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Dear friend

I skill you’re feeling. I know the weakness that extend over your skin and the void getting back to your
chest following a monotous year. It has been a long one. You’ve endured to such an extent. I realize you
need to group in bed right now as opposed to composing this, however, I likewise realize you long to be
recalled. You long to be ached for. You need individuals to see and know you. You want to be that
individual for them an individual worth adoring. You’ve changed, you entered for the current year on
ensure feet, with no heading, and you leave this year with more scars and more reason. You’ve been
lowered. You’ve opened your heart and had it squashed, open your heart and had it seen. You’ve seen
weakness and selling out broken spirits. You’ve cried alone on your room. You cried again and let go. You
let go of battling this, of attempting to beat this. You let go of being disappointed who couldn’t arrange
it, who couldn’t be triumph. Let go of considering God answerable for not “ fixing” this. You let go
uncertainty that this all in your mind, that you have to think more earnestly get over this. You let go of
the companions who didn’t remain. You’ve been lost a lot, however, you’ve additionally picked up. You
figured out how to pose inquiries. You figured out how to be straightforward. You figured out how to tell
somebody you need assistance. You took in the significance of being available and the significance of
tuning in. You found out about yourself that your identity is okay. That the entirety of the feelings and
questions and fears, the entirety of the narratives and interests and dreams these are yours to claim.
They are not just manifestations of sickness. You are more than any disease. It doesn’t claim you. You’ve
learned not to reprimind yourself for the things that aren’t you. The over the top twofold triple fourfold
checks. The unreasonable idea designs. The tears that travel every which without reason. The empty
days. The draining days. The ceaseless snapshots of friends ascending out of blue, handling you when
you’re not looking. You’ve discovered thst the tirades and declining tumbles aren’t what characterized
you. Individuals who’ve left done characterizes you, all things are considered, How to react to their non
attendance doesn’t characterized you. Expectation characterizes you. Love characterizes you. You
characterizes you. You are not a side case or a act of futility. You are standing up once more. Tending
your injuries, pushing a head. You are not casualty. You are survivor, a hero, a solid individual
development futher each day.

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