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👹 Never Date Toxic Girls Again — How to Get a Loyal

Never date toxic girls again.
We all have a general vague idea of what a toxic girl is: a
girl who is more trouble than she’s worth, a girl who is for
recreational use only, not for relationships.

After going through this lesson you’ll be armed with the

tools to specifically identify and avoid these toxic girls,
so you can date the best girls.

Why is this important?

Well, first off who you date is one of the largest parts of
what makes you happy; so by putting effort into this process
and walking away from toxic girl, you leave yourself with a
curated, optimized list of girls who are awesome.
Most men are in such scarcity that they screen for
girlfriends using only two criteria:
1. Is she hot?
2. Is she available?
This can backfire horribly in a couples ways:

Get into dysfunctional relationships that impede their growth

During a breakup their girl turns on them and tries to
destroy their life
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
So my advice is to get off the broken rollercoaster before it
begins and dodge the headaches that come with dating the
wrong women. Leave the cheaters and psychopaths for other
men, while you date the good ones.

The billionaire Charlie Munger says he’s made about 15 great

decisions in his life—companies he decided to invest in. But
he also turned down 100,000 others.

The same concept applies to your girlfriends. You’ll have

around 5 girlfriends in your life, so it’s important to
choose wisely.

First of all, none of this matters if you don’t have women to
choose from. And you get women to choose from by going
through the Game Transformation journey. From that abundance,
you can then choose. From the women I’ve slept with, I’d say
one out of ten are relationship worthy for me. However, I am
pickier than the average guy. Your ratio may be 1 out of 5.

The three ways you can avoid bad girls

Use Scientific Tests
Do Internet Detective Work
Spot the Red Flags
Scientific Tests
Dark Triad
This test correlates with the Dark Triad traits:
Narcissism — Confidence/Ego
Psychopathy — Courage/Ruthlessness
Machiavellianism — Cunning/Sneakiness
Send her this message: What do you get on this personality
quiz I took? Screenshot your results to see if we’re similar

Big 5 Personality Test

OCEAN — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion,
Agreeableness, Neuroticism

Two two results we’re concerned with for bad girls are a
combination of high openness and low conscientiousness.

Women high in openness are more curious.

Women low in conscientiousness are more impulsive.

The combination of these two traits predisposes women to be

more adventurous, impulsive, and curious to try new things.
They hate routine and they are likely to change interests

These traits don’t mean women will cheat; it just means they
are predisposed to. Make sure you avoid routine in and out of
the bedroom with these types of girls. Or like a intelligent
bored dog, they’ll destroy your home.

Internet Detective Work

Using one of these tools, my client was shocked to discover
that his girlfriend had been working as an escort.

With this website you’re able to use a woman’s picture to

search for everywhere she shows up on the internet. The
results may surprise you.

You get 20 free searches.

To get the most accurate results, make sure you use multiple
photos of the girl if possible.

Mega List of Red Flags

Red flag is a warning sign that this girl will cause more
trouble than she’s worth

Each individual “red flag” is a sign, the more a woman has,

the more you should stay away

If she doesn’t have boundaries that will enable her to be
loyal, why would she be loyal to you?
High body count — Correlates with age, more urban, risk
taking behaviors
No history of healthy long term relationships
Pictures in luxury hotel rooms
Party girl, goes out every weekend
Addicted to social events, concerts, parties, clubs
Drug Use, Tattoos
Bad relationship with her father
Privacy screen for cell phone
Booty pics on instagram
Goes out to party often
Signs of alcoholism
Too interested too fast - implies she doesn’t have options
and is just clinging onto you
Rapid arousal and easy close
Having a history of infidelity or dishonesty
Public instagram following a lot of guys
Sexual texts too fast
Always texting
Many friends who are men in foreign countries
Intentionally acting in a way that puts our relationship at
risk. Hanging out one-on-one with other men that I don’t know
Travels a lot with no clear plan of how she’s paying for it,
while never showing who she’s on the trip with (i.e. hide the
“I went with my friend!” → Friend turns out to be a guy 🤔 🤔
Has been to Dubai
Tells you she is afraid of getting ghosted after sex
Mental Health Issues
Lingering unresolved trauma or sexual abuse
Raised by a single mother
From a broken home
Coping with drugs, alcohol
Takes SSRI’s
Frequently changes hair color, length, or her general
Super Religious
Super insecure, needs constant validation
Always distracting herself from the present moment, addicted
to social media
Super political, toxic feminist “men are trash” type
Misandristic (hates men) world view
Gets life advice and worldview from TikTok and Netflix
Emotionally unstable
Doesn’t clean - dirty house, dirty car
Associates with any type of rainbow ideology
Astrology beliefs
Signs of BPD — idolization and demonization (Read)
Dark Triad
Narcissism - Ego
Always talks about herself and shows little interest in you
Excessive ego - always seeking to validate herself, can't
take a joke
Influencers or wannabe influencer
Get too much attention, have inflated ego, brain damage
Selfish, constantly talking about herself, can’t hold up her
side of a conversation, or general lack of curiosity about
Psychopathy - Ruthless
Rude to service workers, waiters, people in general
Disrespectful or dismissive behavior towards others
Physical or emotional abuse
Machiavellian - Manipulation
Using jealousy as a tool to manipulate you to do something
Withholds sex (after you've already hooked up) to use as a
bargaining tool
Lifestyle Habits and Health
Addicted to cigarettes, vaping, drugs, alcohol
Extremely poor diet and minimal physical exercise
Uses quick fixes without fixing underlying habits
Low financial responsibility - Spends/wastes money she
doesn’t have
Has no hobbies / interests in her life. The "work and
General lack of investment in health.
Eats lots of carbs from grains like bread, pastries, pasta,
Lives a sedentary lifestyle
Not invested in her personal growth.
Lack of effort in her personal growth and self-improvement
Honesty and Integrity
Lying, even small lies is a sign that she is capable of
Breaking promises
Dishonesty or lack of trustworthiness
Unwilling to be vulnerable and share her inner world with you
Tattoos - Strong association with tattoos (larger, more,
disturbing) and broken women
Changes hair color every month
Cutting scars
Wears a lot of make-up
Being incompatible in terms of communication and lifestyle
Inability to say “I’m sorry” or admit when she is at fault
Gives no effort to understand your point of view in arguments
Shouts at you
Loves to create drama — creates chaos
Constant gossip, negativity, or complaining
Ghosting/Flaking, poor communication. Lack of respect for me,
my time, or our relationship.
Inability to communicate effectively or resolve conflicts
Refusal to take responsibility for one's actions or apologize
when necessary
Unwillingness to compromise or meet halfway in disagreements
Masculine energy
Constantly shit tests you
“Boss Bitch” “Boss Babe”
If she is too logical, analytical, or argumentative/combative
or otherwise living in her masculine energy. There’s no space
for me to a man if she’s already filling that role in a
relationship, and there’s no way for me to get my
relationship desires & needs met if she’s not deeply
connected to her nurturing, feminine energy.
Past Relationships / Current Relationships
Does she talk about her exes in a balanced way or only
Paranoid of public affection
Knows a lot of people but has very few or no close, good
Changing usernames on Instagram and other apps frequently
Talking poorly or too much about exes
Still not over an ex-boyfriend
The need to constantly be in a relationship — bouncing from
guy to guy to guy from relationship to relationship to
relationship without ever taking serious time to heal and be
single (i.e. using people and relationships as a drug to
avoid feeling and dealing with pain).
She is too accommodating for your needs. She gives up all of
herself and what is important to her to make sure to please
you (people pleaser)
Lack of respect
Control Issues
Withholds sex (after you've already hooked up) - using it for
Always plays the victim - she will found some way after
dating you, where you will be the abuser and she will be the
Controlling or possessive behavior
As demonstrated by her actions, her word doesn’t mean
anything to her. She says things she doesn’t mean. She
doesn’t follow through on what she says. She agrees to plans
and flakes. Her behavior is inconsistent or erratic. Her
words and actions don’t line up.

Values and Goals

Victim mindset with no positive long term interests or
No passions, goals, or vision for her life — a leaf in the
Superficial, fake, status/image driven, emotionally immature
and shallow
Lack of compatibility in values or life goals
Jealousy Actions
Using jealousy to try to get you to do something (i cant come
because of work, "oh but my friend Tyrone could come then")
Always plays the victim
She will found some way after dating you, where you will be
the abuser and she will be the victim
Not That Into You
Doesn’t ask you any questions.
Isn’t clear on what she wants.
Sexually passive or selfish.
Only wants to do fancy dates, never wants to just hang out
with you in a casual setting
Lack of effort or investment in the relationship
She fears commitment. She’s hesitant to speak of a future
with me or give any labels despite treating me like a partner
Bad Credit
Financial irresponsibility or instability
Horrible Finances, in Debt, and Spendthrift
Bad views on money
We’ll all have some specific ones. I personally want nothing
to do with low IQ boring girls who act like NPC’s

NPC taste, preferences — Matrix minded — Synthetic world

Too serious, can’t take a joke
How to Deal with What You Find
It may be shocking what you uncover through these tests, red
flags, and especially the PimEyes image search.

Strategy 1: Confront and Remedy

With some girls who clearly respect and value you, finding
something bad in their past may not mean that you have to cut
off contact immediately. There are some circumstances that
you can be lenient.

I have a friend who used PimEyes once and found out his
girlfriend of 3 months had an account on Seeking. He
confronted her about it and she cried and apologized; she
said she hasn’t been active on it, used it like a regular
dating app, forgot to delete, and then deleted the account in
front of him. She showed him respect. They made up. And then
they dated without issue for another 3 years.

Strategy 2: Confront and Break Up

When breaking up, choose a public place or let someone you
trust know where you are. Be direct and firm, but also
compassionate. Avoid blaming or name-calling. After the
breakup, set clear boundaries and stop contacting her.

Strategy 3: Keep It as Hidden Knowledge

This is a great option if you genuinely believe she’s a
psychopath or may harm you or your reputation. Prioritize
your safety. Keep your intentions of leaving discreet until
you're in a safe position to break up. Play it strategically
and make the right moves.

Sometimes the best course of action is to slowly distance

yourself and let other guys swoop in.

Strategy 4: Use These Tools Proactively to Avoid

I was once seeing a girl in Thailand. The sex was amazing and
she was fun to hang out with. But I had her take the Dark
Triad Test and then I found out that she scored very high in
psychopathy and I didn't want to deal with the headaches that
come with that. So I made sure to gradually disconnect from
seeing her.

Knowing these tools has saved me from countless of headaches
and I hope they will do the same for you.

Before you get into a relationship with a girl, make sure you
vet her fully.

Here’s to you dating the best women.

See you in the next lesson, peace ✌️

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