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Nobody denies that regular physical exercise produces unquestionable benefits

which have a positive impact on the quality of life of those who exercise

Various studies demonstrate the relation between physical activity and life
expectancy, thus those populations (people) who are more active physically
tend to live more than those who are inactive.
On the other hand a sedentary lifestyle is considered to be one of the main
factors of the development of cardiovascular diseases (obesity, high
cholesterol, hypertension…). The physiology of the human being is designed for
physical activity, not for inactivity.

Nonetheless, the type of exercise done should always adjust to the conditions
and physical capabilities of each individual to avoid converting beneficial effects
into harmful ones. As everyone knows, physical exercise provides health and
fitness when done properly and following a series of premises:

A.- Exercise is recommended at least 3-5 times a week. However, firstly it is

important to have a medical check up.

B.- These three fitness elements should be trained: aerobic endurance, strength
endurance and flexibility.
b.1.- Aerobic endurance: Walking, swimming, running, dancing, aerobics, bike
riding, skating, etc. Long and gentle activities that should last a minimum of 20
minutes. If you are overweight or have joint problems, avoid running; thus walk,
swim or ride a bike. If you have breathing problems (asthma, etc.), alternate
your exercise routine with intervals of rest until you complete your drills.
b.2.- Strength – endurance: Sit-ups (elevating your trunk slightly), low back
exercises (extend slightly your back), slight bending of the legs, deep push ups
(arms), etc. or using light weights (under 50% of your max weight) Do a
minimum of 10 exercises, alternating arms, upper body and legs and in a series
of 15 – 25 repetitions.
b.3.- Flexibility: stretching, without bouncing (or feeling any pain), extending
muscles fully, feel the tension (no pain). Maintain that position for 30 seconds.
Such specific sessions can be carried out, aside from doing them as part of the
warm-up or cool down.

C.- Respect strength intensity exercises that reach between 60 to 80% of your
maximum heart rate (MHR).

D.- Before beginning you must warm-up for 15 to 20 minutes.

E.- Increase slowly the activity time and the number of repetitions of each
exercise as you improve your physical condition .

If you follow this advice you shall certainly live a healthier and more
vigorous life.

Training recommendation for children

training recommendation for adults

physical activity and health

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