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Ali fatwa hassani

Kelas: 6 TIDORE

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


I'm Ali, and I'm from 6 tidore. I want to tell you about my favorite thing, my ball.

I got this ball when I was 11 and I've played with it a lot since that day. It's not shiny and
new anymore, it has dirt marks and scratches. But each mark is special because it has

My dad bought this ball for me to practice some skills because I always use a plastic ball to
practice my skill, because a normal football is too heavy to practice my skills

This ball isn't just for playing with, it's taught me about, not giving up, and working hard.

In our neighborhood, this ball brings everyone together. We all play, laugh, and have fun.
Even though things change, the ball is always there.

Some people might just see an old ball, but to me, it's like a treasure chest of good times
and memories with my friends. It's got all these signs of fun times and cool things I've done.

This ball is not just something I play with. It holds all the great times I've had playing with

Thanks for listening to me talk about a ball that has a lot of memories in it.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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