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Name : ......................................................

Class/Number : ......................................................

I. Match the sentences below to the appropriate functions that provided on the right side by
drawing a line!
1. Can I turn off the Air Conditioner?

2. I cannot sing, but I can dance well.

3. Can you help me to make a cake?

4. Can we go out first?

5. Can you built a house?


1. I will make a cake tonight.


2. I will always make you happy.

3. We will help you to do this. To give command for

4. Will you come to my house?

5. They will be late.

Request/Asking for
6. I promise, I wont lete anymore help

7. Will you join us to spent your holliday to Bali ?

To invite someone
8. Will you pick me up at my home tomorrow?

9. Will you sweep this classroom?

10. Will you help me to repair my motorcycle?
II. Complete the sentences below with the correct word by choosing one of the answer provided!
1. I _______ like to invite you to a meeting tonight. (will/would/can)
2. Mery wants to swim, but she _______ do it because her leg is hurt. (can/can’t/couldn’t)
3. I _______ play guitar last year, but now I forgot how to play it. (can/could/would)
4. She _______ help you if you told her yesterday. (will/would/can)
5. My grandmother _______ be 72 next year. (can/will/could)
6. Susi _______ go to because she doesn’t have much money. (can/won’t/wouldn’t)
7. _______ you make a delicious salad? (can/couldn’t/would)
8. Sally ________ go to her grandmother’s house next Friday. (will/would/wouldn’t)

III. Answer the questions below with the brief explanation by yourself!
1. What activities you CAN do and you CAN’T do? Write your answer with complete sentences!
2. What WILL you do and WON’T do this weekend? Write your answer with complete sentences!

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