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If clause ini menandakan sesuatu/peristiwa yang belum terjadi.

Teman-teman sudah belajar tipe-tipe if clause, yaitu:

1. If Clause Zero Condition
2. If Clause First Condition
3. If Clause Second Condition
4. If Clause Third Condition.

Kita bahas masing-masing contoh if clause sesuai tujuan di atas, ya!

1. If clause + reminder
Contoh if clause + reminder adalah:
 If you want to pass the exam, you have to study hard.
 If you want to be healthy, you have to exercise.
 If you want to wake up earlier in the morning, you have to sleep earlier at night.
 If you want yourself proud, you have to be a winner.

2. If clause + suggestion
Contoh kalimat if clause + suggestion adalah:
 If you don't want to get sick, you should take some rest.
 If you don't want to miss the bus, you should leave home earlier.
 If you want to cook dinnner, you had better start now.
 If you want to give you Mom a gift, you ought to shop in this store.

3. If clause + general truth

Contoh kalimat if clause + general truth adalah:
 If you are 18 years old or older, you are allowed to participate in national election.
 If you don't change the water inside the vase regularly, the mosquitoes will hatch
 If you peel apple and let it in room temperature, its color will turn dark.
 If your skin is exposed to sunlight for too long, the melanin pigment will be formed
to protect your skin.

4. If clause + an imperative
Contoh kalimat if clause + imperative adalah:
 If you don't want to be late, get ready soon!
 If you don't want to get wet, get an umbrella!
 If you want to know him better, introduce yourself!
 If you want to go to the store, buy me some snacks!

5. If clause to show a dream

 If I have a lot of money, I will build my dream house.
 If he becomes a singer, he will perform in a world tour.
 If I get the pocket money from Mom, I will share it with you.
 If she come to my house, I will cook for her.

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