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Christian John Agustin: A PE Teacher, Coach and Varsity Player Prepares for Regional

PRISAA Tournament

Christian John Agustin, a Cum Laude graduate of Bachelor of Physical Education from
the class of 2022, is now training for the Regional PRISAA HipHop and Dancesports
competition in the Philippines. Agustin is not just a full-time PE instructor at Notre Dame
of Marbel University (NDMU), where he teaches courses ranging from PE 112 to PE
114, but he was also a Varsity Dancesports player and a Marist Street HipHop

He participated in all dances except folk dance throughout his high school years at
NDMU's Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED). He was chosen for the AST
production during his senior year high school and continues to be involved in sports and
dances to this day as a coach for the Marist Street.

While he desired and enrolled for an engineering course at MSU in Gensan, he was
admitted to NDMU and finished with a degree in Physical Education. Despite not
following his ideal degree, he did not abandon his enthusiasm for dance. He became a
HipHop coach and is presently assisting in the Dancesports competition.

In addition to being a teacher, he also acts as a coach, helping his students achieve
their objectives through dancing. Due to his knowledge and abilities, Sir Agustin will
undoubtedly bring his A-game to the forthcoming Regional PRISAA. His colleagues and
NDMU students are supporting them as they get ready for the competition. They are
sure that winning will allow them to honorably represent the university. In preparation for
the next Regional PRISAA Tournament, NDMU is prepared to establish a name for itself
in the world of Dancesports and HipHop.

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