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The best place to play hockey!

Do you want to play hockey? Well in my town which it’s called Indio Cua, there is a
hockey team. We have age divisions but you can start playing from the age of 5.
You need the equipment this is based on a hockey stick, a pair of sneakers and the
most important thing the protection. There are sticks of all sizes that you can use for
free but you must buy a mouth guard and shin guards because the hockey ball is hard
and can cause injury if you get hit.
Once I was playing a game and I got hit in the head with a ball, everyone was scared
and my mom almost fainted, but it didn't even hurt. That was so funny.
The training is in the week and the games with another teams on weekends.
I’ve joined the hockey team when I was 6 six years old, since there I’ve done a lot of
good friends and found a big passion for this amazing sport and I clearly recommended

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