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The Legend of the Condor and the Shepherdess

Many years ago, in the high mountains of the Andes, there lived a beautiful shepherdess named Sumaq.
She was known throughout the valley for the kindness of her and the beauty of her song, which she
echoed in the mountains as she tended her flock of llamas.

One day, a majestic condor flew over Sumaq and was captivated by her singing. Every day, the condor
flew lower than her to listen to her until one day he decided to transform into a handsome young man to
meet her.

The condor, now in human form, approached Sumaq and they began to spend time together. Sumaq fell
in love with the mysterious young man, without knowing that he was the transformed condor.

However, the condor knew that she could not maintain her human form forever. One day, she revealed
her true identity to Sumaq and proposed that she go with him to live high in the mountains.

Sumaq, although surprised and scared at first, decided to follow her beloved condor. She transformed
into a beautiful bird and together they flew towards the snowy peaks of the Andes.

Since then, it is said that every time a condor is seen flying high in the Andean sky, she is looking for her
beloved Sumaq. And when a melodious echo is heard resounding in the mountains, it is Sumaq
answering her call with her beautiful song.

This legend reminds us of the power of love and the importance of freedom, values deeply rooted in
Peruvian culture.

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