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Priority Materials

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For December 2023

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER


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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

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• Bước 2: Click vào chữ All như hình dưới

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

Tools ID Question

2069 You are advised to submit all the dissertations.

1968 Kindness is very important nowadays.
1966 The student union hosts a variety of social events.
1965 Mixture is defined as the compound of chemically separate parts.
1961 Optional tutorials are offered in the final week of a term.
1922 It is a debate about the value of knowledge.
1906 We encourage students to complete applications before the deadline.
1903 Visual aid is really helpful for revising.
1865 We no longer respond to any postal reference requests.
1859 It is compulsory to attend the laboratory instruction.
1848 The integration of archeologists' studies with community projects is widely encouraged.
1645 Experience would be an advantage for this managerial role.
1431 Anatomy is the study of internal and external body structures.
1385 Members should make concentrated contributions to associated operating funds.
1316 Many university lectures can now be viewed on the Internet.
1313 When the roots of a plant failed, foliage suffers.
1310 A new collection of articles has been published.
1308 Calculators allow us to add numbers without making mistakes.
1305 An effective business manager is always open to new ideas.
1304 Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language.
1301 Exotic activities can help students develop more talents.
1293 The audition for the university choir will be on hold on the next week.
1292 The government department was doing some crucial work on climate change.
1291 The farmers need to adapt to the changes in the climate.
1290 The department works closely with its partners in the business community.
1287 A visit to a design museum is greatly valued.
1281 Students should leave their bags on the table by the door.

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

1279 Sugar is a compound including carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

1277 Salt is produced from the seawater or extracted from the ground.
1273 Your ideas are discussed depending on your seminar or tutorial.
1261 Honey can be used as food and health product.
1256 Psychologists say what we have experienced influences our behaviors.
1251 The course involves pure and applied mathematics.
1246 You can access the lecture notes and an extensive bibliography online.
1240 Designers need to keep up with the social trend.
1234 The rising of the sea level indicates climate change.
1224 We should never underestimate the power of creative design.
1221 The marine environment has been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable development.
1210 The year when the ship of artifacts was wrecked interests historians.
1209 Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.
1185 The stock market redesigned the market throughout the world.
1179 Students must observe lab safety regulations at all times.
1178 Sugar is a compound which consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
1172 You must hand in your essays by midday on Friday.
1149 A series of observations were carried out in the classroom.
1148 The garden behind the university is open to the public in summer.
1130 Tutors should set a clear goal at the start of the class.
1117 The department has a higher-than-normal proportion of postgraduate students.
1115 Students who study overseas can significantly improve their work chances.
1112 Strangely, people are impacted by spontaneously using statistics.
1110 Research shows that exercising makes us feel better.
1081 Understanding how to use the library will save your time.
1063 There are many branches of medical studies.
1062 Theory and training are required to become a medical specialist.
1055 The timetable for the new term will be available next week.
1022 The essay will be published once the research is finished.
1014 The curriculum needed to be adjusted for development.
998 Students are encouraged to monitor their own attendance.

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

994 Some people argue that education is not that important.

985 Remember, the prestigious section has strict eligibility criteria.
968 Nurses specialize in clinical work and management.
961 Most of the theories were similar, but a few critics disagreed.
952 Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at universities.
934 I will come back to this in a moment.
931 Put the knife and fork next to the spoon near the edge of the table.
929 The study of anthropology can help us to learn society today.
892 A number of students have volunteer jobs.
886 Graduates from this course generally find jobs in insurance industry.
883 Accountancy students need to submit their dissertations this week.
877 The new lecture theater accommodates a large number of students.
875 A good academic essay should have a clear argument.
872 It is essential for companies to reduce the amount of harmful gas released into the atmosphere.
866 His analysis appeared to be based on the fourth premise.
865 I cannot hand out my dissertation this week.
863 The introduction of railways greatly contributed to the revolution of the train industry.
862 One student representative will be selected from each class.
856 Please note that the seminar has been cancelled now.
855 We are committed to recruiting candidates in consideration of their backgrounds and identities.
850 The students should visit the lecture hall behind the building.
848 The field of journalism has been seen in decline in the decades.
842 All students and staff have access to the printers and scanners.
831 Many experts think that the world climate is changing.
830 Plants are living things that can grow on land or in water.
824 The north campus car park could be closed on Sunday.
823 The bus to London will leave ten minutes later than expected.
820 We were able to contact a number of research subjects.
818 Listening is the key to succeeding in this course.
813 The rising temperature is changing the wildlife population.
812 The most popular courses still have a few places left.

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Priority Materials 2023 – By PTE HELPER

810 The author's early works are less philosophical and more experimental.
807 Students are advised to use multiple methods for this project.
806 Some economists argue that the entire financial system is fatally flawed.
804 Please note that submission deadlines are only negotiable in exceptional circumstances.
803 Peer group pressure has a great effect on young people.
799 If you need additional help, please visit the university resources center.
798 Economic streams of the early Roman Republic will be examined.
797 Daily practice can build confidence and improve skills.
794 And in that regard, as well as in other regards, it stands as an important contribution.
793 All the educational reforms have been inadequately implemented.
791 All dissertations must be accompanied with a submission form.
790 Please confirm that you have received the textbook.
783 During that time people had large families as insurance against children loss.
777 A person's educational level is closely related to his economic background.
776 Student representatives will be visiting classes with voting forms.
774 He wrote poetry and plays as well as scientific papers.
769 The university will see colossal renovation to the faint, empty theater.
756 Different factors affect the freezing time of water.
749 She began by giving an outline of the previous lecture.
742 Joining a society can help to meet new people.
741 Interim grades will be posted on the board outside the student lounge.
740 An architect requires problem-solving skills and an eye of design.
739 Some students find true-or-false questions harder than short-answer questions.
738 Students requiring an extension should apply sooner rather than later.
737 The article considered the leisure habits of teenagers in rural areas or places.
736 The other book is not thorough but it's more insightful.
731 Many businesses near the campus offer students discounts
728 The designers will complete the plan later today.
725 All students are expected to attend ten lab sessions per semester.
719 The speaker began the outlines before the presentation.
716 Most scientists believe that climate change threatens lives on the earth.

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710 Students must attend the safety course before entering the engineering workshop.
709 Classical mechanics is sometimes considered as a branch of mathematics.
707 There is an accounting assignment for finance students.
706 This course puts great emphasis on critical thinking skills.
703 The island is located at the south end of the bay.
702 The digital camera has some advantages over traditional film.
701 Americans have progressively defined the process of plant growth and reproductive development in
quantitative terms.
699 The campus tour will help you to get familiar with the teaching facilities.
675 Newspapers are supported primarily by the sale of advertising space.
663 The introduction is an important component of a good presentation.
661 The assessment of this course will begin next week.
658 Studies show there is a positive correlation between the two variables.
656 The ability to work with fellow students cannot be stressed enough.
653 The marketing budget is doubled since the beginning of the year.
649 Some people believe that education should be free for all.
644 The course will help students to improve their pronunciation skills.
639 In this course, we focus both on fluency and accuracy.
638 There are many types of governments in this world.
635 Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century.
634 Students should have awareness of how the business develops globally.
632 The subject was complex and hard to explain.
630 There is some doubt as to whether these events actually occurred.
629 Certain scientific principles need to be learned verbally or by logical deduction.
626 The key difference between courses is the kind of assessment.
623 The exam system has been upgraded due to professional exams.
621 The dance department stages elaborated performance each semester.
615 Many birds migrated to the warmer area for winter.
614 We have sufficient ways to study brain action.
611 You can have your laptop during the exam.
604 If you want to receive the reimbursement, you must submit the original receipts.

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601 The earth's atmosphere is mostly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

597 University fees are expected to increase next year.
596 Manufacturing now brings more people in than agriculture and fishing combined.
594 The faculty staff are very approachable, helpful and extremely friendly.
581 The posters are on display at the larger lecture theatre.
580 The university theatre group will be performing in the concert hall.
579 All industries consist of systems of inputs, processes, outputs and feedback.
577 Relying on natural ability will not get you far in science.
576 There is no fixed career path for a qualified journalist.
560 Practical experience is a vital part of legal training.
550 The change of policy will have a great effect on society.
541 You will be tested by continuous assessments and examinations.
534 The study center in the library has all the latest technology.
527 Traffic is the main cause of air pollution in many cities.
512 Technology has changed the media we both used and studied.
511 You need to hand in the essay next semester.
509 It's important to make clear notes while you were reading.
504 A world expert on financial management will give the guest lecture.
455 Your ideas are sophisticated in seminars and tutorials.
447 You must set a security question when resetting your password.
445 You must be able to work in a team.
442 You do not need to have specialist knowledge to enjoy this book.
437 We’ll no longer respond to any reference material requests.
423 Time and distance are used to calculate speed.
417 They developed a unique approach to training their employees.
411 There is a welcome party for all new students each term.
407 There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.
406 There is a new chemistry test next week.
387 The university has invested in new technology designed for learning.
363 The reception staff provide advice on private accommodation.
358 The professor took a year off to work on her book.

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355 The poster of this play is hung in the large lecture theater.
353 The plight of wildlife has been ignored by many developers.
350 The opening hours of the library are reduced during summer.
346 The new media has transformed the traditional, national boundaries.
343 The museum is closed on Thursday mornings every month.
338 The lecture tomorrow will discuss educational policies in the United States.
337 The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.
334 The history of this university is a long and interesting one.
332 The history department is very active in research.
330 The first assignment is due on the 14th of September.
328 The extent of advertising on children is very much open to debate.
319 The cooperator operates a continuous assessment.
317 The commissioner will apportion the funds among the authorities.
316 The commission of funds supported by authorities has raised an argument.
306 The area has a number of underwater habitats and species.
305 The archaeologist's new discoveries stand out in previously overlooked foundations.
296 Students who attempted to go to the conference must register now.
290 The student shop has a range of stationery.
285 Speed is defined as how fast a person or an object moves.
272 Rising sea temperature is a sign of climate change.
270 Request for late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.
269 Renovation works have been undertaken throughout the building.
268 Important details from the argument are missing from the summary.
267 The vocabulary with particular meaning is jargon.
264 Read the safety instructions before using any equipment in the workshop.
262 Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.
260 Protective clothing must always be worn all the time.
243 Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer.
233 New materials and techniques are changing the style of modern architecture.
229 Neuroscience is a compound of completely separate parts.
221 More graduate training is needed after the university study is finished.

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219 Momentum is defined as a combination of mass and velocity.

216 Medical researchers have focused on different causes of diseases and treatments.
214 Measures must be taken to prevent unemployment rate from increasing.
210 Many diseases on the list have been eradicated.
198 Journalism faces the crisis in the light of the digital revolution.
197 It might not be possible to solve the problem easily.
193 Every student has both the right and the ability to succeed.
191 International exchanges form the important part of our study program.
186 Imported packages are likely to be used in many computers.
183 If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.
180 His appointment with the Minister of Culture is seen as a demotion.
177 He was regarded as the foremost economist of his time.
176 He has landed a job in a prestigious law firm.
174 Graphs are often useful for geographical research.
171 Good nutrition is crucial to general health and vitality.
163 Food that contains antibiotics provides little or no nutritional value.
162 Food has become a political issue in the world.
145 Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.
138 The castle was designed to intimidate both local people and enemies.
133 Blue whales are the largest mammals that have ever lived on earth.
131 Being bilingual is not necessarily having the ability of understanding two languages.
129 Before submitting your dissertation, you must have your application approved by your advisor.
126 Astronauts are using light-years to measure distance in space.
121 Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.
110 Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.
108 A very basic definition of computing is counting and calculating.
105 A series of lectures which was shown to us in economics has been recorded.
104 A party was thrown in the small meeting room.
103 A laptop computer has been found in the biology lab.
98 The digital revolution has changed the way we read.
94 Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space.

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92 The economic predictions turned out to be incorrect.

91 We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
89 A celebrated theory is still a source of great controversy.
83 Trees benefit cities by soaking up rainwater that runs off roads.
82 The famed instrumental work exhibited a more demure compositional style.
81 The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus.
77 The nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade.
75 The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor.
72 Tribes vied with each other to build monolithic statues.
69 Please return library books to their correct positions on the shelves.
68 Clinical placements in nursing prepare students for professional practice.
67 Native speakers are exempt from language tests in their own language.
55 The artists’ ties to conservative politicians earned their wrath of critics.
53 This morning's lecture on economic policy has been canceled.
52 The city's founders created a set of rules that became law.
51 The synopsis contains the most important information
50 The collapse of the housing market caused the recession.
48 Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill
47 Climate change is now an accepted phenomenon among reputable scientists.
44 Scientists are always asking the government for more money.
41 The application process may take longer than expected.
37 The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.
31 The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.
30 The library holds a substantial collection of materials on economic history.
25 Our professor is hosting the business development conference.
22 You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.
20 An aerial photograph was promptly registered for thorough evaluation.
5 This slide shows that there has been minimal growth.

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