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The Rite of Blessing of Advent Wreath and Lighting of Candles

(After the introductory rite of the Mass, the Advent wreath shall be blessed and the candle shall be lit.
The Sponsor family comes up the altar holding a candle and faces the wreath.)

My dear brothers and sisters, the season of Advent marks the four weeks of
preparation for the coming of Jesus, our Lord. We open our hearts to God’s love
as we prepare to welcome Christ into our lives and homes. The candle of this
wreath reminds us that Jesus Christ came to conquer the darkness of sin and to
lead us into the light of His glorious kingdom.

As we light the candle for this week, let us ask the Lord to cast out all our
darkness and to bring us into His wonderful light (Pause for personal prayer)

Lord Our God,
We praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ;
He is Emmanuel, the hope of the people,
He is the Wisdom that teaches and guides us,
He is the Savior of every nation.

Lord God,
Let your blessing come upon us
As we light the candles of this wreath.
May the wreath and its light
Be a sign of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation.
May He come quickly and not delay.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

All: Amen

(The family will light the candle for the corresponding week. The Holy Mass will resume as
Second Sunday of Advent
Prepare the Way of the Lord!

God of Power and Mercy, open our hearts in welcome. Remove the things that
hinder us from receiving Christ with joy.

Bless us Lord as we come before your presence. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so
that we may truly experience You. Open our hearts and our minds that we may
fully understand your message and let the fire of your love move us to live Your

Dear Lord, Your coming is so real and Your patience has no bounds. You give us all
the chances to turn to you. Forgive us for not always making the goal to be
faultless in Your presence our priority.

Show us the way O Lord, lead us to the road to holiness. Like John the Baptist,
bless us with humble hearts and correct conscience. Imprint in our minds only
that which is truly important – to love You with all our heart and soul, and to love
our neighbors – even our enemies.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

ALL: Amen
Third Sunday of Advent
Rejoice! Salvation is near.
Lord hear our voices raised in prayers. Let the light of the coming of Your Son free
us from the darkness of sin.

Bless us Lord as we come before your presence. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so
that we may truly experience You. Open our hearts and our minds that we may
fully understand your message and let the fire of your love move us to live Your

O Mighty King, make us clearly see who you are. Never allow us to downplay the
role You should perform in our lives. Take control and let Your light fill our hearts.

Come Lord and fill our hearts. We submit to Your Holy Being. Let Yur glow
increase in us each day. Let Your goodness be our guide. Let it show in all our
relationships and undertakings.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

All: Amen.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Come Emmanuel!

O King of all Nations, the only joy of every human heart. O keystone of the mighty
arch of man, come and save the creature you fashioned from the dust.

Bless us Lord as we come before Your presence. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so
that we may truly experience You. Open our hearts and our minds that we may
fully understand your message and let the fire of Your love move us to live Your

O dear Lord, how can Elizabeth’s heart not rejoice? How can the baby in her
womb not leap for joy when blessed with Your presence? Truly Mary is blessed
among all women for in her womb she carries the Savior of our lives. Please let
our beings be filled with Your presence that we too may experience true joy – the
kind that is always hopeful and that which knows true peace.

O come Emmanuel! There could be no greater blessing than to be with You. Our
souls yearn for Your presence. Let us be – the joy that comes from receiving You.
Let this joy in us draw others to You.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

ALL: Amen

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