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Lugcobo 10/11/2021

Exclusion from the prevailing social system and its rights and privileges, typically
because of poverty or the fact of belonging to a minority social group. So basically, it
you for an example being excluded from some social event. It involves the lack of denial
of resources, rights, goods and services, and the inability to participate in the normal
relationships and activities, available to the majority of people in a society, whether in
economic, social, cultural or political arenas.
There are a lot of causes in social exclusion like poverty, inequality, lack of decent and
accessible public services, inadequate public transport, the welfare and benefits system
and lack of good housing are some of the major contributors to social exclusion. The
number one cause for social exclusion has been attributed to the economic and social
changes in free-market economies, and to weaknesses in government policies and
services. Because people who are socially excluded are vulnerable, some may choose
to assert themselves or to push back in inappropriate ways.
The effect of social exclusion come in short term and long term. Immediate reactions to
social exclusion include hurt feelings, anger, negative mood, and physiological arousal.
Excluded individuals experience lower levels of belonging, self-esteem, meaningful
existence, and control than included individuals. Excluded individuals experience lower
levels of emotional and psychological well-being than included individuals. The long
term effect is that the individual maybe very sensitive and taking it to hurt him through
his or her life have grudges again that person forces him to kill the person who did it or
the individual the himself to take away his stress.
When I was excluded from something, I felt the pain but never actually paid attention
because I knew I had friends who cared for me. It is also important to make sure
governments care about socially excluded groups. Tightening lobbying rules, closing
loopholes that allow corruption, and supporting civil society groups that help people take
part in everyday life and public debate are all things that will help end social exclusion.
We should try to prevent it as much as possible, if you see a friend being social
excluded try to invite him to have fun with you guy or gal confront him and help him.
Governments, civil society, and donors can reduce SE. Governments can create legal,
regulatory and policy frameworks that promote social inclusion. They can ensure that
excluded groups equally benefit from public expenditure, for instance through
gender/social budget initiatives, social protection, and social transfers. Be safe and take
care of you friends a family.
Lugcobo 10/11/2021

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