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#include <Adafruit_GFX.

h> // Core graphics library

#include <TouchScreen.h>
#include "pitches.h"
#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>

#define BUZZER_PORT 49

#define BLACK 0x0000

#define BLUE 0x001F
#define RED 0xF800
#define GREEN 0x07E0
#define CYAN 0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF
#define DARK_BLUE 0x00008B // Dark blue color
#define DARK_RED 0x8B0000 // Dark red color
#define PRIMARY_COLOR 0x4A11
#define PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR 0x4016

bool showingKeypad = false; // Add this line at the top of your sketch

// Button dimensions and positions

int screen_width = 400;
int screen_height = 240;

// At the beginning of your sketch, where you declare global variables

int startYEdit = 20; // You can adjust this value as per your screen layout

int button2Width = 200; // Width for button2

int button2Height = 160; // Height for button2

int buttonWidth = 200; // Smaller button width

int buttonHeight = 60; // Smaller button height
int screen_width_rotated = 240; // Width after rotation

// Center horizontally for rotated orientation

int startX = (screen_width_rotated - buttonWidth) / 2;

int startYAuto = 20; // Starting Y position for Auto Mode button

int startYManual = startYAuto + buttonHeight + 20; // Below Auto Mode button
int startYReturn = startYManual + buttonHeight + 20; // Adjust as necessary

// Text positioning for buttons (adjust as needed)

int textPosXAuto = startX + (buttonWidth - 9 * 6) / 2; // Center for "Auto Mode"
int textPosYAuto = startYAuto + (buttonHeight - 16) / 2; // Center vertically in
int textPosXManual = startX + (buttonWidth - 12 * 6) / 2; // Center for "Manual
int textPosYManual = startYManual + (buttonHeight - 16) / 2;

const int keyWidth = 60;

const int keyHeight = 40;
const int keysInRow = 3;
const int keyPadding = 10;
int keypadStartX = (screen_width_rotated - (keysInRow * keyWidth + (keysInRow - 1)
* keyPadding)) / 2;
int keypadStartY = 100; // Adjust this value as needed

MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;

#define LOWFLASH (defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && defined(MCUFRIEND_KBV_H_))

// Touch screen pressure threshold

#define MINPRESSURE 40
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000
// Touch screen calibration
const int16_t XP = 8, XM = 56, YP = 57, YM = 9; //400x240
const int16_t TS_LEFT = 197, TS_RT = 854, TS_TOP = 904, TS_BOT = 101;

const TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);

// Global variables to keep track of the current mode

bool inAutoMode = false;
bool inManualMode = false;
int itemCount = 0; // For manual mode item count

void updateButton(int x, int y, const char* label, uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t

textColor, int btnWidth, int btnHeight) {
tft.fillRect(x, y, btnWidth, btnHeight, bgColor);

// Center the text horizontally and vertically

int textX = x + (btnWidth - strlen(label) * 6) / 2; // Assuming character width
of 6 pixels
int textY = y + (btnHeight - 8) / 2; // Assuming character height of 8 pixels

tft.setCursor(textX, textY);
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect

void updateItemCountDisplay() {
int startYNumber = 20; // Adjust as needed
tft.fillRect(startX, startYNumber, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, BLACK);
tft.drawRect(startX, startYNumber, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 4 * 6) / 2, startYNumber + (buttonHeight
- 16) / 2);
char numStr[5];
sprintf(numStr, "%04d", itemCount);

void drawKeypad() {
const char *keys[12] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0",

for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {

for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col) {
int x = keypadStartX + col * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + row * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
tft.drawRect(x, y, keyWidth, keyHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(x + keyWidth / 2 - 6, y + keyHeight / 2 - 8);
tft.println(keys[row * 3 + col]);

void enterEditMode() {
itemCount = 0; // Reset the number to zero
showingKeypad = true;

void setup() {
uint16_t ID = tft.readID();
tft.setRotation(2); // Adjust as needed

// Display welcome message

tft.setCursor(120, 100);

// Display main menu


void displayMainMenu() {

// Auto Mode Button (using button2 dimensions)

tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 9 * 6) / 2, startYAuto + (button2Height
- 16) / 2);

// Manual Mode Button (using button2 dimensions)

tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width,
button2Height, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 12 * 6) / 2, startYAuto + button2Height
+ 20 + (button2Height - 16) / 2);
void displayAutoMode() {

int gap = 20; // Gap between buttons

int startYStart = screen_height / 6; // Starting Y position for the Start

// Start Button
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStart, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 5) / 2, startYStart + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYStart + buttonHeight + gap;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStop, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYStop + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Return to Main Menu Button

int startYReturn = startYStop + buttonHeight + gap;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYReturn, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYReturn + (buttonHeight
- 16) / 2);

bool isPaused = false; // Global variable to track pause state

void displayManualMode() {

// 0000 Indicator
int startYIndicator = 20;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYIndicator, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
updateItemCountDisplay(); // Update the 0000 display

// Edit Button
int startYEdit = startYIndicator + buttonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYEdit, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYEdit + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Start Button
int startYStart = startYEdit + buttonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStart, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 5) / 2, startYStart + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Pause/Continue Button
int startYPause = startYStart + buttonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYPause, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * (isPaused ? 8 : 5)) / 2, startYPause
+ (buttonHeight - 16) / 2);
tft.println(isPaused ? "Continue" : "Pause");

// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYPause + buttonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStop, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYStop + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Return to Main Menu Button

int startYReturn = startYStop + buttonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYReturn, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYReturn + (buttonHeight
- 16) / 2);

void displayNumericKeypad() {
tft.fillScreen(BLACK); // Clear the screen

const char *keys[12] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0",

for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {

for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col) {
int x = keypadStartX + col * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + row * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
tft.drawRect(x, y, keyWidth, keyHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(x + (keyWidth - 6) / 2, y + (keyHeight - 8) / 2);
tft.println(keys[row * 3 + col]);

// Draw the OK button

int startYOK = keypadStartY + 4 * (keyHeight + keyPadding); // Below the keypad
tft.drawRect(startX, startYOK, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 2) / 2, startYOK + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

void loop() {
digitalWrite(YP, HIGH); // disable Pull-up
digitalWrite(XM, HIGH); // disable Pull-up
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();
digitalWrite(YP, LOW); // enable Pull-down
digitalWrite(XM, LOW); // enable Pull-down

pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);

if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {

p.x = map(p.x, TS_LEFT, TS_RT, 0, tft.width());
p.y = map(p.y, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height());

if (!inAutoMode && !inManualMode) {

// Auto Mode Button
if (!inAutoMode && !inManualMode && p.x > startX && p.x < startX +
button2Width && p.y > startYAuto && p.y < startYAuto + button2Height) {
updateButton(startX, startYAuto, "Auto", YELLOW, BLACK, button2Width,
button2Height); // Yellow background, black text
delay(100); // Short delay to show button press
updateButton(startX, startYAuto, "Auto", WHITE, BLACK, button2Width,
button2Height); // Reset to original colors
inAutoMode = true;
// Manual Mode Button
else if (!inAutoMode && !inManualMode && p.x > startX && p.x < startX +
button2Width && p.y > startYAuto + button2Height + 20 && p.y < startYAuto + 2 *
button2Height + 20) {
updateButton(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, "Manual", YELLOW,
BLACK, button2Width, button2Height); // Yellow background, black text
delay(100); // Short delay to show button press
updateButton(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, "Manual", WHITE,
BLACK, button2Width, button2Height); // Reset to original colors
inManualMode = true;

else if (inAutoMode) {
// Start Button
int startYStart = screen_height / 6;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYStart &&
p.y < startYStart + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStart, "Start", WHITE, BLACK, buttonWidth,
// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYStart + buttonHeight + 20;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYStop &&
p.y < startYStop + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStop, "Stop", WHITE, BLACK, buttonWidth,
// Return to Main Menu Button
int startYReturn = startYStop + buttonHeight + 20;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYReturn &&
p.y < startYReturn + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYReturn, "Back", WHITE, BLACK, buttonWidth,
inAutoMode = false;
else if (inManualMode) {
if (showingKeypad) {
// Numeric Keypad and OK button detection
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col) {
int x = keypadStartX + col * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + row * (keyHeight + keyPadding);

if (p.x >= x && p.x < x + keyWidth && p.y >= y && p.y < y + keyHeight) {
int numKey = row * 3 + col + 1;
if (numKey <= 9) { // Keys 1-9
itemCount = (itemCount % 1000) * 10 + numKey; // Shift left and add
new digit
} else if (numKey == 10) { // Key 0
itemCount = (itemCount % 1000) * 10;
} else if (numKey == 11) { // Clear or other function
itemCount = 0;
delay(100); // Debounce delay

// OK Button
int startYOK = keypadStartY + 4 * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYOK &&
p.y < startYOK + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYOK, "OK", WHITE, BLACK, buttonWidth,
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect
showingKeypad = false;
} else {
// Edit Button
int startYEdit = 20 + buttonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYEdit && p.y <
startYEdit + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYEdit, "Edit", WHITE, BLACK, buttonWidth,
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect
enterEditMode(); // Enter edit mode and reset number

// Start Button
int startYStart = startYEdit + buttonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYStart
&& p.y < startYStart + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStart, "Start", WHITE, BLACK,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect
displayManualMode(); // Redraw the screen to update the button

// Pause/Continue Button
int startYPause = startYStart + buttonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYPause
&& p.y < startYPause + buttonHeight) {
isPaused = !isPaused; // Toggle the pause state
updateButton(startX, startYPause, isPaused ? "Continue" :
"Pause", WHITE, BLACK, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect
displayManualMode(); // Redraw the screen to update the button

// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYPause + buttonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYStop
&& p.y < startYStop + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStop, "Stop", WHITE, BLACK,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect
displayManualMode(); // Redraw the screen to update the button

// Return to Main Menu Button

int startYReturn = startYStop + buttonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y >
startYReturn && p.y < startYReturn + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYReturn, "Back", WHITE, BLACK,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
delay(100); // Delay for button press effect
inManualMode = false;
showingKeypad = false;

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