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Religions Study Guide CP


Please also know the terms on hinduism/Buddhism, and the Religions chart.

1. What are the 5 different categories of religion 1. Monotheism

and give an example if you can? a. Belief in only one god
b. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam would
be examples
2. Polytheism
a. Believing in many different gods
b. Hinduism is an example of polytheism
3. Non-theism
a. Believing in no gods
b. Buddhism is an example of this
4. Atheism
a. Believing that there is no supernatural
5. Animism
a. Believing in natural spirits
b. Native americans is an example

2. What are the 5 major religions of the world? 1. Jewdisaism

2. Christianity
3. Hinduism
4. Buddhism
5. shinto

3. What is Judaism? What do they believe? Judaism is the religion of only the jews, it was first
taught to believe in only one god, 2 other religions
built off of judaism. They are taught that god will send
a messiah/deliverer/messenger to unite them and will
lead them to him, while christians believe that jesus
was the messiah the jews do not agree and
anticipate that he will be coming in the future. They
are taught that when they die that it isnt the end and
there is a world to come to them. The scripture of
jews is the “Torah” and that is the first 5 books of the
hebrew bible and contains the basic laws of judaism.
The place of worship is called a Synagogue where
the Rabbis conduct the services and interpret the
jewish laws and deliver the teachings. Today there
are over 18 million followers throughout the world. A
majority of jews live in israel and over 6 million live in
the USA

4. What is Christianity? What do they believe? Some early hebrews who developed into jewish
religion and it became christianity. Jesus/the messiah
was a jewish boy who disagreed with some of the
jewish principles and began to profess his way of
thinking, this lead to the beginning of christian
religion. Christianity started about 2000 years ago
which is about the same time of jesus. The main
point of christian belief is to believe in god. It is also
believed that god entered human history as the son
aka jesus and rose from the dead as the holy spirit.
The philosophy is that god is the creator of the
universe and there is only 1 god but 3 persons-
Father, son and the holy spirit. Jesus is fully man and
fully god, he was born from the virgin mary, crucified,
resurrected from the dead and ascended to the
father. Sin and evil are realities in our existence. The
bible is the holy book that records gods revelation.
All believers are promised life everlasting. The leader
of christianity was jesus and the followers were his
12 disciples

5. What is Islam? What do they believe? Islam is the name given to the religion preached by
the prophet muhammad in the 600s CE, the islamic
religion started in the area known as palestine in the
year CE, it has about 850 million followers most of
them in the region north and east of the
mediterranean sea. Born out of judaism and
christianity. The holy book of islam is the “Quran”.
The muslims believe its words are believed to be the
words of allah himself, spoken to muhammad by an
angel. Allah is the islamic god. People who believe
these ideas are called muslims and has some
prophets as judaism and christianity. Muslims learn
that life on earth is a period of testing and
preparation for the life to come, angels record good
and bad deeds, people should behave themselves
and help others, trusting allah’s justice and mercy for
their reward. There are 5 pillars of islam- there is
only one god, Allah. Muslims pray 5 times daily in
their mosques and face the holy city of mecca, all
muslims are required to make a pilgrimage to mecca
at least once in their lifetime. Muslims must give alms
to the poor(money). Muslims must fast during the
holy month of ramadan

6. What do all the monotheistic have in They each have a book of either stories of
common? descriptions of what the god wants and they claim to
beliem in all the same god and all orginating in the
Middle East

7. What are the similarities between Hinduism Hinduism and Buddhism share several similarities.
and Buddhism? Both religions originated in ancient India and
emphasize the importance of achieving spiritual
enlightenment. They both believe in the concept of
karma, which states that one's actions in this life will
affect their future lives. Additionally, both religions
promote the idea of non-violence and compassion
towards all living beings. However, there are also
significant differences between the two, such as their
beliefs about the existence of a supreme being and
the path to liberation.

8. How did Buddhism start? Go in detail about 1. The origins of Buddhism can be traced back to
Siddhartha and his journey. Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in Nepal in the
6th century BCE. He was a prince who lived a
sheltered life until he left his palace and encountered
the realities of old age, sickness, and death. This
experience led him to renounce his privileged life and
seek enlightenment through meditation and
asceticism. After six years of intense spiritual
practice, Siddhartha achieved enlightenment while
sitting under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India. He
became known as the Buddha, which means
"awakened one." He spent the rest of his life
teaching others about the Four Noble Truths and the
Eightfold Path, which are the core principles of
Buddhism. Buddhism spread throughout Asia and
eventually became one of the world's major religions.
Today, there are over 500 million Buddhists
worldwide. The teachings of the Buddha continue to
inspire people to seek inner peace and live a
compassionate life.

9. Where did the Hindus get their text and Caste The origins of the Hindu texts and caste system have
system? been a subject of inquiry. Scholars have explored the
sources of the Hindu texts and the development of
the caste system. The Hindu texts and caste system
have a complex history that has been studied by
researchers. Researchers have investigated the
origins of the Hindu texts and the establishment of
the caste system. The Hindu texts and caste system
have been the focus of research to understand their

10. Why is the caste system so important to The caste system holds significant importance in
hinduism? Why do people end up in the Hinduism due to its deep-rooted historical and
caste they are in? Explain. cultural significance. It is believed to have originated
from the ancient Vedic texts and is considered a
fundamental aspect of Hindu society. The system
categorizes individuals into different social groups or
castes based on their birth, occupation, and social
status. People find themselves in a particular caste
primarily based on their birth. The caste one is born
into is determined by their family lineage and is
believed to be a result of their actions in past lives,
known as karma. This concept suggests that
individuals are born into a specific caste as a
consequence of their deeds in previous incarnations.
The caste one belongs to influences various aspects
of their life, including their occupation, social
interactions, and even marriage prospects.

11. What are the sacred texts of the 5 major Bible, torah, Qur’an, gita, guru Granth sahib, tripitaka

12. Compare and contrast the East Asian 1. When examining the religions and philosophies of
religions/philosophies. (Confucianism, East Asia, there are several key belief systems that
Doaism, Legalism, and Shinto). stand out. These include Confucianism, Doaism,
Legalism, and Shinto. While each of these belief
systems has its own unique characteristics and
practices, there are also many similarities and
differences between them that are worth exploring.
Confucianism, for example, is a philosophy that
emphasizes the importance of social order, respect
for authority, and the cultivation of personal virtue.
Doaism, on the other hand, is a more mystical and
spiritual belief system that emphasizes the
importance of living in harmony with nature and the
universe. Legalism, meanwhile, is a philosophy that
emphasizes the importance of strict laws and harsh
punishments in order to maintain social order and
stability. Finally, Shinto is a religion that is unique to
Japan and emphasizes the importance of ancestor
worship, nature worship, and the divine nature of the
emperor. Despite these differences, there are also
many similarities between these belief systems. For
example, all of them emphasize the importance of
living a virtuous life and treating others with respect
and kindness. They also all have a strong emphasis
on the importance of social order and stability,
although they may differ in their approaches to
achieving this goal. Additionally, many of these belief
systems have had a significant impact on the culture
and society of East Asia, shaping everything from art
and literature to politics and economics.

13. What are the 5 relationships of Confucianism, an ancient Chinese philosophy,

Confucianism? emphasizes the importance of relationships in
society. There are five key relationships in
Confucianism that are considered fundamental to
maintaining harmony and order. The first relationship
is between ruler and subject, where the ruler is
expected to govern with benevolence and the subject
is expected to be loyal and obedient. The second
relationship is between father and son, where the
father is expected to provide guidance and the son is
expected to show filial piety and respect. The third
relationship is between husband and wife, where the
husband is expected to be the head of the household
and the wife is expected to be obedient and
supportive. The fourth relationship is between older
sibling and younger sibling, where the older sibling is
expected to be a role model and the younger sibling
is expected to show respect and obedience. The fifth
relationship is between friend and friend, where
mutual trust and loyalty are valued. These
relationships form the foundation of Confucian ethics
and are believed to contribute to a harmonious and
well-ordered society.

14. What is filial piety? the traditional Confucian value of respect and
obedience towards one's parents and ancestors. It is
a fundamental principle in Chinese culture and is
considered a virtue that is essential for maintaining
social harmony and stability. Filial piety involves
showing gratitude, loyalty, and reverence towards
one's parents, as well as fulfilling one's duties
towards them. This includes taking care of them in
their old age, providing financial support, and
carrying on their legacy. It is believed that by
practicing filial piety, one can cultivate moral
character and contribute to the well-being of society.

15. What is Yin and Yang? Yin and Yang are fundamental concepts in Chinese
philosophy and culture. They represent the dualistic
nature of the universe and everything within it. Yin is
associated with darkness, femininity, passivity, and
coldness, while Yang is associated with light,
masculinity, activity, and warmth. These two
opposing forces are interconnected and
interdependent, creating a harmonious balance. Yin
and Yang are not absolute, but rather relative to each
other, as they constantly transform and influence one
another. They can be found in various aspects of life,
such as day and night, hot and cold, and even in
human characteristics and emotions. Understanding
the concept of Yin and Yang helps to comprehend
the interconnectedness and balance of the world
around us.

16. What is Kami? Kami is a term that originates from the Japanese
language and holds various meanings depending on
the context. In Shintoism, Kami refers to the spirits or
deities that are believed to exist in nature, objects,
and even humans. These Kami are considered
sacred and are worshipped in shrines throughout
Japan. Additionally, Kami can also be used to
describe a divine essence or a higher power that is
present in all things. In a broader sense, Kami can
be seen as a concept that represents the
interconnectedness between humans, nature, and
the spiritual realm.

17. How are the Eastern Religions different from The Eastern Religions and Western Religions have
the Western Religions ? Why do you think distinct characteristics that set them apart. In terms
there is such a huge difference? of beliefs and practices, Eastern Religions such as
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism emphasize the
concept of interconnectedness and the pursuit of
spiritual enlightenment. On the other hand, Western
Religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism focus
on the worship of a single deity and the adherence to
specific religious laws and rituals. The differences
between Eastern and Western Religions can be
attributed to various factors. One reason for the stark
contrast is the geographical and cultural influences
that shaped these religions over centuries. Eastern
Religions developed in regions like India, China, and
Japan, where philosophical and spiritual traditions
were deeply ingrained in the culture. In contrast,
Western Religions originated in the Middle East and
Europe, where monotheistic beliefs and organized
religious institutions played a significant role. Another
factor contributing to the differences is the historical
context in which these religions emerged. Eastern
Religions have ancient roots, with some dating back
thousands of years. They evolved gradually,
incorporating diverse beliefs and practices over time.
In contrast, Western Religions emerged relatively
recently, with distinct founders and scriptures that
shaped their doctrines and teachings. The cultural
and societal values prevalent in Eastern and Western
societies also play a role in shaping religious
differences. Eastern Religions often emphasize
harmony with nature, meditation, and self-realization.
In contrast, Western Religions often focus on
concepts such as sin, salvation, and the afterlife.
These differences reflect the cultural priorities and
concerns of the respective regions. Additionally, the
influence of colonialism and globalization has
impacted the spread and perception of Eastern and
Western Religions. Western Religions, particularly
Christianity, were spread through colonization and
missionary efforts, leading to their widespread
adoption in many parts of the world. In contrast,
Eastern Religions faced challenges in gaining
recognition and acceptance outside their regions of
origin. Overall, the differences between Eastern and
Western Religions can be attributed to a combination
of geographical, cultural, historical, and societal
factors. These factors have shaped the beliefs,
practices, and philosophies of these religions,
leading to the significant variations observed today.
Understanding these differences can provide
valuable insights into the diverse ways in which
humans seek spiritual fulfillment and make sense of
the world around them.

18. What is Sikhism? What makes it different? Sikhism is a religion that originated in the Punjab
region of India in the 15th century. It is a monotheistic
faith that emphasizes the importance of living a
truthful and honest life. Sikhism teaches equality,
compassion, and selfless service to others. The
followers of Sikhism, known as Sikhs, believe in the
teachings of their ten Gurus, with the Guru Granth
Sahib being their holy scripture. Sikhism promotes
the concept of "Ik Onkar," meaning there is only one
God. The religion also encourages meditation,
self-discipline, and the pursuit of knowledge. Sikhism
stands out from other religions due to its unique
beliefs and practices. Unlike many other religions,
Sikhism emphasizes the concept of equality,
promoting the idea that all individuals are equal
regardless of their gender, caste, or social status.
Additionally, Sikhism rejects the notion of idol
worship and instead focuses on the worship of one
formless and omnipresent God. The Sikh scripture,
Guru Granth Sahib, is considered the eternal Guru
and serves as a guide for Sikhs. Sikhism also places
a strong emphasis on selfless service and the
importance of living a truthful and honest life.

19. How has religion shaped parts of the world? The influence of religion on various regions of the
Be specific to the religion and the part of the world can be observed through its profound impact
world you are talking about for each. on culture, society, and even politics. Religion has
played a significant role in shaping the beliefs,
values, and traditions of different communities, often
serving as a guiding force in their daily lives. It has
also been a catalyst for the formation of distinct
identities and has influenced the development of art,
architecture, and literature in many parts of the
world. Moreover, religion has at times been a source
of conflict and division, as differing religious beliefs
have led to tensions and even wars throughout
history. Overall, religion has left an indelible mark on
the world, shaping its diverse regions in numerous

20. Which religion surprised you either positive or I was surprised by yin and yag positively because I
negative and why? always thought that is just meant that like if you do
this that then this thing will happen but they
constantly transform and influence one another. They
can be found in various aspects of life, such as day
and night, hot and cold, and even in human
characteristics and emotions. Understanding the
concept of Yin and Yang helps to comprehend the
interconnectedness and balance of the world around

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