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Name: Jannica T.

Delos Reyes

This semester's English 103 class was like a journey into the world of words and communication. At the
start, we tackled grammar, breaking down tricky rules and understanding how sentences work. It felt a
bit like exploring uncharted waters, but with each class, I found myself getting the hang of the
language's intricate details.

The course not only enhanced my grasp of grammar but also empowered me to communicate
effectively, both in writing and speech. As the weeks passed, the course moved beyond just grammar
and started blending it with communication skills. We went from learning how to structure sentences to
crafting essays. The exercises helped me not only understand grammar better but also boosted my
confidence in expressing ideas, both in writing and speaking. It was like unlocking a new level of
communication skills.

Now, as the semester wraps up, I can see how much I've grown in both grammar and communication. The
final projects, from essays to presentations, allowed me to showcase what I've learned. Looking back,
English 103 wasn't just about rules; it was a journey that made me appreciate the power of words
and equipped me with skills that will be handy in my future studies and work.

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