts.

Dams are classified usually in terms of materials and form.
Common types are homogeneous or zoned earthfills: rock- Engineers need periodically to review and adjust their per-
fills with earth core or concrete face; and concrete dams spectives. Established practices must be reexamined as re-
that depend upon gravity, arch, or buttress resistance. .sources become more limited. and as the demands upon
Structures supported by buttresses are further categorized them increase. New technical knowledge has to be shared
as flat-slab (Ambunen), multiple-arch, or massive-head. fully. Of course, old methods should not be lightly aban-
Some dams are composites of various materials, including doned. nor should all that is new be embraced. Each must
earthfill. rockfill, masonry, and concrete. A few have tim- stand the test of current circumstances.
ber, asphaltic, or synthetic membranes. Despite the important advances attained in modern times.
Topography and geology are primary factors in wei,ehing dam engineering has many acknowledged limitations. The
the comparative merits of dam types. These interrelated extent and the character of risk are not totally predictable
characteristics of the site influence the loading distribution in every case. A primary goal is to reduce uncertainties
on the foundation and the seepage patterns through the res- through investigation and preventive and remedial effon-
ervoir margins. Stress concentrations may occur in a dam In contemplating a project at its beginning. one must ex-
where there are sharp differences in the deformability or amine the setting thoroughly to foresee problems. The en-
the shape of its foundation. gineers and the allied scientists. including geologists. seis-
Earth embankments particularly may be damaged by dis- mologists, and hydrologists. must pool their knowledge and
tortions at critical points. Differential settlement may be ideas so that the appropriate type of dam is selected and
severe at steep abutments and at structural interfaces where designed to withstand postulated loadings. This collabo-
effective compaction is difficult to obtain. At these loca- ration has to be a continuin-e process. Unknown problems
tions. deformation of the fill may open dangerous paths of may remain as the works are put into service. Risk must
seepage. For this reason, there have been many failures be recognized as a variable dependent upon changing struc-
along outlet conduits. tural and site conditions. as well as developments in the
Although properly constructed embankments are able to area of potential impact. The rational approach to dam en-
accommodate substantial movement. they have relatively gineering requires anticipation of the full array of circum-
poor resistance to overflow; so their freeboard and associ- stances that might occur. drawing from experience at dams
ated spillway capacity must be determined conservatively. where tolerable limits have been exceeded. In weighing
In contrast, most concrete dams can withstand overtopping potcntial weaknesscs, the engineer must be aware of the
for at least several hours. The key to their safety may be inaccuracics of santpling techniqucs in ficld and laboratory
the resistance of the foundation to impact of the spill. work. Results may vary ovcr a broad range. Natural ma-
Arch dams can carry large loads, but thcir integrity dc- tcrials may have average Propcrtics that mcet requirc-
pends inherently on the strength of the abutments. Failurc ments, but may bc unacccptable whcn judged by their vari-
may be caused by rock deterioration or by shearing under ations.
water pressures. Weakening of arch support also ntay be Nonunifonnity of ntatcrials is a source of problems in
triggered by foundation erosion. some older concrete dams. [t has been related to many de-

ficiencies of earthfills. Embankment zones will not be com- ments to that era and to the greatncss of its engincers. Many
pletely homogeneous despite strict construction supervi- of those works may outlive the prcsent civilization. surviv_
sion. The designer may assume uniformity to facilitate ing probable maximum floods, maximum earthquakes. and
analysis, but the materials in the dam will be variable. Bor- an inevitable measure of neglect. They were sound invest-
row areas and quarries may provide soils and rock that dif_ ments in their time.
fer from what was expected. even though the specifications Today, greater emphasis must be placed upon the eco_
and their enforcement are exacting. A permeable layer nomical use of resources. Design criteria must be scruri-
placed within a zone designed to be impervious may con_ nized to elintinate excesses. [t is necessary to determine
stitute a conduit through the embankment. An impermeable levels of acceptable risk for different sets of conditions.
layer intended to be pervious may preclude necessary Attention must also be given to the justification of any dil_
drainage. Omission of a filter between fine and coarse zones ferent criteria for old dams and new dams.
could result in migration of particles from one zone to the Procedures for the engineerin,e of dams have evolved un-
other. Moisture, density, and gradation of the fill materials der the authorship of an array of distinguished professional
will not be uniform. Also, consolidation can cause perrne_ talent. Revisions or exceptions should not be advocated
ability to vary considerably from crest to base. To cope without compelling reason. Nonetheless. the need for fur-
with these conditions, the design must provide successive ther improvement is clear. This applies particularly to older
lines of defense. Filters and drains may prove vital to the structures. Practical and efficient methods must be found
control of seepage conditions that calculations do not pre_ to raise the capabilities of dams within the restraints im_
dict. Escaping water may cause great damage on the un_ posed on them. A resource that must be tapped to the full-
denide of an earthfill, and a common grout cuftain alone est is the ability of engineers and their professional asso_
may not adequately protect materials at the foundation con_ ciates to innovate in ways that will be effective. This is the
tact. It could be least effective at its top, where grouting essential challenge.
pressures typically would have been low. The fill should The cu rrent accelerated tech nolog ical progress cont rasts
be isolated from detrimental underflows by measures such sharply with the gradual evolution of theories and practices
as consolidation grouting, slush grouting, concrete dental in earlier centuries.
work, or placement of filters. Some noteworthy contributions to the advancement of
Defensive engineering requires incorporation of such dam engineering in recent times are described below.
protective elements to counter every adverse condition.
Each project demands its own measures to meet the haz_
ards peculiar to the site. Even after extensive exploration, New Perspectives on Seismology
testing, and analysis, the designer must be mindful of the
uncertainties, arid should call for enough treatment to com- Important progress has been made in mathematical mod_
pensate for them. elin-g of seismic fields near their sources. Improved pro_
In the design and analysis of dams, concepts drawn from cedures are used for estimating attenuation of accelerations
reasonable assumptions may be of greater value than cal_ and for developing time histories and spectra.
culations based upon uncertain data. Because dam con_
struction requires the use of materials and foundations that
are inherently nonuniform, the engineer must maintain a lmproved Methods for Foundation Treatment
realistic perspective on their capabilities and limitations
There is increasing reco_enition of the value of grouting with
while applying the available scientific methods. Sophisti-
thick stable mixes and high pressures. New methods are
cated devices and techniques may give misleading impres_
available for improving cement used in grouting, a primary
sions of precision. Theories are founded on premises that
objective being to attain a fineness that facilitates penetra_
may be valid only within limited ranges, and nearly all of
tion of fissures. The Wet Milled Cement Method, devel-
them must be tested by practical experience. Engineers oped in Japan, enables the refinement of common cemenr
must exercise their own judgment to the fullest in the final
at the site. A mill with high-speed rotary disks is installed
analysis, drawing from its sources in theory and practice.
in the grouting system between mixers. The reground ce_
ment yields a stable mix with improved ability to penerrate.
RECENT PROGRESS An unusually extensive grout curtain of the bathtub type
was established at El Caj6n Dam, a 76g-ft-high (234-me_
In the past, when sites were favorable and resources plen_ ter) high arch dam in Honduras. The massive and moder-
tiful, the shortcomings of science could be overcome by ately karstificd limestone foundation was injected with
generous budgets. Massive dams stand today as monu_
100,000 metric tons of cemenr, in one thick stable mix,

ficiencies of earthfills. Embankment zones will not be com_ ments to that era and to the greatncss of its engineers. Many
pletely homogeneous despite strict construction supervi- of those works may outlive the present civilization. surviv-
sion. The designer may assume uniformity to facititate ing probable maximum floods, maximum eanhquakes. and
analysis, but the materials in the dam will be variable. Bor- an inevitable measure of neglect. They were sound invest-
row areas and quarries may provide soils and rock that dif- ments in their time.
fer from what was expected, even though the specifications
Today, greater emphasis must be placed upon the eco-
and their enforcement are exacting. A permeable layer nomical use of resources. Design criteria must be scruti_
placed within a zone designed to be impervious may con- nized to eliminate excesses. It is necessary to determine
stitute a conduit through the embankment. An impermeable levels of acceptable risk for different sets of conditions.
layer intended to be pervious may preclude necessary Attention must also be given to the justification o[ any dif_
drainage. Omission of a filter between fine and coarse zones ferent criteria for old dams and new dams.
could result in migration of particles from one zone to the Procedures for the engineering ofdams have evolved un-
other. Moisture, density, and gradation of the fill materials der the authonhip of an array of distinguished professional
will not be uniform. Also, consolidation can cause perrne_ talent. Revisions or exceptions should not be advocated
ability to vary considerably from crest to base. To cope without compelling reason. Nonetheless. the need for fur-
with these conditions, the design must provide successive ther improvement is clear. This applies particutarly to older
lines of defense. Filters and drains may prove vital to the structures. Practical and efficient methods must be found
control of seepage conditions that calculations do not pre_ to raise the capabilities of dams within the resrrainrs im-
dict. Escaping water may cause great damage on the un_ posed on them. A resource that must be tapped to the tull_
denide of an earthfill, and a common grout curtain alone est is the ability of engineers and their professional asso-
may not adequately protect materials at the foundation con- ciates to innovate in ways that will be effective. This is the
tact. It could be least effective at its top, where grouting essential challenge.
pressures typically would have been low. The fill should The current accelerated technological progress contrasts
be isolated from detrimental underflows by measures such sharply with the gradual evolution of theories and practices
as consolidation grouting, slush grouting, concrete dental in earlier centuries.
work, or placement of filten. Some noteworthy contributions to the advancement of
Defensive engineering requires incorporation of such dam engineering in recent times are described below.
protective elements to counter every adverse condition.
Each project demands its own measures to meet the haz_
ards peculiar to the site. Even after extensive exploration, New Perspectives on Seismology
testing, and analysis, the designer must be mindful of the
uncertainties, and should call for enough treatment to com- Important progress has been made in mathematical mod_
pensate for them. eling of seismic fields near their sources. Improved pro_
In the design and analysis of dams, concepts drawn from cedures are used for estimating attenuation of accelerations
reasonable assumptions may be of greater value than cal_ and for developing time histories and spectra.
culations based upon uncertain data. Because dam con_
struction requires the use of materials and foundations that
are inherently nonuniform, the engineer must maintain a lmproved Methods for Foundation Treatment
realistic perspective on their capabilities and limitations
There is increasing reco-enition of the value of grouting with
while applying the available scientific methods. Sophisti_
thick stable mixes and high pressures. New methods are
cated devices and techniques may give misleading impres_
available for improving cement used in grouting, a primary
sions of precision. Theories are founded on premises that
objective being to attain a fineness that facilitates penetra_
may be valid only within limited ranges, and nearly all of
tion of fissures. The Wet Milled Cement Method, devel-
them must be tested by practical experience. Engineers oped in Japan. enables the refinement of common cemenr
must exercise their own judgment to the fullest in the final
at the site. A mill with high-speed rorary disks is installed
analysis, drawing from its sources in theory and practice.
in the grouting system between mixers. The reground ce_
ment yields a stable mix with improved ability to penetrate.
RECENT PROGRESS An unusually extensive grout curtain of the bathtub type
was established at El Caj6n Dam, a 76g-ft-high (234_me_
In the past, when sites were favorable and resources plen_ ter) high arch dam in Honduras. The massive and moder-
tiful, the shortcomings of science could be overcome by ately karstified lirnestonc foundation was injected with
generous budgets. Massive dams stand today as monu_
100,000 metric tons of cement, in one thick stable mix,

using pressures up to 50 bar. The approximate surface area rock mixtures. Effcctive mcthods have bccn dcveltlpcd for
of the cunain is 634,000 yd: 153O.OOO mr;. placement and compaction contrul of thcsc matcrials.
In the construction of Ouchi Dam. a rockfill in Japan. Reliable critcria are applied in the dcsign of tilten and
grouting of the foundation was accomplished by a tully au- drains for embankmcnts. Seismic etlccts on corc and liltcr
tomatic system consisting of a central plant. secondary materials have bccome morc predictable.
plants. and injection points. The central plant containcd
mixers. stor?ge and conveyance facilities for undiluted Computerized Seepage AnalYsis
grout. and a control room. The undiluted grout was con-
veyed to agitators and injection pumps in the secondary The design of scepagc control measurcs tbr an embank-
plants. along with water to dilute it to a controlled con- ment and for its foundation has been optimizcd by rcfincd
sistency. Injection rates and grout pressures and thick- computer-based procedurcs. enabling panmetric studies of
nesses were registered and governed automatically at the permeabilities and prediction of pore Prcssures tbr use in
computer station in the control room. This system enabled stability analyses. Scepage can be analyzed using elcctric-
simultaneous operation of a complex of grout pumps. analogy models or finite-element techniques. Sat'ety factors
Permeable foundation soils can be grouted deeply by are introduced to allow for the variability of natural mate-
using hi-eh-pressure pumps, which may be provided with rials and for eventual decline in efficiency of the seepage
automatic recording. Effective -erouts include cement-ben- control system.
tonite, deflocculated bentonite. and silicate-based mix.
Where a grout curtain would be infeasiblb or of doubtful lmproved Stability Analysis of Embankments
value. there is a trend toward adoption of vertical walls and
diaphragms as cutoffs. using clay-cement. conventional Finite-element models have been applied for the dynamic
concrete. or plastic concrete as trench backfill. The more response analysis of embankment dams.
deformable wall materials are generally favored in alluvial Simplified methods are now available for estimating em-
foundations. particularly where seismic loading might be bankment deformation.
severe. Notable advances have been made in techniques
and equipment for installing these walls. Synthetic Membranes
Geomembranes and -geotextiles are gaining acceptance. un-
Progress in Soil Mechanics
der certain conditions. for filtering. drainage. and soil re-
Site exploration has been enhanced by advanced -eeophys- intorcement.
ical methods and by use of in-site soil-testing devices.
Testing and treatment of dispersive soils have'been im- Methods of Earth Reinforcement
proved. The pinhole test was developed for identification
of these soils, which have been shown to be highly suscep- Earth reinforcement techniques have found usetul appli-
tible to colloidal erosion. High pore-water sodium was cations in the construction and the rehabilitation of em-
confirmed to be a principal characteristic of most disper- bankment dams. Reinforced earth walls have been added
sive soils. Some older embankments containin-g dispersive for heightening earthfi lls.
materials have been treated successfully with additives
(alum, gypsum, and hydrated lime) to improve their resis- Construction on Soil Foundations
tance to erosion.
A better understanding of the behavior of soils during Dynamic compaction is used increasingly to remedy defec-
cyclic loading has led to more rational analysis of embank- tive soil foundations. [n construction of Jebba lr{ain Dam.
ment stability. a zoned rockfill in Nigeria. foundation densification on a
Criteria have been established for identification of ma- massive scale was accomplished by deep blasting and vi-
terials susceptible to liquefaction. New approaches are used brocompaction. These methods were effective in improv-
in the dynamic analysis of embankments or foundations ing alluvial sands that in their natural state wcre locally
containing these soils. loose at various depths.
Extensive studies have providcd ncw insights into thc Tarbcla Dant in Pakistan set a ncw record as the largcst
mechanisms of hydraulic fracturing, internal erosion, sub- enrbankmcnt darn in thc world. lnnovative nlcthods were
sidence. and soil collapse. used to copc with challcnging conditions at the site on the
Research and field experience have expandcd knowlcdge Inclus River. The ntain embanknlent was founded on allu-
of the strength and deformation characteristics of earth- viunr as deep as 700 li (2 l3 mcters), including somc oPen-

work boulder-gravel strata. Seepage control measures in_ sponses of concrcte gravity dams to scismic loading. in-
cluded an inclined core, an extensive impenrious blanket cluding the effects of interactions of the dam with the res-
upstream from the dam, grout and drainage cunains, a ervoir and with the foundation. as well as rhe effect of
drainage blanket, a collector gallery, drainage wells, and reservoir bottom absorption.
some grouting of foundation openwork. Undeneepage and A method has been introduced for dynamic analysis of
foundation behavior were monitored and euatuatea by arch dams, including hydrodynamic effects. This entails a
computerized methods. finite-element model in which the dam and fluid domain
are treated as substructures, and the effects
of foundation
lmproved Embankment Construction Control ffexibility on hydrodynamic pressures are taken into ac-
A compaction meter has been developed to improve control Linear elastic fracture mechanics is used in analysis of
of embankment constrirction. In conjunction with elec- crack formation and propagation in concrete dams under
tronic guidance and roller position detection, the meter en_ dynamic loading.
ables automatic recording of the degree of compaction at_ Special concretes were used to solve severe problems
tained in the dam. due to cavitation and erosion in concrete structures at Tar-
bela Dam. Large volumes of roller-compacted concrete
lnnovative Approaches in Rockfill Engineering were placed to protect structures and rock slopes and foun-
dations. Fiber-reinforced concrete was used in the repair of
A principal feature of modern rockfill designs is {he com_ spillways and stilling basins.
paction of the rockfill by a vibratory roller. Another sig_ Synthetic compound mixes and polymer impregnation
nificant improvemenr is in the zoning of the fill. Importait have been used in the repair of concrete damaged by cav-
advances also have been made in the construction of con- itation or erosion.
crete face slabs for rockfills. Techniques are now available for repairing cracked con-
Reinforced rockfill dams designed to withstand overtop_ crete dams by grouting with synthetic resins. Very fine
ping have been constructed by use of steel surface mesh cracks can be penetrated by these low-viscosity materials,
and deep anchor bars. which, when ser, are deformable and highly adhesive.
In the Soviet Union, rockfill dams have been constructed Stressed steel anchors are used effectively in improvin_e
by directed blasting effected from mine chambers in the the stability of concrete dams. Anchorage is enhanced by
canyon walls. new techniques for protection against corrosion and for in-
In the construction of the High Aswan Dam in Egypt, a creasing the bond.
large volume of rockfill was dumped under water by means Embedded, verrical, hydraulically inflatable flat jacks
of hopper barges and dump barges. Sand was placed in the were used to prestress a concrete arch dam (Nambe Falls
dam body by pumping a suspended mixrure through pipe_ Dam, in New Mexico) to control tension at an acceptable
lines. Sand in the foundation layer of the dam was com_ limit. Measurements of structural performance confirmed
pacted under water by vibrating units operated from float_
that the prestressing was successful.
ing installations. The technology of roller-compacted concrere dams has
advanced rapidly, as major structures of this type have been
Advances in Concrete Dam Technology constructed in several countries. progress has been made
in improving the impermeability and the durability of these
New data are available on the tensile strength of concrete. dams, while maintaining their economic advantage.
Relationships between static and dynamic tensile strengths
have been defined.
Silica has proved valuable in improving the properties of
lmproved Techniques for Hydrologic and Hydraulic
concrete. Because silica particles are two orders of mag- Analysis
nitude finer than those of common portland cement, they Mathematical models are used for flood forecasting and
provide a microfiller benefit as well as a pozzolanic effeci,
reservoir operdtion simulation. Risk-based analysis has
reducing the concrete's penneability and increasing its gained some acceptance for selection of inflow design
strain capacity.
Use is made of a thermal-stress testing machine in which Facilities f'or increasing flood discharge capability are
a concrete specimen is cooled until it cracks. Concrete per_ under continuing developnlcnt. Labyrinth weirs, for ex-
formance can be studied with any temperature variation and
anrple, have been used to increase spillway capacity eco-
with different conditions of restraint. nomically and reliably. They are particularly suitable at ex-
Simplified procedures are used for analysis of the re_ isting danrs whcre the head ancl the space are lintited.

lncreased emphasis is placed on aeration of spillways lnnovations are being put to work in ncw projects as wcll
and outlets to prevent cavitation by high-velocity flow. as in the evaluation and rchabilitation of older facilities.
Although most of the advanced concepts have been wc'll
proved. somc still must stand the test of time. As in most
Refinements in lnstrumentation
situations wherc complex problems arc confr<rnted, new'
Instrumentation and surveillance of dams are enhanced by ideas in the engineering of dams do not always win im-
use of advanced vibrating wire instruments and electro-op- mediate acceptance. Opposing schools of thought may e\-
tical distance-measuring equipment. ist even aftcr thorough examination and trial by experi-
Significant improvement has been made in measurement ence. Some problems must be recognized as amenable to
of total stresses in an embankment by using remote-reading more than one solution. In any case. the exposure to cre-
inclinometers attached to earth pressure cells to register any ative thought fostered by timely professional interchan-ee
changes in inclination after installation. brings many benefits.
LnunpNcp B. Jerurs GeoncE A. Krenscn
Chi ef En gi ne e ri n g Ge ol o gi st Geological Consultant
Califurnia Department of Water Resources Kiersch Associates, Inc.
(Retired) Tucson, Arizona

RoseRr B. Jnusrru THoures M. LEps

Consulting Civil Engineer President
Be llin gham, Washingt on Thomas M. Leps, Inc.
Consulting Civi I Engineering
Menlo Park, Califurnia

INTRODUCTION well as successes is needed. In fact, some of the most val-

uable learning has come from projects where errors have
Historical study of dams conceived in earlier times is es- been clear in retrospect. The following case histories are
sential. To continue advancing, the engineering profession representative of the body of knowledge that has been ac-
must periodically review past problems and the lessons that cumulated in the interest of the future safety of dams.
they taught. Candid sharing of information on failures as


THoua,s M. Leps nNn RossR'r B. JnNsrN

On December 14, 1963, at about ll:15, an unprec- extending across the reservoir bottom in line with the breach
edented flow of water was heard in the spillway pipe at in the dam (Fig. 2-l).
Baldwin Hills Dam in Los Angeles, California. The water
came from drains under the reservoir lining. Geologic Setting
At approximately l:00 p.n., muddy leakage was dis-
covered downstream from the east abutment of the dam, The Baldwin Hills, on the southwest edge of the Los An-
which formed the north side of the reservoir. At 2:20 p.M., geles Basin, are an expression of the Newport-lnglewood
lowering of the reservoir water level revealed a 3-flt-wide upliit, a series of structural domcs and saddles extending
break in the reservoir's inner lining. A futile attempt was about 40 miles (64 km) bctween Beverly Hills and Newport
made to plug the hole with sandbags. Water broke violently Beach. They are composed of sedintcntary formations,
through the downstream face of the dam. By 5:00 e.u., principally of marine origin, overlying crystalline schist at
the reservoir had emptied, revealing a crack in the lining depths of 10,000 to 12,000 ft (3050 to 3660 meters).


Fig. 2- 1. Baldwin Hills Reservoir after failure.

The Inglewood Fault, the most noftherly of four princi- vated from the reserv'oir bowl. To provide a uniform floor
pal faults of the uplift, is about 500 ft ( 152 meters) west of slope, part of the subgrade was compacted earth. The de-
the resewoir. The Ne*'port-Inglewood uplift remains sign incorporated underdrain systems and a reservoir lining
seismically active. However, at the Seismographic Labo- (Figs. 2-2 and 2-3).
ratory of the California Institute of Technology. l5 miles Below the earth lining lay a 4-in. (102-mm) Iightly ce-
(24 km) northeast of the reservoir, there was no report of mented pea-gravel drain blanket, with a system of 4-in.
any earthquake considered large enough to cause inertial clay tile pipes placed beneath it to convey the leakage to a
damage at the projecr during the period 1950-63. drainage inspection chamber. The pea-gravel blanket tas
Several minor, steeply dipping faults were mapped in the capped with a l-in. porous sand gunite layer to prevenr in-
Baldwin Hills during construction. Three of these, desig- filtration by soil particles. The lowest member of the lining
nated Faults I, II, and V, pass through the reservoir, an- was an asphaltic membrane about j in. thick. sprayed on
gling away from the Inglewood Fault. either the natural formation or compacted fill. Cotton fabric
The reservoir foundation consisted of sediments that with an open weave served as reinforcement of the mem-
were susceptible to densification and erosion. During con- brane where needed, mostly on the slopes and in the ditches
struction the formations were seen to be intensely jointed. for drain tile. The designers realized that the integrity of
Most of the joints were tight, but a few had gaps of as much the reservoir would depend upon the impermeability of the
as I in. (6 mm). asphaltic underseal.
Two separate underdrain systems were provided. one to
Design and Construction drain the foundation under the earth embankments and the
other to collcct seepage passing through the earth lining
Construction began on January 13, 1947, and was com- and convey it through a central observation and measure-
pleted on April 18, 1951. Located at the heacl of a north- ment chambcr to an outfall pipe.
ward-draining ravine, the reservoir was formed by thc dam In the bottom of thc ravine undcr the ntain embankment
on the north side and compacted earth dikes on the othcr was an open-jointcd l2-in. (305-nrm) clay tile foundation
sides. Designed as a homogeneous earthfill, the dam was drain, its uppcr half covercd with lightly ccmented pea
232 ft (71meters) high and 650 ft (198 meters) long. gravel to permit water entry. This drain passed through
The embankments were constructed of materials exca- successive manholes where seepage flow was observed.


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Fig. 2-3. Baldwin Hills Reservoir lining.

Horizontal and vertical holes were drilled into the dam ities during a typical weekly inspection included entering
foundation and were sand-filled. They were connected to Manholes A and B on the l2-in. tile drain and measuring
4-in. tile drainpipes leading to the l2-in. bottom pipe, flows from the horizontal drain holes. They also examined
which discharged into the city storm drain immediately the spillway catch basins and the storm drains.
downstream from the dam. Radiating from each of the Flows of the reservoir underdrains were measured at
manholes were other horizontal drill holes, backfilled with weirs in the inspection chamber before discharge into a 24-
sand, to intercept seepage from the foundation. in. (61-cm) outfall line, which connected to the spillway
Baldwin Hills Reservoir had a storage capacity of 897 pipe.
acre-feet (l.l million m3) and was served by mortar-lined Flows in the embankment foundation drains were mea-
steel inlet and outlet conduits in tunnels through the east sured monthly. Throughout the project operation no flows
side. A 57-in. (145-cm) inlet line extended through the gate were observed in the drains for the embankments on the
tower, supplying two circulator pipes leading to the west east, west, and south sides.
side of the reservoir. The tower had gates at various levels Periodic inspections were made of observation wells at
for discharge into the 66-in. (168-cm) outlet line. the reservoir perimeter. Reportedly there was never any
water in these wells.
History of Operation
The owner, the Los Angeles Department of Vy'ater and
Power, conducted a comprehensive program to measure During the first reservoir filling, begun on April 18, 1951,
performance of the project. The reservoir was in service discharge from the underdrains increased substantially.
continuously from July 195 I until failure on December 14, Reservoir inflow was discontinued on May 2 with the stor-
1963, except for a short time in 1957 when it was drained age level about 22 ft (6.7 meters) below the spillway. Re-
for cleaning and repairs. pairs were made. Reservoir filling was resumed on June
A caretaker was on duty regularly at the reservoir from r8,1951.
7:45 e,.u. to 4: 15 p.M., seven days a week. In the early years of operation following the initial re-
The Foundations and Structures Maintenance Section medial work in 1951 , the underdrains required much main-
devoted one full day each month to inspection of the res- tenance. Appreciable volumes of asphalt, obviously from
ervoir. the asphalt membrane, flowed through the system from the
Leakage was regularly measured and sampled by hy- west underside of the reservoir.
drographers of the Water Operating Division, whose activ- Calcium carbonate deposits developed in the drains, re-

quiring frequenr cleaning. Clogging, and possibly dis- slope of the reservoir but with very little offset. Several
placement of the drain tile, caused a reduction in rhe toral sinkholes could be seen in the reservoir bottom along the
seepage entering the inspection chamber. Seepage varied continuous crack.
over the years from slightly more rhan 23 gpm (g7 li- of
Inspection preexisting cracks in the inlet tunnel
ters/min.) to a low of approximately 7 gpm (26 li- showed no apparent chan_9e in the conditions of any of
ten/min.), and measured about 8 gpm (30liters/min.) in them.
early 1963. Wide fluctuations of flow were observed in the On December 18, 1963, the drying of sedimenr on the
individual underdrains, with much of the variation un- floor disclosed a north-south-trending crack near the res-
doubtedly attributable to repeated acid treatment of the ervoir center. Subsurface investigation showed this crack
drains. to be at Fault V. There u,as very little displacement, but
On October 29, 1951, a crack was discovered in the water apparently had been passing through the crack into
drainage inspection chamber near Fault I. Strain-gage the earth lining.
points were set, and regular n'leasurements of the opening Postfailure investigators explored Faults I and V inten-
were begun. The crack opened enough that the steel rein- sively. Thirteen test pits, two shafts, and 256 ft (78 meters)
forcing bars in the wall were visible. Leakage through the of tunnel were excavated. Also, drilling was done at the
opening was reportedly negligible prior to the reservoir site to obtain samples of materials, for tests performed on
failure. both undisturbed and disturbed specimens of the natural
The five drains entering the inspection chamber from the and compacted soils.
west were encased in concrete for a distance of about 20 ft Excavations at Faults I and V revealed downward dis-
(6 m). At rhat location they were below the
|-in. 1O-mm; placement on the west side, which was evident in the res-
asphalt membrane. On September 5, 1952, the concrete ervoir paving but more pronounced at the pea-gravel drain,
encasement was found to be cracked approximately 12 ft where offsets of as much as 7 in. (18 cm) were observed.
(3.7 meters) from the discharge end of the west toe drain. These were generally extensions of rupture in the founda-
From the time that the crack opened, it was reasonable to tion.
assume that there was leakage into the foundation at that At Fault I, cavities were discovered beneath the pea-
point. gravel drain in some of the excavations.
In the period March 13-16, 1957, the reservoir was At Fault V. in the north face of an exploratory trench, a
emptied, and the lining cleaned and checked. Inspectors hole found about 8 ft (2.4 meters) below the pea-gravel
found some cracking in the thin (about {-in.y cement coat- drain opened into a cavity about I I ft (3.4 meters) long, 3
ing on the asphaltic pavement, presumably due to creeping ft (1 meter) high, and as much as 2 ft (0.6 meter) wide. It
of the paving on the reservoir slopes. Although no sub- extended north along the west side of Fault V. The pea-
stantial separation was found in the pavement, in some lo- gravel drain at the fault was displaced, but it had not col-
cations there was an overthrust of as much as 2 in. (5 cm). lapsed. A slight calcification on the surfaces of the large
The reservoir bottom was found to be in generally sound cavity suggested that it had developed over an appreciable
condition. time.
In the weeks immediately preceding failure an apparent Excavation at Fault I disclosed cavities in the natural
uplift developed in the inlet tunnel, the gare tower, and the formation as deep as 47 ft (14 meters) below the pea-gravel
part of the inspection chamber east of Fault L This reversal drain. These cavities apparently had existed for an ex-
of the settlement trend was similar to others that had oc- tended period.
curred occasionally during the life of the reservoir, but it In a drift excavated along Fault I, investigators encoun-
was larger than any previously recorded. tered numerous cavities, some with maximum dimensions
In the final year of operation, the flows from discharging of several feet. The relatively smooth and straight fault
horizontal drains under the main dam varied rapidly, de- planes suggested that separation of foundation blocks was
clining to zero and then in some cases increasing to the the primary action in creating the gaps. Fine sand was flound
earlier rate, followed by continued fluctuations. in some of the openings between the fault planes.
Some flra,ements of the asphaltic membrane under the ce-
Postfailure Conditions mented pea gravel contained small holes that could have
allowed passage of water.
After the failure, about 2 in. (5 cm) ol fine silt and clay Settlement records indicatcd that a local trough of max-
covered the reservoir floor.t There was a continuous crack imum settlement crossed the rcservoir parallel to and just
approximately parallel to and near the toe of the east slope. west of the trace of Fault V.
Vertical displacement averaged about 2 in. (5 cm), but was Surveys of the inlet and outlet tunnels, gate tower, and
as much as 7 in. (18 cm), with the west side of the crack inspection chamber were conducted in the week after fail-
lower than the east side. The crack extended up the south ure. With respect to measurements made on November 20,

1963. there was a relative uplift of 0.01 ft (3 mm) at the ln an arca bctwecn 0.5 mile (0.8 km) and I mile (1.6
east portal,0.ll ft (34 mm) at the tower, and 0.17 ft (52 km) southeast of the reservoir. several open cracks were
mm) in the inspection chamber east of Fault l. There was detected in the grcund as early as May 1957. They mea-
no measured change in the chamber elevation west of Fault sured up to 1500 ft (760 meters) in length. and were similar
I. The top of the gate tower had moved to the east 0. 12 ft to the 1963 reservoir cracks in terms of vertical offset.
(37 mm). Movement of the gate tower base had been gen- opening. orientation, and lack of longitudinal displace-
erally downward over the life of the structure. reachin-e a ment. [n general. both the reservoir cracks and those to the
maximum of 0.55 ft (168 mm) before a sudden uplift of southeast panlleled old faults and joints. They developed
0.I I ft (34 mm) at about the time of failure. in areas where tension could be expccted as a result of
warping of the ground surface.
The lnglewood Oil Field
Analysis of Failure
The Inglewood Oil Field, discovered in September 1924.
lies under the western half of the Baldwin Hills area. It Several investigators have offered premises about the cause
covers about 1200 acres and in 1963 had more than 600 and mechanism of the reservoir failure. Althou-eh they share
producing wells. The field adjoins the reservoir site on the areas of substantial agreement, some of their differences
south and west, the nearest reported production at the time have not been fully reconciled.
of reservoir failure being from three wells within 700 ft Hamilton and Meehanr concluded in l97l that fluid in-
(210 meters) of the south rim. jection caused shear displacements alon-q Fault I. and that
The geological structure of the field, the nature of the rupture propagating to the surface sheared the earth lining.
oil-bearing deposits. the relatively shallow depth, and the Casagrande et al.a were not convinced that any signifi-
solution gas drive that prevailed in the early stages of pro- cant fault movement had taken place under the reservoir
duction provided an environment favorable for subsidence. during its life. They believed that differential settlement
Production at the Inglewood Oil Field commenced in occurred and could be explained by the greater compress-
1924, and repressurization of the field was started in 1954. ibility of fractured and loosened material immediately west
of each fault. They assumed that during pre-Holocene tec-
Ground Movement tonic activity on Faults I and V the do,*'nthrown (west)
block was dragged along the fault plane so that the mate-
In 1917, the Depanment of Water and Power established rials near the surface on the downthrown side were loos-
benchmarks at the site of Centinela Reservoir. a proposed ened. Because the Inglewood formation is particularly fri-
storage facility about 3000 ft (900 meters) southwest of the able, they regarded these effects as severe. They therefore
Baldwin Hills damsite. In 1943 levels again were run to concluded "that there was sharp differential compression
some of these points, and the changes since l9l7 deter- of the foundation soils across Faults I and V. that this dif-
mined. This and subsequent surveys indicated a general ferential compression was initiated already durin-e the first
regimen of subsidence in the area (Figs. 24 and 2-5). In partial fillin-e of the reservoir in 195 l. and that it increased
his extensive investigations. Leps: estimated the year of gradually during the life of the reservoir."
initial subsidence as about 1924. Lepsl has stated that "the loosely articulated nature of
The poini of maximum cumulative subsidence in 1963 the fault blocks has represented a foundation environment
was about 3000 ft (900 meters) northwest of the intersec- under the reservoir site which has been extremely sensi-
tion of La Cienega Blvd. and Stocker Street, over the most tive, and responsive, to the localized but substantial
productive part of the Inglewood Oil Field. The total area changes in subsurface stresses caused by a subsurface, salt
of subsidence resembles an elliptical bowl with its center water injection program begun on a pilot basis by the oil
about 0.5 mile (0.8 km) west of the reservoir and its eastern field operators in 1954. and intensively pursued from
periphery extending beyond La Brea Avenue. Subsidence 1957...."
at the reservoir site aggregated about 3 ft (0.9 meter) within The papers by Lepss and Hanrilton and Meehanl dem-
the 1917-63 period. Its southwest cornerhad dropped more onstrated the apparent influence ofoil field repressurization
than the northeast corner. Between 1947 and 1962 the el- on the subsidcnce trend at the reservoir. The surveys of
evation difference between these rcscrvoir corners in- facilities on the East Sub-block showed clearly the slowing
creased by about 0.5 foot (15 cm). and short-term reversals of the downtrend. corrclating with
Triangulation surveys in 1934. 1961, and 1963 sho*'ed fluid injection. The cited papers concludcd that differential
stations in the Baldwin Hills to be moving laterally in thc vertical shearing at Faults I and tt was accentuated by the
general direction of the subsidence elepression. There was reprcssuring. Recorded rebouud east and south of the res-
a progressive 0.4-ft (12-cm) elongation of the northeast- ervoir, and possibly some of the ground cracks in the en-
southwest diagonal of the reservoir between 1950 and 1963. virons, appear to support this argument.

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Frofr Ilt LGp3. 1964

Fig. 2-5. Subsidence of benchmarks. Baldwin Hills area.

During drilling of oil wells south of the reservoir, cir- infiltration in years prior to construction, reservoir seepa-qe
culation of drilling fluids reportedly was lost in the upper in the period l95l-63, or outrush of water during the fail-
several hundred feet. Assuming this to be indicative of ure.
conditions under the reservoir, ready channels for seepage Separation of the fault blocks due to tension from warp-
to great depth may have existed in the foundation, partic- ing of the subsidence bowl would not necessarily have re-
ularly at the faults. sulted in differentially compressible materials of the na-
There is evidence that gaps had developed between ture. and to the degree. envisioned by the tectonic drag
foundation blocks over a long period before the reservoir theory. However, overhanging fault-block corners that ex-
failure. They were seen and photographed at Faults I and isted near the ground surface at the time of construction
II in an excavation near the gate tower site in 1948. might have been broken by mobile equipment so that foun-
Further separation of the fault planes is believed to have dation material was forced into the accumulated fault gaps.
occurred during the years of operation, which would tend Also. the wetting of the foundation could have made the
to cause failure of the brittle underdrains, rupture of the corners of the overhanging foundation blocks susceptible
asphalt membrane, and consequent wetting of any poorly to further breaking under the reservoir loading. All of this
consolidated materials in the fault openings. would have been conducive to localized settlement.
In general, postfailure measurements showed the fault Heavy construction equipmcnt also may have caused ini-
planes to be separated on the order of 0.25 in. (6 mm) to tial defects in the reservoir lining. Construction photo-
0.5 in. (13 mm). In some places, the openings had been graphs show a scraper, a truck. and a motor grader oper-
enlarged by erosion, which could be attributed to rainwater ating directly on the cemented pea-gravel underdrain. A

tracked crane was run over the asphaltic membrane, on ply- while its foundation continued to be strctched as a conse-
wood strips, during placement of the pea gravel. Much of quence of ar€al subsidence. Aging of the synthetic mem-
this was membrane without fabric reinforcement. brane might be a problem over a period of many years. The
Until the final episode of failure, the relatively small designers of any facility at the sire also would have to be
amounts of water that probably were entering the founda- mindful of the seismic porenrial of the area.
tion could have been expected to pass through the perme- Whether the engineers who conceived the original plan
able sedimentary materials and decply into the fault gaps should have anticipated the nature ofthe foundation breaks
without developing sustained pressures of a magnitude that is not easy to judge fairly in rrtrospect. The project was
would move foundation blocks. On the other hand, the out- well reported in the technical journals and had few critics
rushing water at time of failure would have introduced at the time. There was little precedent to offer guidance in
much higher pressures. Although they might not have been the 1940s. The Baldwin Hills case, considering all its ele-
able to move massive blocks, they might have rcduced in- ments, is still unique in the history of dams.
terplanar restraint enough to allow a small rebound, and
they could have caused lateral shifting of the relatively thin
foundation units between closely spaced faults such as that Lessons Learned
between Faults I and II. The Inglewood formation is in-
tensely jointed, so that there might not be substantial resis- l. Foundations in erodible rocks must be thoroughly
tance to such horizontal movement. explored to disclose any preexisting cavities or other
In summary, the reservoir and its immediate environs defects.
were subjected to many adverse forces, including horizon- 2. The total prevention of leakage into a reservoir
tal and vertical displacement due to subsidence; local foundation over the lifetime of the facility may be
breaking of the weak foundation; some erosion at the faults; unattainable under usual circumstances.
and rebound effects due to oil field repressurization, res- 3. Associated faults that lie in close proximity and sub-
ervoir loading and unloading in l95l and 1957, and the parallel to an active fault should be reganded as sus-
final inrush of water into the Fault I-II zone at time of ceptible to movement in a seismic event.
failure. 4. The possibility of differential fault movement un-
With the benefit of the data that the failure provided, of related to tectonic activity must be considered.
course, the foundation problems would be predictable in 5. Potential effects of ground subsidence must be rec-
such a setting. Under the same circumstances now, the set- ognized in designing dams and reservoirs.
tlement and seepage pattems that were observed at Baldwin 6. External causes and effects of subsidence must be
Hills would signal the need for decisive corrective action. closely monitored.
From a practical standpoint, present methods of interpret- 7. Foundation discontinuities should be given special
ing perflormance data are not substantially better than those treatment in construction.
available in 1963. The instrumentation and the measure- 8. Rigid buried elements such as cemented drains
ment procedures employed by the Department of Water and should not be incorporated into designs where dif-
Power were adequate. In retrospect, they passed the test of ferential settlement is a possibility.
showing what was happening. 9. Drains should be amply sized and provided with ac-
Facing the same site conditions now, and armed with the cess, where possible, to facilitate maintenance.
knowledge of what went wrong at Baldwin Hills, designers 10. Application of sprayed asphalt as a reservoir seal
could make several improvements. The obvious first step must be questioned as to its long-term effectiveness.
would be to avoid rigid drains so close to the water face ll. Earth linings preferably should have appreciable
and to the unstable and erodible foundation. A paved earth plasticity.
lining similar to that in the original design would be ac- 12. Erodible embankment and foundation elements must
ceptable, but preferably of soils with higher plasticity. An have adequate filter protection.
impermeable, reinforced, multi-ply synthetic membrane, 13. Structures placed across faults should be conserva-
placed on a well-prepared subgrade, might provide an ef- tively designed to accommodate predictable move-
fective underseal. Any drain layer over this would have to ments.
be flexible and filter-protected. Overexcavation at the faults 14. The use of heavy construction equipment must be
and backfilling with compacted clay would provide addi- carefully controlled to avoid damage of critical res-
tional protection from cracking. A sandwiched lining of ervoir features on soft foundations.
this type would be capable of appreciable deformation 15. Surveillance of a rcservoir must be extended to its
without rupture. However, it probably could not be guar- environs and to the consequences of adjacent de-
anteed to remain completely watertight in the long term velopments and physical changes.


LeunrNce B. J,tltrs

lntroduction with Professor George Kiersch and mcmberu of thc Coyne

et Bellier staff. including Picrre Londe.
Malpasset Dam failed suddenly during the night of Decem-
ber 2, 1959, althou-gh a few hours earlier engineers had
detected nothing unusual at the site. The collapse occurred Description of the Dam
in a burst, which destroyed practically the entire dam. re-
sulting in the loss of several hundred lives and many mil- Malpasset Dam (Fig. 2-6) was located in a narrow gorge
lions of dollars in property damage. Subsequent trials in of the Reyran River approximately 7.5 miles (12 km) up-
French courts-lasting six years and involving extensive stream of Frejus, a resort community on the shores of the
investigations by experts-concluded that the failure was French Rivieru. The dam was a double curvature arch of
unpredictable. 218 ft (66.5 meters) maximum height, with crest length of
As with most catastrophic dam failures, much evidence 728 ft (222 meters) and thickness that varied from 4.9 ft
was swept away by the floodwaters. Consequently. hy- (1.50 meters) at the crest to 22.2 ft (6.77 meters) at the
potheses for the causes and mechanisms of failure are nec- base of the central block. A thrust block on the left abut-
essarily based in part on conjecture. This review of plau- ment measuredT2 ft (22 meters) in length and 21.3 ft (6.5
sible explanations accounts for all of the factual meters) in width. and rose 36 ft ( I I meters) above the foun-
observations assembled during the ensuing years' consist- dation concrete. A concrete win-e wall protected the thrust
ent with current knowledge and concepts of applied geo- block from the full force of the reservoir. Other features
logical sciences and rock engineering. In addition, the re- included an ungated spillway 95 ft (29 meters) long at el-
sults of many years of intensive investigation. conducted evation 329.3 ft (100.40 meters) located on the crest of the
largely by the designers of the dam. are summarized,l as arch. a bottom outlet 4.9 ft (1.50 meters) in diameter con-
are the findings of more recent studies, reported in August trolled by a butterfly valve, and a reinforced concrete apron
1985.2 to protect against scour at the downstream toe of the arch.
The writer spent three days on the site in May 1964 re- A water intake on the left bank at elevation 261 ft (79.5
viewing the site conditions, causes, and evidence of failure meters) passed through the dam, emptying into a float



Fig. 2-6. Malpasset Dam upon its complction in 195.1. Courtesy of Coyne et Bellier. Burcau D'lngenieus Conscils' Paris

chamber, called a "danaide," that regulated the waterdis- pressure test results averaged less than one Lugeon.r Con-
charge. sequently, the foundation was not grouted. except in the
The rcservoir capacity at the spillway crcsr was 41,300 contact zone immediately below the concrete block.
acre-feet (50.9 million m3). East (left) of the river channel the dam rcsted on a wedge
Water was stored for irrigation, domestic, and municipal of gneiss. Prior to the failure it was not known that this
use. wedge was detached from the underlying rock mass by two
converging discontinuities: an upstream surface consisting
Geology3 of shear planes oriented roughly parallel to the schistosity,
and a downstream surface consisting of a clay-coated fautt
The dam site is located in the Tanneron Massif (Fig. 2-7), plane rvhose existence was not suspected until it was dis-
the right abutment consisting of massive gneiss while the closed by erosion during the flood following the rupture of
left abutment rocks are more essentially fresh schistose in the dam. Although the wedge of rock was broken and swept
structure and variously altered in composition. Postfailure away by the force of the flood. the seat upon which it resred
microscopic examination of rock specimens disclosed lat- remains (Figs. 2-8 and 2-9).
tices of microfractures open to several microns with an av- Preconstruction geological investigation included in-
erage mesh of several millimeters. On-site inspection re- spection of the site by a professor of geolo_ey,a eight grout
vealed two types of joints, a denser mesh of 0.8 to 1.2 in. holes 65 to 100 ft (20 to 30 meters) in depth, and exami-
(2 to 3 cm) and a second set of 8 to 20 in. (20 to 50 cm). nation of the foundation excavation. No core drilling rvas
Shears and faults are numerous in the dam foundation, and performed. The fint geological investigation was based on
are oriented in the same directions as the jointing. Water the supposition that a gravity dam would be constructed. It
is not clear whether the geologist was duly informed u'hen
the design was changed to an arch dam.5
l,u __. ---
Prefailure Observations
Construction of the dam commenced in the spring of 1952
MASSIVE AUGEN GNEISS WITH and was completed in April 1954. Reservoir filling began
in late 1954 but was delayed because of low rainfall. Ex-
ceptional storms in November 1959 filled rhe last l3 ft (4
meters) of storage in three days. During the filling, mea-
surements were made of the arch behavior on four occa-
sions, in September 1955, July 1956, July 1958, and July
1959. The last observation was made four months before
the collapse of the dam. All measurements were obtained
by geodetic sun'eys on 28 targets fixed on the downstream
face of the dam. No instruments were installed in the dam
or its foundation to detect or record deformations.
/ A horizontal displacement of 0.6 in. (1.5 cm) of the base
of the dam was indicated in the last measurement before
the failure. A comparison between displacements measured
in 1959 with corresponding computed displacements based
,\ LEFT BANK on a ratio of E,/E, = l0 (where E" : modulus of con-
crete, and E : modulus of rock) showed that the rock

\tl F"'
actually yielded much more than the computed values.
Vertical displacements along the base and crest of the dam
indicated a general tilting of the arch, the right side being
\ \ raised slightly more than the left. The uplift was mosr pro-

Fig.2-7. Malpasset dam sirc lies wirhin thc crystallinc Tanneron massive.
*A criterion for relating the resuhs of watcr prcssure tests in foundations
At thc site the rock is generrlly gneissic, with a tendency toward schistose
for concretc dams over 100 ft (30 nrctcrs) high to rhe necessity for grour-
structure in the left bank and lower pan of the right bank. Shown by
ing. A unit Lugeon is equal ro a watcr loss of one liter/meter of hole/min.
hachures is thc seat of the n:ck weilge thar supponcd the left end of the (0.08 t gal. /ft of hole/min. ) wherc the apptied wlter prcssure is held at
dam, which was dislodged. shattercd, and swept away during the failure l0 atm. According to this criterion. grouring is not necessary if *.ater
of the drm. Modified from Bellierr and Londe.r losses are less than one Lugeon.

Fi,e. 2-8. postfailure view of the left abutment of the dam. Upper center-the thrust block and wingwall remnant. Right center-the danaide. The detached
.oncrete block (center) broke loose during the final stage of the collapse and toppled to its present posilion. It now rcsts on the surface of the fault along
which the rock wedge slid at the onset of rhe failure. The discontinuity that formed the upstream seat for the wedge (lower leti quaner; was created u'hen
the rock ruptured along planes of schistosity. The wedge was srnashed and swept away by the force of the escaping water. Lo*.er right-the remains of
the ancient Frejus Aqueduct constructed by the Romans. Counesy ofCoyne et Bellier. Bureau D'lngenieurs Conseils-

nounced, 1.6 in. (4.1 cm), at joint F. (Figure 2-10 shows by a loud, brief rumble, then a strong blast of air. Finally.
joint locations.) In retrospect, these discrepancies may be the water arrived in two pulses, a wave that overflowed the
interpreted as harbingers of problems within the foundation stream banks and then a wall of water, which the witnesses
of the dam. Some cracks were observed in the concrete barely escaped.
apron at the base of the dam a few weeks before the failure
but had not been reported. A week prior to failure, a small Postf ailure Observations
stream of clear water appeared io the right wall of the gorge
some 65 ft (20 meters) downstream of the dam at elevation Only remnants of the dam remained (Fig. 2-ll). A re-
262 ft (80 meters). This leak was later evaluated to be of survey indicated that the dam remnants had shifted down-
no significance in the failure. stream, and that the magnitude of the displacement of each
In the afternoon of the day of failure, a group of advisory part was proportional to its distance measured from the right
engineers observed the foot of the dam and decided to open end of the dam. Also, a crevice had opened along the up-
the bottom outlet gate to control the rising reservoir pool. stream face of the concrete arch at its contact with the right
No vibrations were noticed. At about 1800 hours, the care- abutment. It was apparent fmm these observations that the
taker, who had been performing routine painting. left the dam had rotated as a solid body about an axis located in
crest of the dam. Neither he nor the engineers had observed the right abutment (Fig. 2-12). An exploratory shaft at the
anything suspicious. At 2ll3 hours, Electricite de France foot of the right bank revealed a horizontal crack that ex-
registered a power outage on the Malpasset l0 kV line. The tended bencath the dam close to thc rock-concrete contact.
first failure of a modcm concrete arch dam had occurred, (Fig. 2-13). The presence of this opcning suggested that
catastrophically. the <Jam had becn lified off its foundation, thus explaining
The witnesses closest to the scene were 0.93 mile (1.5 how it was able to rotate as an intact unit. Further evidence
km) downstream, their vision impaired by darkness. They ol this upliftingwas observetl at the danaide. which had
reported first feeling a trembling of the ground, followed straddled the fault antl consequently was severed by the

Fi,e. 2-9. The left abutment viewed from upslream. The concrete thrust
block (extreme upper right) was isolated from direct contact wirh the res-
ervoir by a wing wall. a remnant of which still stands next to the thrust
Fig. 2-l l. Remnants of rhe concrete arch. Courtesy of Coyne et Bellier,
block. The seat of the rock wedge that supponed the left end of the dam
Bureau D'lngenieurs Conseils. Paris.
consisted. on the upstream side. of a discontinuity made up of cleavage
planes alon,g the rock schistosity. These smooth surfaces are shown in rhe
photo extending from ttre lower left to upper right quadrants. They are
aligned approximately parallel to the direction ofthe thrust ofthe concrere
arch. Courtesy of Coyne et Bellier Bureau D'lngenieurs Conseils, paris.


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1 00-
Fig. 2-10. A postfailure profile showing thc outline of the remains of the danr, looking upstreanr. The alphabetieal designations of thc arch joints and
intervening concrere blocks are shown along the crcst of ihe dam. Fmrn Bellier.t

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