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#include <Adafruit_GFX.

h> // Core graphics library

#include <TouchScreen.h>
#include "pitches.h"
#include <MCUFRIEND_kbv.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

// Triangle properties
const int centerX = 120; // Center of rotation X
const int centerY = 160; // Center of rotation Y
const int radius = 120; // Radius of rotation
const float rotationSpeed = 1; // Rotation speed in degrees per frame

// Current rotation angle

float currentAngle = 0;

#define LS1 35
#define LS2 37

#define THERMISTOR_PIN A15 // Thermistor connected to A15

#define THERMISTOR_NOMINAL_RESISTANCE 10000 // 10k ohm at 25 degrees C
#define BETA_CONSTANT 3734.36 // Beta constant
#define SERIES_RESISTOR 10000 // 10k ohm series resistor

#define THERMISTOR_RESISTANCE 10000 // Assumed series resistance value (10K ohm)

#define THERMISTOR_BETA 3734.36 // Beta value calculated earlier

#define LDR1 41
#define LASER 43
#define MOTOR_IN1 51
#define MOTOR_IN2 49
#define MOTOR_IN3 47
#define MOTOR_IN4 45
#define BUZZER 31
#define IR_SENSOR 33
#define ORANGE ((31 << 11) | (15 << 5))
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define BLUE 0x001F
#define RED 0xF800
#define GREEN 0x07E0
#define CYAN 0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF
#define DARK_BLUE 0x00008B // Dark blue color
#define DARK_RED 0x8B0000 // Dark red color
#define PRIMARY_COLOR 0x4A11
#define PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR 0x4016

bool inWelcomeScreen = true; // Initialize to true if the welcome screen is the

first screen shown

bool stopRequested = false;

bool pauseRequested = false;
bool isPaused = false;
bool showingKeypad = false; // Add this line at the top of your sketch
bool manualModeStarted = false;
const char* keys[12] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0",

int autoModeItemCount = 0; // Global variable to store the count of finished

circles in Auto Mode

// Button dimensions and positions

int screen_width = 400;
int screen_height = 240;

// At the beginning of your sketch, where you declare global variables

int startYEdit = 20; // You can adjust this value as per your screen layout

int button2Width = 200; // Width for button2

int button2Height = 100; // Height for button2

int manualButtonWidth = 200; // Width for manual screen buttons

int manualButtonHeight = 40; // Shorter height for manual screen buttons

int buttonWidth = 200; // Smaller button width

int buttonHeight = 60; // Smaller button height
int screen_width_rotated = 240; // Width after rotation

// Center horizontally for rotated orientation

int startX = (screen_width_rotated - buttonWidth) / 2;

int startYAuto = 20; // Starting Y position for Auto Mode button

int startYManual = startYAuto + buttonHeight + 20; // Below Auto Mode button
int startYReturn = startYManual + buttonHeight + 20; // Adjust as necessary

// Text positioning for buttons (adjust as needed)

int textPosXAuto = startX + (buttonWidth - 9 * 6) / 2; // Center for "Auto Mode"
int textPosYAuto = startYAuto + (buttonHeight - 16) / 2; // Center vertically in
int textPosXManual = startX + (buttonWidth - 12 * 6) / 2; // Center for "Manual
int textPosYManual = startYManual + (buttonHeight - 16) / 2;

int resetPressButtonWidth = 40; // Width for "Reset Press" button

int resetPressButtonHeight = 40; // Height for "Reset Press" button
int resetPressButtonX = (screen_width - resetPressButtonWidth) / 2; // Center the
button horizontally

// Manually set the Y-position for the "Reset Press" button

int startYResetPress = 65; // Example position, adjust as needed

bool buttonPressed = false; // At the beginning of your code, declare this variable

const int resetButtonX = 150; // X-coordinate of the Reset button

const int resetButtonY = 20; // Y-coordinate of the Reset button
const int resetButtonWidth = 60; // Width of the Reset button
const int resetButtonHeight = 30; // Height of the Reset button

const int keyWidth = 60;

const int keyHeight = 40;
const int keysInRow = 3;
const int keyPadding = 10;
int keypadStartX = (screen_width_rotated - (keysInRow * keyWidth + (keysInRow - 1)
* keyPadding)) / 2;
int keypadStartY = 100; // Adjust this value as needed

const float maxTemperatureRange = 100; // Global declaration

MCUFRIEND_kbv tft;

#define LOWFLASH (defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && defined(MCUFRIEND_KBV_H_))

// Touch screen pressure threshold

#define MINPRESSURE 40
#define MAXPRESSURE 1000
// Touch screen calibration
const int16_t XP = 8, XM = 56, YP = 57, YM = 9; //400x240
const int16_t TS_LEFT = 197, TS_RT = 854, TS_TOP = 904, TS_BOT = 101;

const TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);

// Global variables to keep track of the current mode

bool inAutoMode = false;
bool inManualMode = false;
int itemCount = 0; // For manual mode item count

bool motor1Running = false;

void startMotor1() {
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN2, LOW);
motor1Running = true;

void stopMotor1() {
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN2, LOW);
motor1Running = false;

void rotateMotor2Clockwise() {
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN4, LOW);
delay(3000); // Run motor for 3 seconds
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN4, LOW);

void updateButton(int x, int y, const char* label, uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t

textColor, int btnWidth, int btnHeight) {
tft.fillRect(x, y, btnWidth, btnHeight, bgColor);

// Center the text horizontally and vertically

int textX = x + (btnWidth - strlen(label) * 6) / 2; // Assuming character width
of 6 pixels
int textY = y + (btnHeight - 8) / 2; // Assuming character height of 8 pixels

tft.setCursor(textX, textY);
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect

void drawKey(int x, int y, const char* label, uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t textColor)
tft.fillRect(x, y, keyWidth, keyHeight, bgColor);
tft.setTextSize(2); // Adjust text size as needed
tft.setCursor(x + (keyWidth - strlen(label) * 6) / 2, y + (keyHeight - 8) / 2);
// Adjust for text size

void updateItemCountDisplay() {
// Position and size settings
int startYNumber = 20; // Y position of the number
int itemTextX = startX - 50; // X position of the "Items" text, adjust as
int itemTextY = startYNumber + 10; // Y position of the "Items" text, align
with number

// Clear the previous display area

tft.fillRect(itemTextX, startYNumber, buttonWidth + 50, buttonHeight, BLACK);

// Display "Items" text

tft.setTextColor(MAGENTA); // Text color
tft.setTextSize(2); // Text size for "Items"
tft.setCursor(itemTextX + 60, itemTextY);
tft.print("Pieces: ");

// Display the item count

tft.setTextColor(YELLOW); // Text color
tft.setTextSize(3); // Larger text size for the number
tft.setCursor(startX + 110, startYNumber + 4);
char numStr[5];
sprintf(numStr, "%04d", itemCount); // Format the number with leading zeros

void drawKeypad() {

const char *keys[12] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0",

for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {

for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col) {
int x = keypadStartX + col * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + row * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
tft.drawRect(x, y, keyWidth, keyHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(x + keyWidth / 2 - 6, y + keyHeight / 2 - 8);
tft.println(keys[row * 3 + col]);

float readTemperature() {
int analogValue = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PIN); // Read the analog value from
float resistance = (1023.0 / analogValue - 1.0) * THERMISTOR_RESISTANCE;

float temperature = 1.0 / (log(resistance / THERMISTOR_RESISTANCE) /

THERMISTOR_BETA + 1.0 / 298.15) - 273.15;
return temperature;

void enterEditMode() {
itemCount = 0; // Reset the number to zero
showingKeypad = true;

void updateAutoModeItemCountDisplay() {
tft.setCursor(10, 20); // Example coordinates, adjust as necessary
tft.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); // Set text color and background color
tft.setTextSize(2); // Set text size
tft.print("Items: ");

void drawResetButton() {
tft.fillRect(resetButtonX, resetButtonY, resetButtonWidth, resetButtonHeight,
BLUE); // Choose a color
tft.drawRect(resetButtonX, resetButtonY, resetButtonWidth, resetButtonHeight,
WHITE); // Border
tft.setCursor(resetButtonX + 10, resetButtonY + 10); // Adjust text position as

void setup() {

tft.begin(/* Your display ID here */);

tft.setRotation(1); // Adjust rotation as needed

tft.begin(/* Your display ID here */);

tft.setRotation(1); // Adjust rotation as needed

uint16_t ID = tft.readID();
tft.setRotation(2); // Adjust as needed

// Clear the screen

// Draw rotating triangles


// Move to another screen

inWelcomeScreen = false;
displayMainMenu(); // Or whatever function you use to display the next screen

// Set up the limit switches as inputs

pinMode(LS1, INPUT);
pinMode(LS2, INPUT);

// Set up the thermometer module


// Set up the LDR and laser modules

pinMode(LDR1, INPUT);

// Set up the motor controller pins as outputs


// Set up the buzzer as an output



void drawBarGraphFrame() {
const int barGraphX = 10;
const int barGraphY = 380;
const int barGraphWidth = 220;
const int barGraphHeight = 10;

tft.drawRect(barGraphX - 1, barGraphY - 1, barGraphWidth + 2, barGraphHeight +

2, WHITE); // Drawing frame

void displayMainMenu() {

// Define the background color for the button

uint16_t backgroundColor = GREEN; // You can use any color like RED, BLUE, GREEN,

tft.setTextColor(YELLOW); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts well
with the background)
tft.setCursor(12, 10); // Position the text cursor
tft.println("--SUPER ITEMISER--");
tft.setCursor(25, 40); // Position the text cursor
tft.println("Designed by");
tft.setCursor(97, 40); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(WHITE); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts well
with the background)
tft.setCursor(131, 40); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(GREEN); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts well
with the background)
tft.setCursor(153, 40); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(WHITE); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts well
with the background)
tft.setCursor(32, 79); // Position the text cursor
tft.println("CHOOSE MODE");

// Manually set the Y-position for the "Reset Press" button

int startYResetPress = 65; // Example position, adjust as needed

// Draw the "Reset Press" button background

tft.fillRect(resetPressButtonX, startYResetPress, resetPressButtonWidth,
resetPressButtonHeight, ORANGE); // Background color
tft.drawRect(resetPressButtonX, startYResetPress, resetPressButtonWidth,
resetPressButtonHeight, BLACK); // Border

// Gear symbol parameters

int gearCenterX = resetPressButtonX + resetPressButtonWidth / 2;
int gearCenterY = startYResetPress + resetPressButtonHeight / 2;
int gearRadius = min(resetPressButtonWidth, resetPressButtonHeight) / 4; //
Adjust size as needed

// Draw gear circle

tft.fillCircle(gearCenterX, gearCenterY, gearRadius, WHITE); // Gear center

// Draw gear teeth

for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) { // Draw teeth every 30 degrees
int toothLength = 5; // Length of each tooth, adjust as needed
int x1 = gearCenterX + (gearRadius + toothLength) * cos(i * DEG_TO_RAD);
int y1 = gearCenterY + (gearRadius + toothLength) * sin(i * DEG_TO_RAD);
int x2 = gearCenterX + gearRadius * cos(i * DEG_TO_RAD);
int y2 = gearCenterY + gearRadius * sin(i * DEG_TO_RAD);
tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, WHITE);

startYAuto = 120;
// Auto Mode Button (using button2 dimensions)
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, backgroundColor); //
Fill the button with background color
tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, WHITE); // Draw the
button border
tft.setTextColor(BLACK); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts well
with the background)
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 8 * 9) / 2, startYAuto + (button2Height -
20) / 2); // Position the text cursor
tft.println("AUTO"); // Print the button label

// Define the background color for the button

uint16_t manualButtonBackgroundColor = BLUE; // Blue background color for Manual

// Manual Mode Button (using button2 dimensions)

tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width, button2Height,
manualButtonBackgroundColor); // Fill the button with background color
tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width, button2Height,
WHITE); // Draw the button border
tft.setTextColor(WHITE); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts well
with the background)
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 11 * 9) / 2, startYAuto + button2Height + 20
+ (button2Height - 20) / 2); // Position the text cursor
tft.println("MANUAL"); // Print the button label

void displayAutoMode() {

int gap = 20; // Gap between buttons

int startYStart = screen_height / 3; // Start button
int startYStop = startYStart + buttonHeight + gap; // Stop button
int startYReturn = startYStop + buttonHeight + gap; // Back button
drawResetButton(); // Draw the reset button

// Start Button
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStart, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
drawPlaySymbol(startX + 12, startYStart +13, GREEN); // Adjust position as
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 5) / 2, startYStart + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Stop Button
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStop, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
drawStopSymbol(startX + 12, startYStop + 12, RED); // Adjust position as needed
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYStop + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

// Return to Main Menu Button

tft.drawRect(startX, startYReturn, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
drawBackSymbol(startX + 12, startYReturn + 13, WHITE); // Adjust position as
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYReturn + (buttonHeight
- 16) / 2);
updateAutoModeItemCountDisplay(); // Ensure counter is displayed in Auto Mode

void displayManualMode() {

int gap = 10; // Gap between buttons

// 0000 Indicator
int startYIndicator = 20;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYIndicator, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight,
updateItemCountDisplay(); // Update the 0000 display

// Edit Button
int startYEdit = startYIndicator + manualButtonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYEdit, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight, WHITE);
drawCircleSymbol(startX + 18, startYEdit + 13, CYAN); // Adjust position as
tft.setCursor(startX + (manualButtonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYEdit +
(manualButtonHeight - 16) / 2);

// Start Button
int startYStart = startYEdit + manualButtonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStart, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight,
drawPlaySymbol(startX + 12, startYStart + 13, GREEN); // Adjust position as
tft.setCursor(startX + (manualButtonWidth - 6 * 5) / 2, startYStart +
(manualButtonHeight - 16) / 2);

// Pause/Continue Button
int startYPause = startYStart + manualButtonHeight + 10;
if (isPaused) {
drawBlinkingArrowSymbol(startX + 12, startYPause + 2, YELLOW); // For
"Continue" - Adjust position as needed
tft.drawRect(startX, startYPause, manualButtonWidth,
manualButtonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (manualButtonWidth - 6 * (isPaused ? 8 : 5)) / 2,
startYPause + (manualButtonHeight - 16) / 2);
} else {
drawPauseSymbol(startX + 12, startYPause + 2, BLUE); // For "Pause" -
Adjust position as needed
tft.drawRect(startX, startYPause, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight,
tft.setCursor(startX + (manualButtonWidth - 6 * (isPaused ? 8 : 5)) / 2,
startYPause + (manualButtonHeight - 16) / 2);

// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYPause + manualButtonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYStop, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight, WHITE);
drawStopSymbol(startX + 12, startYStop + 13, RED); // Adjust position as needed
tft.setCursor(startX + (manualButtonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYStop +
(manualButtonHeight - 16) / 2);

// Return to Main Menu Button

int startYReturn = startYStop + manualButtonHeight + 10;
tft.drawRect(startX, startYReturn, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight,
drawBackSymbol(startX +12, startYReturn + 13, WHITE); // Adjust position as
tft.setCursor(startX + (manualButtonWidth - 6 * 4) / 2, startYReturn +
(manualButtonHeight - 16) / 2);

void displayNumericKeypad() {
tft.fillScreen(BLACK); // Clear the screen

const char *keys[12] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0",

for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {

for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col) {
int x = keypadStartX + col * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + row * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
tft.drawRect(x, y, keyWidth, keyHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(x + (keyWidth - 6) / 2, y + (keyHeight - 8) / 2);
tft.println(keys[row * 3 + col]);

// Draw the OK button

int startYOK = keypadStartY + 4 * (keyHeight + keyPadding); // Below the keypad
tft.drawRect(startX, startYOK, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (buttonWidth - 6 * 2) / 2, startYOK + (buttonHeight -
16) / 2);

void handleKeypadInput(int row, int col, TSPoint p) {

// Check if the touch point is within the bounds of the numeric keys
for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
int x = keypadStartX + c * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + r * (keyHeight + keyPadding);

// Check if the touch is within this key

if (p.x >= x && p.x < (x + keyWidth) && p.y >= y && p.y < (y +
keyHeight)) {
int numKey = r * 3 + c;
if (numKey < 9) { // Number keys 1-9
itemCount = (itemCount * 10) + (numKey + 1);
} else if (numKey == 9) { // '*' key, you can define its function
// Custom function for '*' key
} else if (numKey == 10) { // '0' key
itemCount = (itemCount * 10);
} else if (numKey == 11) { // '#' key, you can define its function
// Custom function for '#' key

// Update the display or handle the input as needed

// Handle the OK button separately
int okButtonX = startX; // Adjust as needed
int okButtonY = keypadStartY + 4 * (keyHeight + keyPadding); // Adjust as
if (p.x >= okButtonX && p.x < (okButtonX + buttonWidth) && p.y >= okButtonY &&
p.y < (okButtonY + buttonHeight)) {
// OK button logic
showingKeypad = false;

void runMotor2For3Seconds() {
// Assuming MOTOR_IN3 and MOTOR_IN4 control the second motor
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN3, HIGH); // Start motor2 (adjust based on your setup)
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN4, LOW);
delay(3000); // Run for 3 seconds
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN3, LOW); // Stop motor2
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN4, LOW);

void circle() {
startMotor1(); // Start motor1

// Wait for the light switch to be HIGH

while (digitalRead(LDR1) == LOW) {
if (stopRequested) break; // Break if stop is requested

stopMotor1(); // Stop motor1 immediately

// Start motor2
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN4, LOW);

// Wait for the IR module switch to be HIGH

while (digitalRead(IR_SENSOR) == LOW) {
if (stopRequested) break; // Break if stop is requested

// Stop motor2
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN4, LOW);
// Global variable to keep track of the previous bar length
int previousBarLength = 0;

void updateBarGraph(float temperature) {

// Define bar graph parameters
const int barGraphX = 10; // X position of the bar graph
const int barGraphY = 380; // Y position of the bar graph
const int barGraphWidth = 180; // Total width of the bar graph
const int barGraphHeight = 10; // Height of the bar graph
const float minTemp = -5; // Minimum temperature
const float maxTemp = 100; // Maximum temperature

// Calculate the length of the bar graph based on temperature

float scaledTemp = constrain(temperature, minTemp, maxTemp); // Constrain
temperature within range
int newBarLength = map(scaledTemp, minTemp, maxTemp, 0, barGraphWidth);

// Update the bar graph only if there's a change

if (newBarLength != previousBarLength) {
if (newBarLength > previousBarLength) {
// Temperature increased, draw additional bar
tft.fillRect(barGraphX + previousBarLength, barGraphY, newBarLength -
previousBarLength, barGraphHeight, RED);
} else {
// Temperature decreased, clear reduced bar
tft.fillRect(barGraphX + newBarLength, barGraphY, previousBarLength -
newBarLength, barGraphHeight, BLACK);
previousBarLength = newBarLength; // Update the previous bar length

void drawPlaySymbol(int x, int y, uint16_t color) {

// Draw a right-pointing triangle
tft.fillTriangle(x, y, x, y + 15, x + 15, y + 7, color);

void drawStopSymbol(int x, int y, uint16_t color) {

// Draw a rectangle
tft.fillRect(x, y, 15, 15, color);

void drawPauseSymbol(int x, int y, uint16_t color) {

int barWidth = 5; // Width of each bar in the pause symbol
tft.fillRect(x, y + 10, barWidth, 15, color); // Draw first bar
tft.fillRect(x + 10, y + 10, barWidth, 15, color); // Draw second bar

void drawBlinkingArrowSymbol(int x, int y, uint16_t color) {

static bool blinkState = false;
if (blinkState) {
tft.fillTriangle(x, y + 10, x + 10, y + 15, x, y + 20, color); // Draw
right-pointing arrow
} else {
tft.fillRect(x, y + 10, 10, 10, BLACK); // Clear the area
blinkState = !blinkState;
void drawBackSymbol(int x, int y, uint16_t color) {
// Draw a left-pointing arrow
tft.fillTriangle(x + 15, y, x + 15, y + 15, x, y + 7, color);
void drawCircleSymbol(int x, int y, uint16_t color) {
// Draw a circle
tft.fillCircle(x, y + 7, 7, color); // 7 is the radius of the circle

void drawRotatingTriangles() {
const int centerX = tft.width() / 2;
const int centerY = tft.height() / 2;
const int radius = 50; // Adjust as needed
const int numSteps = 36; // Number of steps in rotation (10 degrees per step)

// Display the "Welcome" message above the triangles

tft.setCursor(centerX - 80, centerY - radius - 50); // Position the cursor
above the triangles

tft.setCursor(centerX - 50, centerY + radius + 30); // Position the cursor
above the triangles

for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; ++i) {

// Clear the area where triangles will be drawn
tft.fillRect(centerX - radius - 10, centerY - radius - 10, radius * 2 + 20,
radius * 2 + 20, BLACK);

// Calculate rotation angle

float angle = i * 10 * PI / 180; // Convert degrees to radians

// Draw each triangle

drawTriangle(centerX, centerY, radius, angle, RED);
drawTriangle(centerX, centerY, radius, angle + 2 * PI / 3, GREEN); // 120
drawTriangle(centerX, centerY, radius, angle + 4 * PI / 3, BLUE); // 240

delay(10); // Delay for the animation speed


void drawTriangle(int centerX, int centerY, int radius, float angle, uint16_t
color) {
// Calculate the vertices of the triangle
int x1 = centerX + radius * cos(angle);
int y1 = centerY + radius * sin(angle);

int x2 = centerX + radius * cos(angle + 2 * PI / 5);

int y2 = centerY + radius * sin(angle + 2 * PI / 5);
int x3 = centerX + radius * cos(angle + 4 * PI / 3);
int y3 = centerY + radius * sin(angle + 4 * PI / 3);

// Draw the triangle

tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color);

void drawResetPressButton(uint16_t buttonColor) {

tft.fillRect(resetPressButtonX, startYResetPress, resetPressButtonWidth,
resetPressButtonHeight, buttonColor);
// Add additional styling or text for the button here
// ...

void loop() {
float temperature;
digitalWrite(YP, HIGH); // Disable Pull-up
digitalWrite(XM, HIGH); // Disable Pull-up
TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();
digitalWrite(YP, LOW); // Enable Pull-down
digitalWrite(XM, LOW); // Enable Pull-down

pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);
pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);

// Read the thermistor value

int thermistorReading = analogRead(THERMISTOR_PIN);

// Calculate resistance
float resistance = SERIES_RESISTOR * ((1023.0 / thermistorReading) - 1);

// Calculate temperature
temperature = (BETA_CONSTANT / (log(resistance / THERMISTOR_NOMINAL_RESISTANCE)

temperature = maxTemperatureRange - temperature; // Invert the direction

temperature -= 31; // Adjust by subtracting 31 degrees

// Update the bar graph


// Display the temperature on the screen

if (!showingKeypad && !inWelcomeScreen) {
tft.setCursor(10, 357); // Adjust position as needed
tft.setTextColor(YELLOW, BLACK); // Set text color and background color
tft.print("Press Temp: ");
tft.print(temperature, 1); // Display one decimal place
tft.println(" C");

// Display temperature text

if (!showingKeypad && !inWelcomeScreen) {
// ... display temperature code ...

// Define bar graph parameters

const int barGraphX = 10; // X position of the bar graph
const int barGraphY = 380; // Y position of the bar graph
const int barGraphWidth = 220; // Total width of the bar graph
const int barGraphHeight = 10; // Height of the bar graph
const float minTemp = -5; // Minimum temperature
const float maxTemp = 100; // Maximum temperature

// Calculate the length of the bar graph based on temperature

float scaledTemp = constrain(temperature, minTemp, maxTemp); // Constrain
temperature within range
float barLength = map(scaledTemp, minTemp, maxTemp, 0, barGraphWidth);

// Draw the bar graph background

tft.fillRect(barGraphX, barGraphY, barGraphWidth, barGraphHeight, BLACK);

// Draw the temperature bar

tft.fillRect(barGraphX, barGraphY, barLength, barGraphHeight, RED); // Use
a different color if you wish

// Check IR sensor state

if (digitalRead(IR_SENSOR) == LOW) {
// IR sensor detects an obstacle - Stop motor1
// Optionally, display a message or take other actions

if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {

// (Adjust mapping based on your touchscreen and calibration)
p.x = map(p.x, TS_LEFT, TS_RT, 0, tft.width());
p.y = map(p.y, TS_TOP, TS_BOT, 0, tft.height());

// Check if touch is within the "Reset Press" button bounds

if (p.x >= resetPressButtonX && p.x < (resetPressButtonX +
resetPressButtonWidth) &&
p.y >= startYResetPress && p.y < (startYResetPress +
resetPressButtonHeight)) {
// Change button color to indicate press
drawResetPressButton(YELLOW); // Use a color to indicate press
delay(100); // Short delay to show the button press effect

// Perform the reset action here

// Revert button color to original

drawResetPressButton(GREEN); // Original button color
// Check if the touch is within the reset button bounds
if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {
if (inAutoMode && p.x >= resetButtonX && p.x < (resetButtonX +
resetButtonWidth) &&
p.y >= resetButtonY && p.y < (resetButtonY + resetButtonHeight)) {
autoModeItemCount = 0; // Reset the counter
updateAutoModeItemCountDisplay(); // Update the display
delay(500); // Debounce delay

if (!inAutoMode && !inManualMode) {

// Auto Mode Button
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + button2Width && p.y > startYAuto && p.y <
startYAuto + button2Height) {
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, YELLOW);
tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 8 * 9) / 2, startYAuto + (button2Height
- 20) / 2); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(BLACK); // or any color you want for the text
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, WHITE); // Fill
the button with background color
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, WHITE);
tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto, button2Width, button2Height, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 8 * 9) / 2, startYAuto + (button2Height
- 20) / 2); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(BLACK); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts
well with the background)
inAutoMode = true;
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect

// Manual Mode Button

if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + button2Width && p.y > startYAuto +
button2Height + 20 && p.y < startYAuto + 2 * button2Height + 20) {
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width,
button2Height, YELLOW);
tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width,
button2Height, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 11 * 9) / 2, startYAuto + button2Height
+ 20 + (button2Height - 20) / 2); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(BLACK); // or any color you want for the text
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width,
button2Height, WHITE); // Fill the button with background color
tft.fillRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width,
button2Height, WHITE);
tft.drawRect(startX, startYAuto + button2Height + 20, button2Width,
button2Height, WHITE);
tft.setCursor(startX + (button2Width - 11 * 9) / 2, startYAuto + button2Height
+ 20 + (button2Height - 20) / 2); // Position the text cursor
tft.setTextColor(BLACK); // Set the text color (choose a color that contrasts
well with the background)
inManualMode = true;
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect

} else if (inAutoMode) {
// Start Button
int startYStart = screen_height / 3;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y >
startYStart && p.y < startYStart + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStart, "Start", WHITE, BLACK,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
circle(); // Perform one circle
digitalWrite(LASER, HIGH); // Turn on the laser
// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYStart + buttonHeight + 20;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y >
startYStop && p.y < startYStop + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStop, "Stop", WHITE, BLACK,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
stopRequested = true;
pauseRequested = false; // Reset pause state if stop is
digitalWrite(LASER, LOW); // Turn on the laser
// Return to Main Menu Button
int startYReturn = startYStop + buttonHeight + 20;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y >
startYReturn && p.y < startYReturn + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYReturn, "Back", WHITE, BLACK,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
inAutoMode = false;

autoModeItemCount++; // Increment the count

updateAutoModeItemCountDisplay(); // Update the display

} else if (inManualMode) {

int startYEdit = 20 + manualButtonHeight + 10;

int startYStart = startYEdit + manualButtonHeight + 10;
int startYPause = startYStart + manualButtonHeight + 10;

static int lastPressedKeyX = -1;

static int lastPressedKeyY = -1;

if (showingKeypad) {
// Numeric keypad buttons
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col) {
int x = keypadStartX + col * (keyWidth + keyPadding);
int y = keypadStartY + row * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
if (p.x >= x && p.x < x + keyWidth && p.y >= y && p.y < y +
keyHeight) {
int numKey = row * 3 + col + 1;
if (numKey <= 9) { // Keys 1-9
itemCount = (itemCount % 1000) * 10 + numKey; //
Shift left and add new digit
} else if (numKey == 10) { // Key 0
itemCount = (itemCount % 1000) * 10;
} else if (numKey == 11) { // Clear or other function
itemCount = 0;
delay(100); // Debounce delay
// OK Button
int startYOK = keypadStartY + 4 * (keyHeight + keyPadding);
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + buttonWidth && p.y > startYOK &&
p.y < startYOK + buttonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYOK, "OK", DARK_RED, WHITE,
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect
showingKeypad = false;
} else {
// Edit Button
int startYEdit = 20 + manualButtonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + manualButtonWidth && p.y >
startYEdit && p.y < startYEdit + manualButtonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYEdit, "Edit", WHITE, BLACK,
manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight);
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect
enterEditMode(); // Enter edit mode and reset number

// Start Button
int startYStart = startYEdit + manualButtonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + manualButtonWidth && p.y >
startYStart && p.y < startYStart + manualButtonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStart, "Start", WHITE, BLACK, manualButtonWidth,
circle(); // Perform one circle
digitalWrite(LASER, HIGH); // Turn off the laser
manualModeStarted = true; // Set the flag here

// In Manual Mode - Pause/Continue Button

if (inManualMode && p.x > startX && p.x < startX + manualButtonWidth && p.y >
startYPause && p.y < startYPause + manualButtonHeight) {
isPaused = !isPaused; // Toggle the pause state
updateButton(startX, startYPause, isPaused ? "Continue" : "Pause", WHITE,
BLACK, manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight);
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect
pauseRequested = !pauseRequested;

// Stop Button
int startYStop = startYPause + manualButtonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + manualButtonWidth && p.y >
startYStop && p.y < startYStop + manualButtonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYStop, "Stop", WHITE, BLACK,
manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight);
digitalWrite(LASER, LOW); // Turn off the laser
delay(500); // Delay for button press effect

// Return to Main Menu Button

int startYReturn = startYStop + manualButtonHeight + 10;
if (p.x > startX && p.x < startX + manualButtonWidth && p.y >
startYReturn && p.y < startYReturn + manualButtonHeight) {
updateButton(startX, startYReturn, "Back", WHITE, BLACK,
manualButtonWidth, manualButtonHeight);
inManualMode = false;
showingKeypad = false;

// Handle motor and sensor logic
if (inAutoMode && !isPaused) {
// Auto Mode specific motor and sensor logic
// For example, checking LDR sensor, starting and stopping motors, etc.

if (inManualMode && !isPaused) {

if (itemCount > 0 && motor1Running && digitalRead(LDR1) == HIGH) {

// Check if pause was activated during the cycle

if (isPaused) {
// Wait here for the user to press continue
while (isPaused) {
delay(500); // Small delay to prevent CPU hogging
// Other Manual Mode specific logic, if needed
if (inAutoMode && digitalRead(LS1) == HIGH) {
// LS1 triggered: Stop motor1 and run it counterclockwise until LS2 is on

// Start motor1 counterclockwise

digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_IN2, HIGH);

// Wait here until LS2 is triggered

while (digitalRead(LS2) == LOW) {
// Add a delay here to reduce CPU usage

// Once LS2 is triggered, stop motor1


// Return to the main menu or update the status on the screen

inAutoMode = false;
// Additional logic for Manual Mode
if (inManualMode && itemCount > 0 && motor1Running && digitalRead(LDR1) ==

// Additional Auto Mode logic

if (inAutoMode) {
if (motor1Running && digitalRead(LDR1) == HIGH) {
// ... (Code for Motor1 and LDR1 Logic)
if (digitalRead(LS1) == HIGH) {
// ... (Code for LS1 Logic)
// Note: Ensure that all loops and conditions inside this block are
closed properly.

// Additional logic for Manual Mode

if (inManualMode && manualModeStarted && itemCount <= 0) {
tft.setCursor(50, 100);
tft.println("Process Complete");
inManualMode = false;
manualModeStarted = false; // Reset the flag
} // Closing brace for the main loop function

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