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67 Key Performance Indicators

(KPIs) for Ecommerce

What are key performance indicators for sales?

Examples of key performance indicators for sales include:

● Sales: Ecommerce retailers can monitor total sales by the

hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year.
● Average order size: Sometimes called average market basket,
the average order size tells you how much a customer
typically spends on a single order.
● Gross profit: Calculate this KPI by subtracting the total cost of
goods sold from total sales.
● Average margin: Average margin, or average profit margin, is
a percentage that represents your profit margin over a
period of time.
● Number of transactions: This is the total number of
transactions. Use this KPI in conjunction with average order
size or total number of site visitors for deeper insights.
● Conversion rate: The conversion rate, also a percentage, is the
rate at which users on your ecommerce site are converting
(or buying). This is calculated by dividing the total number of
visitors (to a site, page, category, or selection of pages) by the
total number of conversions.
● Shopping cart abandonment rate: The shopping cart
abandonment rate tells you how many users are adding
products to their shopping cart but not checking out. The
lower this number, the better. If your cart abandonment rate
is high, there may be too much friction in the checkout
● New customer orders vs. returning customer orders: This
metric shows a comparison between new and repeat
customers. Many business owners focus only on customer
acquisition, but customer retention can also drive loyalty,
word of mouth marketing, and higher order values.
● Cost of goods sold (COGS): COGS tells you how much you’re
spending to sell a product. This includes manufacturing,
employee wages, and overhead costs.
● Total available market relative to a retailer’s share of market:
Tracking this KPI will tell you how much your business is
growing compared to others within your industry.
● Product affinity: This KPI tells you which products are
purchased together. This can and should inform
cross-promotion strategies.
● Product relationship: This is which products are viewed
consecutively. Again, use this KPI to formulate effective
cross-selling tactics.
● Inventory levels: This KPI could tell you how much stock is on
hand, how long product is sitting, how quickly product is
selling, etc.
● Competitive pricing: It’s important to gauge your success
and growth against yourself and against your competitors.
Monitor your competitors’ pricing strategies and compare
them to your own.
● Customer lifetime value (CLV): The CLV tells you how much a
customer is worth to your business over the course of their
relationship with your brand. You want to increase this
number over time through strengthening relationships and
focusing on customer loyalty.
● Revenue per visitor (RPV): RPV gives you an average of how
much a person spends during a single visit to your site. If this
KPI is low, you can view website analytics to see how you can
drive more online sales.
● Churn rate: For an online retailer, the churn rate tells you how
quickly customers are leaving your brand or canceling/failing
to renew a subscription with your brand.
● Customer acquisition cost (CAC): CAC tells you how much
your company spends on acquiring a new customer. This is
measured by looking at your marketing spend and how it
breaks down per individual customer.

What are key performance indicators for


Examples of key performance indicators for marketing include:

● Site traffic: Site traffic refers to the total number of visits to

your ecommerce site. More site traffic means more users are
hitting your store.
● New visitors vs. returning visitors: New site visitors are
first-time visitors to your site. Returning visitors, on the other
hand, have been to your site before. While looking at this
metric alone won’t reveal much, it can help ecommerce
retailers gauge success of digital marketing campaigns. If
you’re running a retargeted ad, for example, returning visitors
should be higher.
● Time on site: This KPI tells you how much time visitors are
spending on your website. Generally, more time spent means
they’ve had deeper engagements with your brand. Usually,
you’ll want to see more time spent on blog content and
landing pages and less time spent through the checkout
● Bounce rate: The bounce rate tells you how many users exit
your site after viewing only one page. If this number is high,
you’ll want to investigate why visitors are leaving your site
instead of exploring.
● Pageviews per visit: Pageviews per visit refers to the average
number of pages a user will view on your site during each
visit. Again, more pages usually means more engagement.
However, if it’s taking users too many clicks to find the
products they’re looking for, you want to revisit your site
● Average session duration: The average amount of time a
person spends on your site during a single visit is called the
average session duration.
● Traffic source: The traffic source KPI tells you where visitors
are coming from or how they found your site. This will
provide information about which channels are driving the
most traffic, such as: organic search, paid ads, or social
● Mobile site traffic: Monitor the total number of users who use
mobile devices to access your store and make sure your site
is optimized for mobile.
● Day part monitoring: Looking at when site visitors come can
tell you which are peak traffic times.
● Newsletter subscribers: The number of newsletter
subscribers refers to how many users have opted into your
email marketing list. If you have more subscribers, you can
reach more consumers. However, you’ll also want to look at
related data, such as the demographics of your newsletter
subscribers, to make sure you’re reaching your target
● Texting subscribers: Newer to digital marketing than email,
ecommerce brands can reach consumers through
SMS-based marketing. Texting subscribers refers to the
number of customers on your text message contact list.
● Subscriber growth rate: This tells you how quickly your
subscriber list is growing. Pairing this KPI with the total
number of subscribers will give you good insight into this
● Email open rate: This KPI tells you the percentage of
subscribers that open your email. If you have a low email
open rate, you could test new subject lines, or try cleaning
your list for inactive or irrelevant subscribers.
● Email click-through rate (CTR): While the open rate tells you
the percentage of subscribers who open the email, the
click-through rate tells you the percentage of those who
actually clicked on a link after opening. This is arguably more
important than the open rate because without clicks, you
won’t drive any traffic to your site.
● Unsubscribes: You can look at both the total number and the
rate of unsubscriptions for your email list.
● Chat sessions initiated: If you have live chat functionality on
your ecommerce store, the number of chat sessions initiated
tells you how many users engaged with the tool to speak to a
virtual aide.
● Social followers and fans: Whether you’re on Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or Snapchat (or a combination
of a few), the number of followers or fans you have is a useful
KPI to gauge customer loyalty and brand awareness. Many of
those social media networks also have tools that ecommerce
businesses can use to learn more about their social followers.
● Social media engagement: Social media engagement tells
you how actively your followers and fans are interacting with
your brand on social media.
● Clicks: The total number of clicks a link gets. You could
measure this KPI almost anywhere: on your website, social
media, email, display ads, PPC, etc.
● Average CTR: The average click-through rate tells you the
percentage of users on a page (or asset) who click on a link.
● Average position: The average position KPI tells you about
your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search
performance. This demonstrates where you are on search
engine results pages. Most online retailers have the goal of
being number one for their targeted keywords.
● Pay-per-click (PPC) traffic volume: If you’re running PPC
campaigns, this tells you how much traffic you’re successfully
driving to your site.
● Blog traffic: You can find this KPI by simply creating a filtered
view in your analytics tool. It’s also helpful to compare blog
traffic to overall site traffic.
● Number and quality of product reviews: Product reviews are
great for a number of reasons: They provide social proof, they
can help with SEO, and they give you valuable feedback for
your business. The quantity and content of product reviews
are important KPIs to track for your ecommerce business.
● Banner or display advertising CTRs: The CTRs for your banner
and display ads will tell you the percentage of viewers who
have clicked on the ad. This KPI will give you insight into your
copy, imagery, and offer performance.
● Affiliate performance rates: If you engage in affiliate
marketing, this KPI will help you understand which channels
are most successful.

What are key performance indicators for

customer service?

Key performance indicators for customer service include:

● Customer satisfaction (CSAT) score: The CSAT KPI is typically

measured by customer responses to a very common survey
question: “How satisfied were you with your experience?”
This is usually answered with a numbered scale.
● Net promoter score (NPS): Your NPS KPI provides insight into
your customer relationships and loyalty by telling you how
likely customers are to recommend your brand to someone
in their network.
● Hit rate: Calculate your hit rate by taking the total number of
sales of a single product and dividing it by the number of
customers who have contacted your customer service team
about said product.
● Customer service email count: This is the number of emails
your customer support team receives.
● Customer service phone call count: Rather than email, this is
how frequently your customer support team is reached via
● Customer service chat count: If you have live chat on your
ecommerce site, you may have a customer service chat
● First response time: First response time is the average
amount of time it takes a customer to receive the first
response to their query. Aim low!
● Average resolution time: This is the amount of time it takes
for a customer support issue to be resolved, starting from the
point at which the customer reached out about the problem.
● Active issues: The total number of active issues tells you how
many queries are currently in progress.
● Backlogs: Backlogs are when issues are getting backed up in
your system. This could be caused by a number of factors.
● Concern classification: Beyond the total number of customer
support interactions, look at quantitative data around trends
to see if you can be proactive and reduce customer support
queries. You’ll classify the customer concerns which will help
identify trends and your progress in solving issues.
● Service escalation rate: The service escalation rate KPI tells
you how many times a customer has asked a customer
service representative to redirect them to a supervisor or
other senior employee. You want to keep this number low.

What are key performance indicators for


Key performance indicators for manufacturing in ecommerce


● Cycle time: The cycle time manufacturing KPI tells you how
long it takes to manufacture a single product from start to
finish. Monitoring this KPI will give you insight into
production efficiency.
● Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE): The OEE KPI provides
ecommerce businesses with insight into how well
manufacturing equipment is performing.
● Overall labor effectiveness (OLE): Just as you’ll want insight
into your equipment, the OLE KPI will tell you how
productive the staff operating the machines are.
● Yield: Yield is a straightforward manufacturing KPI. It is the
number of products you have manufactured. Consider
analyzing the yield variance KPI in manufacturing, too, as
that will tell you how much you deviate from your average.
● First time yield (FTY) and first time through (FTT): FTY, also
referred to as first pass yield, is a quality-based KPI. It tells you
how wasteful your production processes are. To calculate FTY,
divide the number of successfully manufactured units by the
total number of units that started the process.
● Number of non-compliance events or incidents: In
manufacturing, there are several sets of regulations, licenses,
and policies businesses must comply with. These are typically
related to safety, working conditions, and quality. You’ll want
to reduce this number to ensure you’re operating within the
mandated guidelines.

What are key performance indicators for project


Key performance indicators for project management include:

● Hours worked: The total hours worked tells you how much
time a team put into a project. Project managers should also
assess the variance in estimated vs. actual hours worked to
better predict and resource future projects.
● Budget: The budget indicates how much money you have
allocated for the specific project. Project managers and
ecommerce business owners will want to make sure that the
budget is realistic; if you’re repeatedly over budget, some
adjustments to your project planning need to be made.
● Return on investment (ROI): The ROI KPI for project
management tells you how much your efforts earned your
business. The higher this number, the better. The ROI
accounts for all of your expenses and earnings related to a
● Cost variance: Just as it’s helpful to compare real vs. predicted
timing and hours, you should examine the total cost against
the predicted cost. This will help you understand where you
need to reel it in and where you may want to invest more.
● Cost performance index (CPI): The CPI for project
management, like ROI, tells you how much your resource
investment is worth. The CPI is calculated by dividing the
earned value by the actual costs. If you come in under one,
there’s room for improvement.

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